{"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Jargon, Victoria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martin, Marche\nDate of procedure: 2009-11-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia.,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm .,She has a small hiatus hernia .,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding.,Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ.,The varices flattened well with air insufflation.,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Jargon, Victoria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martin, Marche\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-11-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm \n,She has a small hiatus hernia \n,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding\n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ\n,The varices flattened well with air insufflation\n,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: Powell, Destiny\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Safi, Lutfiyya\nDate of procedure: 2008-06-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No immediate complications.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" Powell, Destiny\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Safi, Lutfiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-06-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No immediate complications\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: Martinez-Santos, Ana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rogers, Monica\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated .,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis.,DUODENUM: Normal to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" Martinez-Santos, Ana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rogers, Monica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated \n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis\n,DUODENUM: Normal to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Lopez, Maria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Heilman, Lisa\nDate of procedure: 2002-03-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Lopez, Maria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Heilman, Lisa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-03-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: al-Rahimi, Rif'a\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Krumland, Lisa\nDate of procedure: 2011-12-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Coffee ground vomit.,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" al-Rahimi, Rif'a\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Krumland, Lisa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-12-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Coffee ground vomit\n,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Forrest, Dazheea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Millman, Arianna\nDate of procedure: 2014-09-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Pylorus.,No cervical inlet patch.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Forrest, Dazheea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Millman, Arianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-09-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Pylorus\n,No cervical inlet patch\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Naperola, Breanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vigil, Lidia\nDate of procedure: 2002-05-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.,Atrophic stomach.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis in the bulb.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,APC 40W applied with good effect.,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Naperola, Breanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vigil, Lidia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-05-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n,Atrophic stomach\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis in the bulb\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,APC 40W applied with good effect\n,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Zuni, Shannon\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Merced, Essence\nDate of procedure: 2009-09-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 35cm, biopsies taken from lower oesophagus and GOJ.,No blood or sign of recent bleeding.,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia.,Normal appearances post THO.,Large gastric food residue, not safe to proceed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Zuni, Shannon\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Merced, Essence\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-09-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 35cm, biopsies taken from lower oesophagus and GOJ\n,No blood or sign of recent bleeding\n,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia\n,Normal appearances post THO\n,Large gastric food residue, not safe to proceed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: Gomez Barron, Erin\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ursery, Dezire\nDate of procedure: 2003-10-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 .,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" Gomez Barron, Erin\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ursery, Dezire\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-10-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 \n,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: Hamm, Shebra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bauman, Caitlin\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- Normal.,No stricture seen.,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,No bleeding seen.,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,D2 biopsies not taken.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" Hamm, Shebra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bauman, Caitlin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- Normal\n,No stricture seen\n,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,No bleeding seen\n,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,D2 biopsies not taken\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: el-Mohamed, Sabaaha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lopez, Brittany\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'.,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal.,The antrum looks spared.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" el-Mohamed, Sabaaha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lopez, Brittany\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'\n,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal\n,The antrum looks spared\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: al-Rehman, Aaisha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lewis, Iris\nDate of procedure: 2001-10-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation .,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,CLO taken - NEGATIVE.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" al-Rehman, Aaisha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lewis, Iris\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-10-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation \n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,CLO taken - NEGATIVE\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: al-Omer, Sabeeha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pullen, Jennifer\nDate of procedure: 2002-02-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No active source of bleeding was found.,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" al-Omer, Sabeeha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pullen, Jennifer\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-02-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No active source of bleeding was found\n,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: Suazo, Antionette\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Awan, Suhaila\nDate of procedure: 2002-04-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,No hiatus hernia; fundoplication intact; CLO test done.,Normal duodenum.,OESOPHAGUS: traces of scarring post bleach ingestion with no inflammation, no strictures and no ulcerations, oesophagus essentially looks normal; GOJ at 40 cm.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding .,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,OESOPHAGUS: four small islands of Barrett's < 1 sq cm .,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.,Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" Suazo, Antionette\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Awan, Suhaila\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-04-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,No hiatus hernia; fundoplication intact; CLO test done\n,Normal duodenum\n,OESOPHAGUS: traces of scarring post bleach ingestion with no inflammation, no strictures and no ulcerations, oesophagus essentially looks normal; GOJ at 40 cm\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding \n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,OESOPHAGUS: four small islands of Barrett's < 1 sq cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n,Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: Apodaca, Kelly\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Prieto, Lahana\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: pylori, confirming eradication after previous treatment from GP .,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" Apodaca, Kelly\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Prieto, Lahana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" pylori, confirming eradication after previous treatment from GP \n,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: Hadera, Aja\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dang, Wenli\nDate of procedure: 2015-03-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,Flumazenil given.,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular.,Normal duodenum.,There was loss of pit pattern on surface,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views.,Examined under white light and NBI.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" Hadera, Aja\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dang, Wenli\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-03-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Flumazenil given\n,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular\n,Normal duodenum\n,There was loss of pit pattern on surface,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views\n,Examined under white light and NBI\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: Quenzer, Valerie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Hammad, Mumina\nDate of procedure: 2001-01-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed.,Dudoenum- D2 Normal.,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'.,Gastric biopsies taken.,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved.,Not examined.,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia.,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" Quenzer, Valerie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Hammad, Mumina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-01-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed\n,Dudoenum- D2 Normal\n,He is on Barrett's Screeling List in October 2017 at St Thomas'\n,Gastric biopsies taken\n,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved\n,Not examined\n,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia\n,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: Kelsay, Madalyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bean, Caitlynn\nDate of procedure: 2006-10-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch: 44cm.,Duodenum - normal.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI.,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" Kelsay, Madalyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bean, Caitlynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-10-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch: 44cm\n,Duodenum - normal\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI\n,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: Sa, Xia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Patchett, Taiyler\nDate of procedure: 2004-10-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He has H Pylori eradication following last examination.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,It looks like things have improved but not normalised.,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" Sa, Xia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Patchett, Taiyler\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-10-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He has H Pylori eradication following last examination\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,It looks like things have improved but not normalised\n,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: el-Waheed, Kaatima\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stiens, Tracy\nDate of procedure: 2011-12-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm.,No erosions but oedematous folds.,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts.,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" el-Waheed, Kaatima\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stiens, Tracy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-12-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm\n,No erosions but oedematous folds\n,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts\n,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Pacheco, Anai\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Euell, Jephonique\nDate of procedure: 2016-01-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.,STOMACH: normal- CLO test - negative.,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia.,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Pacheco, Anai\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Euell, Jephonique\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-01-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n,STOMACH: normal- CLO test - negative\n,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia\n,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Bennett, Ashleigh\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Escalera Bustos, Michelle\nDate of procedure: 2014-04-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus.,Flumazenil given.,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,No inlet patch.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,Sha has a 2cm .,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only.,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Bennett, Ashleigh\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Escalera Bustos, Michelle\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-04-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus\n,Flumazenil given\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,No inlet patch\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,Sha has a 2cm \n,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only\n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Young, Paulina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Soliman, Firdaus\nDate of procedure: 2004-09-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.,STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative.,STOMACH: numerous fundic glands looking polyps at body and fundus with size ranging from 2 mm to 10 mm.,Otherwise entirely normal study.,Scope easily passed through.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Young, Paulina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Soliman, Firdaus\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-09-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n,STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative\n,STOMACH: numerous fundic glands looking polyps at body and fundus with size ranging from 2 mm to 10 mm\n,Otherwise entirely normal study\n,Scope easily passed through\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: al-Mahdavi, Ghazaala\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tomaselli, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2011-10-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Top of gastrisc folds:43cm.,No inlet patch.,Biopsies taken from distal, mid and proximal third.,STOMACH: Normal.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.,STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative.,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" al-Mahdavi, Ghazaala\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tomaselli, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-10-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Top of gastrisc folds:43cm\n,No inlet patch\n,Biopsies taken from distal, mid and proximal third\n,STOMACH: Normal\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n,STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative\n,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Williams, K'Rene\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Street, Alanna\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1.,No blood or sign of recent bleeding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Williams, K'Rene\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Street, Alanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1\n,No blood or sign of recent bleeding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Pacheco, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bemnet, Alliyah\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions.,Biopsies from D2 and stomach.,Biopsies from D2 and stomach.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,Hiatus hernia .,The antrum looks spared.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO - negative.,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Pacheco, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bemnet, Alliyah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions\n,Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n,Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,Hiatus hernia \n,The antrum looks spared\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO - negative\n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Gilliland, Caitlin\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Velez, Angelica\nDate of procedure: 2013-12-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia.,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc.,Gastritis and duodenitis.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Gilliland, Caitlin\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Velez, Angelica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-12-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia\n,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Khliu, Yavneeka\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gates, Kayla-Anne\nDate of procedure: 2002-10-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: C0M1 Barretts- biopsied.,No active bleeding or altered blood.,DUODENUM: Not entered.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia .,No blood or ongoing bleeding seen in the UGI tract.,G: No fundal varices seen.,D: Normal to D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Khliu, Yavneeka\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gates, Kayla-Anne\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-10-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" C0M1 Barretts- biopsied\n,No active bleeding or altered blood\n,DUODENUM: Not entered\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia \n,No blood or ongoing bleeding seen in the UGI tract\n,G: No fundal varices seen\n,D: Normal to D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: el-Sarah, Najlaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Basher, Haala\nDate of procedure: 2016-04-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Hiatus hernia, sliding, 3 cm.,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Very difficult to get biopsies.,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" el-Sarah, Najlaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Basher, Haala\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-04-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Hiatus hernia, sliding, 3 cm\n,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Very difficult to get biopsies\n,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: Douglas, Mitchelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Moustafa, Shaakira\nDate of procedure: 2013-10-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No ulcers, no recent bleeding.,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm.,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,No hiatus hernia identified.,Inlet patch - Yes or No:No.,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" Douglas, Mitchelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Moustafa, Shaakira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-10-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No ulcers, no recent bleeding\n,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm\n,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,No hiatus hernia identified\n,Inlet patch - Yes or No:No\n,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Melton, Chandler\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tufts, Makisha\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: NJ placed uder direct vision.,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm.,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Melton, Chandler\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tufts, Makisha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" NJ placed uder direct vision\n,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm\n,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: el-Shams, Muntaha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cumpton, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2012-08-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1.,Representative biopsies taken.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" el-Shams, Muntaha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cumpton, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-08-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1\n,Representative biopsies taken\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Lindsay, Alexandria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Elfeld, Allison\nDate of procedure: 2004-04-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions.,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm.,Coffee ground vomit.,GOJ at 37cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Lindsay, Alexandria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Elfeld, Allison\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-04-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions\n,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm\n,Coffee ground vomit\n,GOJ at 37cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Vialpando, Charlayna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Pasha, Sameeha\nDate of procedure: 2002-09-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm .,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise.,STOMACH: PEG in situ, not embeded.,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns.,No stigmata of recent bleeding.,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm .,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Vialpando, Charlayna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Pasha, Sameeha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-09-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise\n,STOMACH: PEG in situ, not embeded\n,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns\n,No stigmata of recent bleeding\n,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: al-Salloum, Sahla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Magers, Morgan\nDate of procedure: 2008-12-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis.,No varices.,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biopsies taken.,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term.,No stigmata of bleeding.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" al-Salloum, Sahla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Magers, Morgan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-12-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis\n,No varices\n,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biopsies taken\n,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term\n,No stigmata of bleeding\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Tsuchiya, Young Saeng\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Leblanc, Bianca\nDate of procedure: 2010-10-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm.,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied.,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus.,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Tsuchiya, Young Saeng\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Leblanc, Bianca\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-10-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm\n,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied\n,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus\n,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: Blackhorse, Alvina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, Connie\nDate of procedure: 2007-11-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B .,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A .,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC.,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.,Rest of upper GI tract normal.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" Blackhorse, Alvina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, Connie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-11-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B \n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A \n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC\n,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n,Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Asad, Trang\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Charley, Deanna\nDate of procedure: 2008-07-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed.,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,No lifting with St.Mark's solution,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Gastritis- Nodular.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Asad, Trang\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Charley, Deanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-07-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed\n,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,No lifting with St\nMark's solution,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Gastritis- Nodular\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Budney, Angela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nelson-Griffith, Sara\nDate of procedure: 2009-11-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope passed through easily.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Budney, Angela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nelson-Griffith, Sara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-11-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope passed through easily\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: al-Abdul, Lubna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Muhammed, Zahra\nDate of procedure: 2013-02-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small hiatus hernia only.,pylori, confirming eradication after previous treatment from GP .,OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs.,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" al-Abdul, Lubna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Muhammed, Zahra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-02-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small hiatus hernia only\n,pylori, confirming eradication after previous treatment from GP \n,OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs\n,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: Simmons, Enjoli\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tampubolon, Mary\nDate of procedure: 2010-03-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach - Normal.,Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied.,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth.,Normal otherwise.,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions.,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Erosive antral gastritis.,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" Simmons, Enjoli\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tampubolon, Mary\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-03-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach - Normal\n,Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied\n,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth\n,Normal otherwise\n,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions\n,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Erosive antral gastritis\n,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Bean, Rashiah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Neff, Tina\nDate of procedure: 2003-06-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,Epigastric burning pain improved on omeprazole.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Bean, Rashiah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Neff, Tina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-06-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,Epigastric burning pain improved on omeprazole\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Muhammad, Camara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Salat, Whitney\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 41cm.,Lifted and ESD performed.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,Otherwise oesophagus normal.,Normal muosa.,No gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Muhammad, Camara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Salat, Whitney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 41cm\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,Otherwise oesophagus normal\n,Normal muosa\n,No gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: Rios Ochoa, Alyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hood, Alexis\nDate of procedure: 2012-08-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia.,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb.,It appeared to arise from the floor of D2 but I could not positively identify the major ampulla, so it could be related to that.,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .,It is 1cm in length.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" Rios Ochoa, Alyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hood, Alexis\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-08-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia\n,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb\n,It appeared to arise from the floor of D2 but I could not positively identify the major ampulla, so it could be related to that\n,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n,It is 1cm in length\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: al-Azer, Nawaar\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gysin, Peighton\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No stigmata of bleeding.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" al-Azer, Nawaar\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gysin, Peighton\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No stigmata of bleeding\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: el-Majid, Naseera\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sherlock, Calandra\nDate of procedure: 2010-05-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- Normal.,STOMACH: as above.,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.,Self limited.,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" el-Majid, Naseera\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sherlock, Calandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-05-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- Normal\n,STOMACH: as above\n,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n,Self limited\n,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: Rawson, Taylor\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Amartey, Navya\nDate of procedure: 2002-08-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia.,Small polyp on incisura,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm plus 2 biopsies at 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Treated- APC.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" Rawson, Taylor\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Amartey, Navya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-08-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia\n,Small polyp on incisura,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm plus 2 biopsies at 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Treated- APC\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Rodriguez, Leticia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Morales, Nayely\nDate of procedure: 2008-05-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch.,No fundal varices seen.,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass.,STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy.,Dudoenum- D2 Normal.,No cause for anaemia was found.,No GI cause of dysphagia.,Erosive antral gastritis.,Endoscopic treatment not indicated.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Rodriguez, Leticia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Morales, Nayely\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-05-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch\n,No fundal varices seen\n,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass\n,STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy\n,Dudoenum- D2 Normal\n,No cause for anaemia was found\n,No GI cause of dysphagia\n,Erosive antral gastritis\n,Endoscopic treatment not indicated\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: el-Miah, Husniyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Reza, Haseena\nDate of procedure: 2012-08-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS:Normal.,Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M.,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance.,Normal stomach and duodenum.,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect.,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" el-Miah, Husniyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Reza, Haseena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-08-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS:Normal\n,Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M\n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance\n,Normal stomach and duodenum\n,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect\n,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: al-Farid, Haajara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Das, Alison\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" al-Farid, Haajara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Das, Alison\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: Davis, Jaleesa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Roybal, Brianda\nDate of procedure: 2009-09-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested.,STOMACH: Food residue.,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative.,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M.,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" Davis, Jaleesa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Roybal, Brianda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-09-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested\n,STOMACH: Food residue\n,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative\n,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M\n,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: Corral, Amariz\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stecklein, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,Oesophagus- No varices.,DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" Corral, Amariz\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stecklein, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,Oesophagus- No varices\n,DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Garcia, Maria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Apodaca, Morgan\nDate of procedure: 2008-07-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Maria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Apodaca, Morgan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-07-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Sisa, Angelica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vo, Alice\nDate of procedure: 2001-01-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: large, 5 - 6 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body.,DUODENUM: almost complete resolution of pyloric oedema.,No obvious slipped wrap.,Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO.,STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Sisa, Angelica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vo, Alice\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-01-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: large, 5 - 6 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body\n,DUODENUM: almost complete resolution of pyloric oedema\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n,Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO\n,STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Lucero, Gisela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Magat, Rayna\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: NBI used .,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Lucero, Gisela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Magat, Rayna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" NBI used \n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Masters, Sabrina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Clayton, Annalisa\nDate of procedure: 2008-04-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: large hiatus hernia.,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Masters, Sabrina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Clayton, Annalisa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-04-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: large hiatus hernia\n,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Atsedu, Kyanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garden, Nina\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Atsedu, Kyanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garden, Nina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Cabral, Alexa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ulibarri, Matilda\nDate of procedure: 2010-03-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis.,No blood in the UGI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Cabral, Alexa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ulibarri, Matilda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-03-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis\n,No blood in the UGI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: el-Abood, Rasheeqa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Le, Charell\nDate of procedure: 2006-11-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line.,The varices flattened well with air insufflation.,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" el-Abood, Rasheeqa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Le, Charell\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-11-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line\n,The varices flattened well with air insufflation\n,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Solorio-Perez, Paloma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Reed, Vanessa\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices.,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal.,There is very slight and non-restrcitve stricturing at the site of the previous EMR.,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Solorio-Perez, Paloma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Reed, Vanessa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices\n,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal\n,There is very slight and non-restrcitve stricturing at the site of the previous EMR\n,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Schroeder, Shauna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Barakat, Siddeeqa\nDate of procedure: 2003-01-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 3 treatments with no cleaning step.,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,DUODENUM: D1 normal.,GOJ at 35cm, biopsies taken from lower oesophagus and GOJ.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Schroeder, Shauna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Barakat, Siddeeqa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-01-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 3 treatments with no cleaning step\n,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,DUODENUM: D1 normal\n,GOJ at 35cm, biopsies taken from lower oesophagus and GOJ\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Mcmahon, Dede\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Sattar, Ghuzaila\nDate of procedure: 2013-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: atrophic mucosa, especially in D2.,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm.,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI.,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,No haitus hernia.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Mcmahon, Dede\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Sattar, Ghuzaila\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: atrophic mucosa, especially in D2\n,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm\n,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI\n,DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,No haitus hernia\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Wilcox, Demi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Epps, Syerra\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No GI cause of dysphagia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Wilcox, Demi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Epps, Syerra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No GI cause of dysphagia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: Napila, Michelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jiron, Michelle\nDate of procedure: 2007-08-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Flumazenil given.,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35.,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" Napila, Michelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jiron, Michelle\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-08-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Flumazenil given\n,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35\n,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Deleeuw, Mirandah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jones, Caitlyn\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The intervening mucosa looks normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal.,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Angularis.,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis .,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Deleeuw, Mirandah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jones, Caitlyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The intervening mucosa looks normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal\n,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Angularis\n,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis \n,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: el-Hassan, Aliyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Goddard, Sage\nDate of procedure: 2009-02-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis.,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken.,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings.,Normal D2.,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,No gastritis.,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" el-Hassan, Aliyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Goddard, Sage\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-02-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis\n,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken\n,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings\n,Normal D2\n,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,No gastritis\n,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: Kelley, Amanda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Tierra\nDate of procedure: 2008-08-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,Duodenitis D1 - mild.,No portal hypertensive gastropathy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" Kelley, Amanda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Tierra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-08-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,Duodenitis D1 - mild\n,No portal hypertensive gastropathy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: el-Fayad, Ilhaam\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gilman, Courtney\nDate of procedure: 2002-09-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy.,No evidence of malignancy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,Very short D1.,Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.,Self limited.,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" el-Fayad, Ilhaam\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gilman, Courtney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-09-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,No evidence of malignancy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,Very short D1\n,Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n,Self limited\n,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Sailas, Wendy\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hsueh, Annie\nDate of procedure: 2014-03-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus and stomach normal.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,Previous partial gastrectomy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Sailas, Wendy\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hsueh, Annie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-03-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,Previous partial gastrectomy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Habtu, Siobhan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hernandez-Espinosa, Eliosa\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Distorted and distended stomach.,D2 biopsies not taken.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.,Final Prague score: C0M1 .,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus.,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,Multiple biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: top of gastric fold and neo-Zline at 38 cm, 36 and 35 cm.,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Habtu, Siobhan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hernandez-Espinosa, Eliosa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Distorted and distended stomach\n,D2 biopsies not taken\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n,Final Prague score: C0M1 \n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus\n,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,Multiple biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: top of gastric fold and neo-Zline at 38 cm, 36 and 35 cm\n,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Mccarty, Natalie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Perez, Victoria\nDate of procedure: 2016-04-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.,This was removed by a 4 peice EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago.,O: No oesophageal varices seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Mccarty, Natalie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Perez, Victoria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-04-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n,This was removed by a 4 peice EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago\n,O: No oesophageal varices seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Schantzen, Tanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lynch, Viktoria\nDate of procedure: 2013-09-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch was seen.,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm.,Forest grade III.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M.,No inlet patch.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C .,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,O: GOJ at 41cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Schantzen, Tanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lynch, Viktoria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-09-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch was seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm\n,Forest grade III\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M\n,No inlet patch\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C \n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Burnett, Kanjai\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Howard, Tameika\nDate of procedure: 2002-12-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae.,Further snare coagulation over the area was performed.,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified.,No gastric varices.,Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed.,D1 biopsy taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Burnett, Kanjai\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Howard, Tameika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-12-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae\n,Further snare coagulation over the area was performed\n,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified\n,No gastric varices\n,Pt on clopidogrel and NJT in situ, and dilatation not performed\n,D1 biopsy taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: Ulibarri-Gomez, Shelby\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Erker, Amanda\nDate of procedure: 2004-06-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass.,No melaena.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" Ulibarri-Gomez, Shelby\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Erker, Amanda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-06-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass\n,No melaena\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: Liang, Nadia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stenson, Kayla\nDate of procedure: 2002-02-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There seemed to be two loops.,He has H Pylori eradication following last examination.,Hiatus hernia.,Normal duodenum.,No visible lesion.,2cm hiatus hernia.,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B .,No inlet patch was seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" Liang, Nadia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stenson, Kayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-02-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There seemed to be two loops\n,He has H Pylori eradication following last examination\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Normal duodenum\n,No visible lesion\n,2cm hiatus hernia\n,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B \n,No inlet patch was seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Gray, Kailee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Siwa, Michiyo\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: as above.,Lifted and ESD performed.,GOJ at 35 cm.,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Gray, Kailee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Siwa, Michiyo\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: as above\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n,GOJ at 35 cm\n,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Moore, Emily\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Schlabaugh, Shelby\nDate of procedure: 2014-12-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia.,No active ource of bleeding was found.,Volvulus partially reduced.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Moore, Emily\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Schlabaugh, Shelby\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-12-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia\n,No active ource of bleeding was found\n,Volvulus partially reduced\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: el-Sadri, Maazina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Baker, Elena\nDate of procedure: 2008-10-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No cause for her pain was found.,5 cm in size .,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1.,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions.,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied.,DUODENUM: duodenal ulcer in D1 - 2 cm diameter on the posterior wall, with clean base and surrounding oedema, causing some degree of stricture; scope easily passed into D2, without resistance.,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.,G: mild PHG.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" el-Sadri, Maazina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Baker, Elena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-10-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No cause for her pain was found\n,5 cm in size \n,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1\n,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions\n,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied\n,DUODENUM: duodenal ulcer in D1 - 2 cm diameter on the posterior wall, with clean base and surrounding oedema, causing some degree of stricture; scope easily passed into D2, without resistance\n,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n,G: mild PHG\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: Anderson, Maeve\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lee, Julia\nDate of procedure: 2002-04-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis.,No evidence of malignancy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,No obvious slipped wrap.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" Anderson, Maeve\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lee, Julia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-04-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis\n,No evidence of malignancy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Johnson, Kayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mc Carter, Taylour\nDate of procedure: 2015-12-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Hiatus Hernia- Small.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Johnson, Kayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mc Carter, Taylour\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-12-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Hiatus Hernia- Small\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: Lopez, Jaime\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rupe, Jodi\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35.,Oesophagus - Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis.,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed.,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,G: Normal mucosa.,He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" Lopez, Jaime\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rupe, Jodi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35\n,Oesophagus - Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis\n,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed\n,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: Branham, Deanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Howard, Audreeya\nDate of procedure: 2004-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A/B .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" Branham, Deanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Howard, Audreeya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A/B \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: White, Hannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Runyan, Jordyn\nDate of procedure: 2007-11-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B .,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,The intervening mucosa looks normal.,G: Normal mucosa.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" White, Hannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Runyan, Jordyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-11-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B \n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,The intervening mucosa looks normal\n,G: Normal mucosa\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Reed, Elizabeth\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hagiwara, Keiko\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Reed, Elizabeth\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hagiwara, Keiko\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Torres, Karalyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Palomino, Monique\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small polyp on incisura,Oesophagitis- LA A .,OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis.,No stricturing seen.,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Torres, Karalyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Palomino, Monique\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small polyp on incisura,Oesophagitis- LA A \n,OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis\n,No stricturing seen\n,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Younger, Jeneba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Holmes, Mercedes\nDate of procedure: 2014-10-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,Hiatus hernia.,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned.,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression.,No strictures seen.,Erosive antral gastritis.,No varices.,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J.,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout.,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Younger, Jeneba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Holmes, Mercedes\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-10-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,Hiatus hernia\n,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned\n,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression\n,No strictures seen\n,Erosive antral gastritis\n,No varices\n,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J\n,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout\n,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Hejny, Faith\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Alston, Vonia\nDate of procedure: 2008-07-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Hejny, Faith\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Alston, Vonia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-07-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Burton, Aniya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Torrey, Katelyn\nDate of procedure: 2008-02-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach - Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy.,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Total of 75 ablations.,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,No blood in the upper GI tract.,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension.,No gastric varices.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Burton, Aniya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Torrey, Katelyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-02-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach - Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy\n,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Total of 75 ablations\n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,No blood in the upper GI tract\n,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension\n,No gastric varices\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: Boone, Sara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Myers, Alexandra\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There was very mild oesophagitis and a single 5mm benign-appearing ulcer at the gastro-oesophageal junction.,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed.,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative.,No cause for anaemia was found.,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis.,No gastric varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" Boone, Sara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Myers, Alexandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There was very mild oesophagitis and a single 5mm benign-appearing ulcer at the gastro-oesophageal junction\n,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed\n,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative\n,No cause for anaemia was found\n,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis\n,No gastric varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: el-Doud, Almaasa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ntumba, Vanessa\nDate of procedure: 2005-10-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: At GOJ small nodule likely representing inflammatory polyp.,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm.,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,DUODENUM: Normal.,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:.,Duodenum - severe duodenitis in D21 with multiple clean based ulcers.,Large food residue in stomach.,Gastritis and duodenitis.,No ongoing duodenal ulceration.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" el-Doud, Almaasa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ntumba, Vanessa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-10-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: At GOJ small nodule likely representing inflammatory polyp\n,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm\n,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:\n,Duodenum - severe duodenitis in D21 with multiple clean based ulcers\n,Large food residue in stomach\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n,No ongoing duodenal ulceration\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Mccabe, Amanda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Weber, Kai Li\nDate of procedure: 2014-10-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,Aspirates also taken.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,GOJ at 38cm.,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Mccabe, Amanda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Weber, Kai Li\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-10-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,Aspirates also taken\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Lorenz, Briana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Greiss, Muneefa\nDate of procedure: 2015-05-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.,Inlet patch - No:.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum with the exception of small gastric polyps.,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal.,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.,Endoscopic treatment not indicated.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Lorenz, Briana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Greiss, Muneefa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-05-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum with the exception of small gastric polyps\n,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal\n,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n,Endoscopic treatment not indicated\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: Lu, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carter, Kinsey\nDate of procedure: 2009-12-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia.,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J.,Small 2cm recurrent HH.,4 biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" Lu, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carter, Kinsey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-12-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia\n,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J\n,Small 2cm recurrent HH\n,4 biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Garlan, Alyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Munoz, Briana\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Final Prague score: C0M1 .,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Garlan, Alyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Munoz, Briana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Final Prague score: C0M1 \n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: Wilson, Marie-Pearl\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hans, Kathleen\nDate of procedure: 2013-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal.,G: Normal mucosa.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Mild antral gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .,5% acetic acid/0.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" Wilson, Marie-Pearl\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hans, Kathleen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Mild antral gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n,5% acetic acid/0\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: Henn, Sara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Pour, Ruqayya\nDate of procedure: 2001-03-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Ulcer in the antrum.,GOJ at 37cm.,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy.,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken.,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm.,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,CLO not taken as patient on PPI.,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" Henn, Sara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Pour, Ruqayya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-03-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Ulcer in the antrum\n,GOJ at 37cm\n,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy\n,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken\n,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm\n,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,CLO not taken as patient on PPI\n,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Hernandez, Jasmin\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rojas-Reza, Brenda\nDate of procedure: 2001-02-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM:.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Hernandez, Jasmin\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rojas-Reza, Brenda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-02-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM:\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: el-Mowad, Hadbaaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Locke, Jenna\nDate of procedure: 2011-05-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,Multiple white plaques throughout suggestive of Candida oesophagitis.,Stomach- Body and Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy.,STOMACH: Pan gastritis.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" el-Mowad, Hadbaaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Locke, Jenna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-05-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,Multiple white plaques throughout suggestive of Candida oesophagitis\n,Stomach- Body and Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,STOMACH: Pan gastritis\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: Stott, Marissa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hart, Katherine\nDate of procedure: 2007-07-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae.,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed.,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,Total of 75 ablations.,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus.,STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis.,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" Stott, Marissa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hart, Katherine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-07-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae\n,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed\n,No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,Total of 75 ablations\n,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus\n,STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis\n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: Prakhine, Kasinee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Corona-Arreola, Natalie\nDate of procedure: 2002-11-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing.,D: Normal to D2.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy.,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" Prakhine, Kasinee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Corona-Arreola, Natalie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-11-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing\n,D: Normal to D2\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Kellogg, Alysha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Ayub, Waheeda\nDate of procedure: 2012-03-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm.,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Kellogg, Alysha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Ayub, Waheeda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-03-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm\n,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: Shongolo, Hannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Calderon, Sabrina\nDate of procedure: 2016-12-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken.,OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered.,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" Shongolo, Hannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Calderon, Sabrina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-12-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered\n,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: Chang, Jacinda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Keyes Maudelonde, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2015-02-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,Duodenum: Normal.,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M.,Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Distorted and distended stomach.,Hiatus hernia .,Grade C oesophagitis over 4cm in the distal oesophagus.,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" Chang, Jacinda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Keyes Maudelonde, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-02-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,Duodenum: Normal\n,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M\n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Distorted and distended stomach\n,Hiatus hernia \n,Grade C oesophagitis over 4cm in the distal oesophagus\n,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Fairbairn, Tashyla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hofsetz, Dulce\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Probable visible vessel but no stigmata of recent haemorrhage.,Very friable with bleeding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Fairbairn, Tashyla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hofsetz, Dulce\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Probable visible vessel but no stigmata of recent haemorrhage\n,Very friable with bleeding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Shobe, Brooklynn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Salazar, Elizabeth\nDate of procedure: 2007-11-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body.,5 cm in size .,Known GOJ adeno-Ca.,Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active .,Biopsies not taken as not necessary.,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse.,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS .,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Shobe, Brooklynn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Salazar, Elizabeth\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-11-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body\n,5 cm in size \n,Known GOJ adeno-Ca\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active \n,Biopsies not taken as not necessary\n,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse\n,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS \n,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Berhe, Tatianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Koch, Sunny\nDate of procedure: 2006-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to investigate for ?,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ.,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis .,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4.,Distorted and distended stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Berhe, Tatianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Koch, Sunny\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to investigate for ?,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ\n,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis \n,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4\n,Distorted and distended stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Quinonez, Isabel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Balagot, Gayatri\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis .,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,Very short D1.,It is 1cm in length.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Quinonez, Isabel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Balagot, Gayatri\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis \n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,Very short D1\n,It is 1cm in length\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Ford, Guadalupe\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Herrera, Serena\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes.,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao.,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative.,STOMACH: No food.,D2 biopsies taken x4.,x 6 biopsies were taken.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,CLO not taken as patient on PPI.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Ford, Guadalupe\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Herrera, Serena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes\n,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao\n,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,STOMACH: No food\n,D2 biopsies taken x4\n,x 6 biopsies were taken\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,CLO not taken as patient on PPI\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: el-Qadir, Afraah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cochran, Kawehi\nDate of procedure: 2014-08-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm .,She has an atrophic looking stomach .,No cause for her pain was found.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" el-Qadir, Afraah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cochran, Kawehi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-08-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm \n,She has an atrophic looking stomach \n,No cause for her pain was found\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: Martin, Marinna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mountain, Jordana\nDate of procedure: 2014-07-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Total of 23 ablations.,Wrap normal positioned.,Duodenum - normal.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" Martin, Marinna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mountain, Jordana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-07-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Total of 23 ablations\n,Wrap normal positioned\n,Duodenum - normal\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Kwon, Alexia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Reyes, Hannah\nDate of procedure: 2010-02-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration.,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.,Gastroparesis.,Wide open pylorus.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy.,OESOPHAGUS: Top of gasric folds at 31 cm and several islands at 28-26 cm, at right and posterior walls.,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Kwon, Alexia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Reyes, Hannah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-02-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration\n,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n,Gastroparesis\n,Wide open pylorus\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Top of gasric folds at 31 cm and several islands at 28-26 cm, at right and posterior walls\n,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: al-Abbasi, Zeena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Moline, Miranda\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No diverticulum, no massess.,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia.,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps.,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 39 cm and 29 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Oesophagus - normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" al-Abbasi, Zeena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Moline, Miranda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No diverticulum, no massess\n,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia\n,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps\n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 39 cm and 29 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Oesophagus - normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: Archuleta, Danica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thye, Ashley\nDate of procedure: 2003-11-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No cervical inlet patch.,Flattened on insufflation.,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema.,Normal endoscopy apartfrom a 2cm hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2.,Anastomosis patent, easily passable with the scope.,Post total gastrectomy.,Well covered - photographed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" Archuleta, Danica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thye, Ashley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-11-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No cervical inlet patch\n,Flattened on insufflation\n,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema\n,Normal endoscopy apartfrom a 2cm hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2\n,Anastomosis patent, easily passable with the scope\n,Post total gastrectomy\n,Well covered - photographed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: Rosario, Maritza\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cummings, Ta'Sharra\nDate of procedure: 2016-02-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .,Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" Rosario, Maritza\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cummings, Ta'Sharra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-02-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n,Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: el-Kamel, Aneesa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Sylla, Shaahira\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" el-Kamel, Aneesa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Sylla, Shaahira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: Iriye, Serene\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Munoz-Avelar, Maria\nDate of procedure: 2004-07-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative.,GOJ at 33 cm .,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" Iriye, Serene\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Munoz-Avelar, Maria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-07-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: gastritis in antrum - CLO test: negative\n,GOJ at 33 cm \n,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: Szocs, Alice\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Donner, Sharon\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fundoplication in good position.,Grade C oesophagitis over 4cm in the distal oesophagus.,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2.,O: GOJ at 41cm.,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema.,Nornal stomach otherwise.,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions.,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" Szocs, Alice\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Donner, Sharon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fundoplication in good position\n,Grade C oesophagitis over 4cm in the distal oesophagus\n,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema\n,Nornal stomach otherwise\n,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: Tennis, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Webb, Infinity\nDate of procedure: 2005-08-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia.,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal.,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3.,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" Tennis, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Webb, Infinity\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-08-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia\n,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal\n,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3\n,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: Blough, Krista\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kazemi, Lebon\nDate of procedure: 2007-01-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,Gastric: Oedematous mucosa in atrum - biopsies taken .,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,Compressible.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" Blough, Krista\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kazemi, Lebon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-01-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,Gastric: Oedematous mucosa in atrum - biopsies taken \n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,Compressible\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: Herrera, Mariah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Beydoun, Nakheel\nDate of procedure: 2005-04-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis.,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,Biospy taken, easily bleeding.,DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis.,Hiatus hernia .,DUODENUM: atrophic mucosa, especially in D2.,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third.,Atrophic gastritis only.,Erosive antral gastritis.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit in 2 sections.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" Herrera, Mariah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Beydoun, Nakheel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-04-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,Biospy taken, easily bleeding\n,DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis\n,Hiatus hernia \n,DUODENUM: atrophic mucosa, especially in D2\n,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third\n,Atrophic gastritis only\n,Erosive antral gastritis\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit in 2 sections\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: el-Badie, Afaaf\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Engel, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2010-08-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm .,GOJ at 43 cm.,Seven bands applied on 4 columns starting at OGJ.,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,12 oesophageal biopsies taken 36cm, 28cm and 22cm.,Botox 25U injected in 4 quadrants in retroflex position to GOJ .,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" el-Badie, Afaaf\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Engel, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-08-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm \n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Seven bands applied on 4 columns starting at OGJ\n,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,12 oesophageal biopsies taken 36cm, 28cm and 22cm\n,Botox 25U injected in 4 quadrants in retroflex position to GOJ \n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Tharpe, Talea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wilson, Hailey\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken.,Very difficult to get biopsies.,x4 biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small.,OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs.,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily.,Stomach - Normal.,DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Tharpe, Talea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wilson, Hailey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken\n,Very difficult to get biopsies\n,x4 biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small\n,OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs\n,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily\n,Stomach - Normal\n,DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Mason, Lincoln\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Simmons, Kelsie\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small hiatus hernia.,D2 biopsies taken as requested.,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.,The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site.,O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm .,GOJ at 40 cm.,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb.,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Mason, Lincoln\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Simmons, Kelsie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small hiatus hernia\n,D2 biopsies taken as requested\n,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm\n,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n,The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site\n,O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm \n,GOJ at 40 cm\n,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb\n,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Bright, Dana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hamrick, Alyssa\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: previous resection.,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied.,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect.,D2 biopsies taken x4.,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.,Sliding hiatus hernia 4cm.,Pylorus and duodenum normal.,due to retching,Otherwise normal UGI tract.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Bright, Dana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hamrick, Alyssa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: previous resection\n,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied\n,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect\n,D2 biopsies taken x4\n,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 4cm\n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n,due to retching,Otherwise normal UGI tract\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Copeland, Kentorra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tillman, Kailynda\nDate of procedure: 2003-06-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 43 cm.,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain.,No neoplasia.,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding.,Not amenable to EMR, looks like T2 endoscopically.,GOJ at 38cm, biopsies taken.,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy.,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Copeland, Kentorra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tillman, Kailynda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-06-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 43 cm\n,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain\n,No neoplasia\n,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding\n,Not amenable to EMR, looks like T2 endoscopically\n,GOJ at 38cm, biopsies taken\n,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Hartman, Stephanie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ramos, Pragna\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal duodenum.,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion.,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term.,STOMACH: No food.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm.,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm .,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Hartman, Stephanie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ramos, Pragna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal duodenum\n,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion\n,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term\n,STOMACH: No food\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm\n,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm \n,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: el-Abu, Shadhaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sweet, Arianna\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; grade 2 oesophagitis.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 4 cm.,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm .,D: Normal to D2.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.,2cm hiatus hernia.,2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" el-Abu, Shadhaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sweet, Arianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; grade 2 oesophagitis\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 39,37,35\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 4 cm\n,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm \n,D: Normal to D2\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n,2cm hiatus hernia\n,2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Kinslow, Joanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Archer, Paxton\nDate of procedure: 2008-03-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 .,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus .,Large food residue in stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Kinslow, Joanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Archer, Paxton\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-03-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 \n,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus \n,Large food residue in stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: Duran, Alayina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Padilla, Ashley\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" Duran, Alayina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Padilla, Ashley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: Hirakata, Emilia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Morrison Pibel, Jane\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of residual/recurrent Barrett's.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" Hirakata, Emilia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Morrison Pibel, Jane\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of residual/recurrent Barrett's\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Cook, Holly\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, Katharyn\nDate of procedure: 2003-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body.,No afferent limb seen.,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2.,Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Cook, Holly\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, Katharyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body\n,No afferent limb seen\n,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2\n,Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: Latham, Autriana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, So-Jeong\nDate of procedure: 2002-01-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No gastric varices.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular.,OESOPHAGUS:Mild inflammaton at oesophago-conduit anastomosis - widely patent.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2.,There seemed to be two loops.,15 Fr FREKA PEG tube inserted under direct endoscopic vision.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" Latham, Autriana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, So-Jeong\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-01-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No gastric varices\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular\n,OESOPHAGUS:Mild inflammaton at oesophago-conduit anastomosis - widely patent\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2\n,There seemed to be two loops\n,15 Fr FREKA PEG tube inserted under direct endoscopic vision\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Garcia, Rachael\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Jahniqua\nDate of procedure: 2013-11-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Ulcer in the antrum.,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy.,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy.,No obvious gastric varices.,No evidence of malignancy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Rachael\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Jahniqua\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-11-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Ulcer in the antrum\n,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,No obvious gastric varices\n,No evidence of malignancy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Smith, Cierra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lopez, Itzayana\nDate of procedure: 2013-05-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: minimal gastritis - CLO test - negative .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Smith, Cierra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lopez, Itzayana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-05-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" minimal gastritis - CLO test - negative \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: Elizondo, Graciela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, Angelica\nDate of procedure: 2002-03-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: CLO taken - NEGATIVE.,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third.,Duodenum: Normal.,GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" Elizondo, Graciela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, Angelica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-03-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" CLO taken - NEGATIVE\n,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third\n,Duodenum: Normal\n,GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Bradshaw, Rochelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Beemon, Denise\nDate of procedure: 2005-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Haemospray.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus .,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass.,No cervical inlet patch.,Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Bradshaw, Rochelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Beemon, Denise\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Haemospray\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus \n,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass\n,No cervical inlet patch\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: el-Ali, Ameena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Andrade, Zitlaly\nDate of procedure: 2014-09-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" el-Ali, Ameena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Andrade, Zitlaly\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-09-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: el-Ramin, Hadiyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Portillo Arzaga, Monique\nDate of procedure: 2012-04-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- No varices.,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach.,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions.,No other pathology.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" el-Ramin, Hadiyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Portillo Arzaga, Monique\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-04-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- No varices\n,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach\n,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions\n,No other pathology\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Sanchez, Maria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Yu, Nishika\nDate of procedure: 2015-06-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum - normal.,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus.,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,O: GOJ at 42cm .,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J.,metachronous lesions.,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Sanchez, Maria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Yu, Nishika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-06-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum - normal\n,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus\n,STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,O: GOJ at 42cm \n,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J\n,metachronous lesions\n,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Sheldon, Amanda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Simion, Kara\nDate of procedure: 2011-12-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,No fundal varices seen.,She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance.,There is a large exophytic mass, which includes almost the entire lesser curve of the stomach from the GOJ to the incisura.,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Sheldon, Amanda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Simion, Kara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-12-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,No fundal varices seen\n,She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance\n,There is a large exophytic mass, which includes almost the entire lesser curve of the stomach from the GOJ to the incisura\n,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: al-Rabbani, Hanoona\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wesolowski, Sandra\nDate of procedure: 2015-10-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: no obvious lesions, some neovascularity 28cm ?,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm.,No melaena.,Lifted and ESD performed.,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,Difficult to assess mucosa fully due to some adherent food debris and necrotic tissue.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR site has healed well with squamous regeneration.,O: GOJ at 42cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" al-Rabbani, Hanoona\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wesolowski, Sandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-10-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: no obvious lesions, some neovascularity 28cm ?,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm\n,No melaena\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,Difficult to assess mucosa fully due to some adherent food debris and necrotic tissue\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR site has healed well with squamous regeneration\n,O: GOJ at 42cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Chavez, Angelique\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shields, Alida\nDate of procedure: 2005-12-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The antrum looks spared.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Chavez, Angelique\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shields, Alida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-12-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The antrum looks spared\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Chan, Man Jing\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gallegos, Jazmynn\nDate of procedure: 2004-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Chan, Man Jing\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gallegos, Jazmynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: Walker, Mariah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Grimes, Briana\nDate of procedure: 2004-05-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There seemed to be two loops.,Scope not attempted as hypotensive.,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,No blood in the UGI tract.,Normal muosa.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken.,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" Walker, Mariah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Grimes, Briana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-05-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There seemed to be two loops\n,Scope not attempted as hypotensive\n,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,No blood in the UGI tract\n,Normal muosa\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken\n,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: Keese, Rachelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sheh, Catherine\nDate of procedure: 2001-01-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 4 biopsies taken.,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3.,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal.,DUODENUM: Normal.,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus.,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1.,Oesophagus - Normal GOJ 45cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" Keese, Rachelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sheh, Catherine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-01-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 4 biopsies taken\n,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3\n,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus\n,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1\n,Oesophagus - Normal GOJ 45cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: al-Othman, Nuha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sawaya, Hamdoona\nDate of procedure: 2015-03-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Area marked and one site removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit, but attempt at removing proximal site not succssful as wouldn't lift.,GOJ at 41 cm.,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal.,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus.,The endoscope passed without resistance.,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" al-Othman, Nuha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sawaya, Hamdoona\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-03-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Area marked and one site removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit, but attempt at removing proximal site not succssful as wouldn't lift\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal\n,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus\n,The endoscope passed without resistance\n,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: el-Naderi, Najeema\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tran-Nguyen, Dakota\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No stigmata of recent bleeding.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No cervical inlet patch.,Removed with biopsy forceps.,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,4 biopsies taken at 35cm and 25cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm .,DUODENUM: Not entered.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" el-Naderi, Najeema\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tran-Nguyen, Dakota\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No stigmata of recent bleeding\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No cervical inlet patch\n,Removed with biopsy forceps\n,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,4 biopsies taken at 35cm and 25cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm \n,DUODENUM: Not entered\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Kusupati, Amelia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lau, Thuyann\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.,STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative.,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area.,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive.,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Kusupati, Amelia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lau, Thuyann\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n,STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative\n,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area\n,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive\n,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: Vogel, Amanda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sanchez, Carli\nDate of procedure: 2011-09-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" Vogel, Amanda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sanchez, Carli\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-09-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: Griswold, Josi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jackson, Darcy\nDate of procedure: 2015-06-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach contains large amount of solid food residue; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild.,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia.,Barretts oesophagus from 24-37 cm, C10M13, not inflamed, random biopsies done.,No ulcers.,Small sliding hiatus hernia about 2cm.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,Small schazki ring in lwer oesophagus that.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" Griswold, Josi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jackson, Darcy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-06-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach contains large amount of solid food residue; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild\n,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia\n,Barretts oesophagus from 24-37 cm, C10M13, not inflamed, random biopsies done\n,No ulcers\n,Small sliding hiatus hernia about 2cm\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,Small schazki ring in lwer oesophagus that\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: Russell, Helen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Suleiman, Ruqayya\nDate of procedure: 2011-09-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion.,Duodenum - minor D1 duodenitis D2 norma;.,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis.,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative.,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis.,I took quadrantic biopsies at 25 cm and 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.,No PHG.,Gastritis and duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" Russell, Helen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Suleiman, Ruqayya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-09-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion\n,Duodenum - minor D1 duodenitis D2 norma;\n,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis\n,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative\n,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis\n,I took quadrantic biopsies at 25 cm and 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n,No PHG\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: Almaguer Durazo, Alexis\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Elizondo, Arianna\nDate of procedure: 2015-12-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" Almaguer Durazo, Alexis\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Elizondo, Arianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-12-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Conis, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cooper, Clarissa\nDate of procedure: 2010-02-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Total of 27 ablations.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease.,STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia.,Total of 75 ablations.,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,No Barrett's seen.,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J.,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area.,Very short D1.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Conis, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cooper, Clarissa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-02-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Total of 27 ablations\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease\n,STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia\n,Total of 75 ablations\n,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,No Barrett's seen\n,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J\n,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area\n,Very short D1\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Mckiver, Taylor\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Abdi, Mudrika\nDate of procedure: 2004-10-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .,There seemed to be two loops.,The stomach and duodenum are also normal.,Lifted and ESD performed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Mckiver, Taylor\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Abdi, Mudrika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-10-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n,There seemed to be two loops\n,The stomach and duodenum are also normal\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Delgado, Jessica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Kirah\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D: Normal to D2.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx.,No active ulcer.,Site clipped.,OESOPHAGUS: Two tiny polyps at 25cm .,O: GOJ at 41cm.,Sha has a 2cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Delgado, Jessica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Kirah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D: Normal to D2\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx\n,No active ulcer\n,Site clipped\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two tiny polyps at 25cm \n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n,Sha has a 2cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Fitzsimmons, Renita\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Son, Animoan\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,No Visible lesions.,Distorted and distended stomach.,Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated .,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing.,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Fitzsimmons, Renita\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Son, Animoan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,No Visible lesions\n,Distorted and distended stomach\n,Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated \n,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing\n,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Rodriguez, Alyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Terry, Mahasin\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned.,Grade A oesophagitis.,Stomach and duodenum: normal.,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Rodriguez, Alyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Terry, Mahasin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned\n,Grade A oesophagitis\n,Stomach and duodenum: normal\n,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Desta, Tiffany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jirsaraie, Amy\nDate of procedure: 2016-01-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal to D2.,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,Normal muosa.,Haemospray.,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins.,There was a nodular appearance in thedistal and mid-oesophagus of unknown signficance.,No inlet patch.,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm .,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Desta, Tiffany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jirsaraie, Amy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-01-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal to D2\n,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,Normal muosa\n,Haemospray\n,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins\n,There was a nodular appearance in thedistal and mid-oesophagus of unknown signficance\n,No inlet patch\n,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm \n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: Leopold, Shavonnie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rivera, Mahasin\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No blood.,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present.,Gastro-jejunostomy entered, no narrowing, and aspirates taken.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,Normal endoscopy apartfrom a 2cm hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" Leopold, Shavonnie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rivera, Mahasin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No blood\n,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present\n,Gastro-jejunostomy entered, no narrowing, and aspirates taken\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Normal endoscopy apartfrom a 2cm hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Trujillo, Alexa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Matthews, Shianne\nDate of procedure: 2012-11-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall .,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Trujillo, Alexa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Matthews, Shianne\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-11-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall \n,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Youngblood, Natalie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Record, Emma\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 43 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Youngblood, Natalie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Record, Emma\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 43 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Keo, Angela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Moussa, Maleeha\nDate of procedure: 2009-01-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5% acetic acid/0.,Stomach - Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm.,Normal upper GI mucosa.,Biopsies taken at 35P.,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Keo, Angela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Moussa, Maleeha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-01-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5% acetic acid/0\n,Stomach - Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm\n,Normal upper GI mucosa\n,Biopsies taken at 35P\n,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Ching, May Sue\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Afrifa, Te'Keisha\nDate of procedure: 2010-11-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Ulceration healed.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Ching, May Sue\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Afrifa, Te'Keisha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-11-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Ulceration healed\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: Malatesta, Carley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Au Yeung, Kathryn\nDate of procedure: 2001-09-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The rest of the oesophagus looked normal.,Mucosal inflammation.,EMR scar unchanged.,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No.,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG.,5 cm in size .,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views.,DUODENUM: Normal.,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen.,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" Malatesta, Carley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Au Yeung, Kathryn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-09-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The rest of the oesophagus looked normal\n,Mucosal inflammation\n,EMR scar unchanged\n,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No\n,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG\n,5 cm in size \n,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen\n,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Claycomb, Margaret\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bedonie, Kiana\nDate of procedure: 2014-10-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal.,Multiple biopsies taken.,Congestion for portal hypertension.,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Claycomb, Margaret\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bedonie, Kiana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-10-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal\n,Multiple biopsies taken\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: al-Farag, Hiba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thompson, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Endoscopic treatment not indicated.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Possible achalasia.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" al-Farag, Hiba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thompson, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Endoscopic treatment not indicated\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: al-Jabbour, Humaira\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Mohammadi, Jameela\nDate of procedure: 2007-08-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites.,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) .,Non-inflamed Barrett's segment C2M3 with no nodularity or visible dysplasia.,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" al-Jabbour, Humaira\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Mohammadi, Jameela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-08-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites\n,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) \n,Non-inflamed Barrett's segment C2M3 with no nodularity or visible dysplasia\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: Handy, Ikra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Matlala, Letisha\nDate of procedure: 2010-09-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Mild gastric body mucosal thickening and pangastritis.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm.,Stomach - normal.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.,Well covered - photographed.,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis.,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" Handy, Ikra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Matlala, Letisha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-09-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Mild gastric body mucosal thickening and pangastritis\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm\n,Stomach - normal\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n,Well covered - photographed\n,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Kaskie, Emiko\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Mohamed, Kameela\nDate of procedure: 2008-09-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Kaskie, Emiko\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Mohamed, Kameela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-09-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Kabotie, Tisa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Favors, Natalie\nDate of procedure: 2006-10-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered.,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Small 2cm recurrent HH.,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1.,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Kabotie, Tisa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Favors, Natalie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-10-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered\n,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Small 2cm recurrent HH\n,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1\n,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Acosta, Thalia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rodriguez, Brenda\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2.,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,STOMACH: Pan gastritis.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.,Access to second duodenum was achieved with minor difficulty.,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm.,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Acosta, Thalia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Brenda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2\n,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,STOMACH: Pan gastritis\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n,Access to second duodenum was achieved with minor difficulty\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm\n,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Rowe, Ciara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Smith, Sequoia\nDate of procedure: 2005-03-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture.,STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.,12 oesophageal biopsies taken 36cm, 28cm and 22cm.,Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression.,He was dilated to 13.,No GI cause of dysphagia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Rowe, Ciara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Smith, Sequoia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-03-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture\n,STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n,12 oesophageal biopsies taken 36cm, 28cm and 22cm\n,Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression\n,He was dilated to 13\n,No GI cause of dysphagia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Knodel-Eldridge, Nicole\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Schultz, Amber\nDate of procedure: 2001-12-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; large solid food residue in stomach.,DUODENUM: D1 normal.,She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm plus 2 biopsies at 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Stomach- Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Knodel-Eldridge, Nicole\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Schultz, Amber\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-12-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; large solid food residue in stomach\n,DUODENUM: D1 normal\n,She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm plus 2 biopsies at 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Stomach- Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: Marshall, Kanani\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Turner, Briana\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO - negative.,Final Prague score: C8M10.,No fundal varices.,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns.,Known GOJ adeno-Ca.,This was gently pushed through and passed easily.,No erosions in antrum seen this time.,The reflux oesophagitis has completely healed.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" Marshall, Kanani\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Turner, Briana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO - negative\n,Final Prague score: C8M10\n,No fundal varices\n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns\n,Known GOJ adeno-Ca\n,This was gently pushed through and passed easily\n,No erosions in antrum seen this time\n,The reflux oesophagitis has completely healed\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: Dewhere, Julia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gardea Corral, Jessenia\nDate of procedure: 2009-07-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There was loss of pit pattern on surface,No oesophagitis was seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" Dewhere, Julia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gardea Corral, Jessenia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-07-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There was loss of pit pattern on surface,No oesophagitis was seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Juvera, Jocelyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Samaan, Hafsa\nDate of procedure: 2001-12-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,coeliac disease.,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,No fresh blood in the lumen.,DUODENUM: oedematous D1, no evidence of ulceration.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Juvera, Jocelyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Samaan, Hafsa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-12-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,coeliac disease\n,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,No fresh blood in the lumen\n,DUODENUM: oedematous D1, no evidence of ulceration\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Johnson, Calandra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Colunga, Heather\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance.,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,Stomach and duodenum normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Johnson, Calandra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Colunga, Heather\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance\n,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,Stomach and duodenum normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Vaughan, Harley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lopez Conchas, Yesenia\nDate of procedure: 2016-12-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy.,It is 1cm in length.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Vaughan, Harley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lopez Conchas, Yesenia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-12-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,It is 1cm in length\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: Stephenson, Kamyria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Junkermann, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2002-10-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area .,Antral and fundic gastritis and a couple of fundic erosions seen.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" Stephenson, Kamyria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Junkermann, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-10-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area \n,Antral and fundic gastritis and a couple of fundic erosions seen\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Martinez, Rhiannon\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gomez, Susan\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Otherwise normal UGI tract.,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed.,Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Martinez, Rhiannon\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gomez, Susan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Otherwise normal UGI tract\n,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed\n,Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: Cutter, Danielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jayne, Shannon\nDate of procedure: 2008-05-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- No varices.,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus.,GOJ at 38cm.,Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia.,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Gastritis,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" Cutter, Danielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jayne, Shannon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-05-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- No varices\n,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia\n,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: Tafoya, Abigail\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Alvarez-Yanez, Marycarmen\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 42cm.,Fundal polyps are also present .,Gastric biopsies taken from cardia, body and antrum.,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding .,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third.,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy.,DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes.,No cervical inlet patch.,Atrophic gastritis only.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" Tafoya, Abigail\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Alvarez-Yanez, Marycarmen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 42cm\n,Fundal polyps are also present \n,Gastric biopsies taken from cardia, body and antrum\n,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding \n,Some scarring from previous banding at distal third\n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy\n,DUODENUM: small erythematous area at 6 o'clock in D2 with subtle mucosal changes\n,No cervical inlet patch\n,Atrophic gastritis only\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: Ovando, Natalie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Jafri, Safaaa\nDate of procedure: 2001-05-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts.,No gastritis.,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect.,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins.,Post total gastrectomy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" Ovando, Natalie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Jafri, Safaaa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-05-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts\n,No gastritis\n,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect\n,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins\n,Post total gastrectomy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Abeyta, Samantha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Todd, Tia Shaye\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tiny erosions at the antrum.,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis.,Pylorus and duodenum normal.,Gastritis and duodenitis.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Abeyta, Samantha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Todd, Tia Shaye\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis\n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Coker, Heidi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wright-Stanford, Denee\nDate of procedure: 2008-10-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1.,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Coker, Heidi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wright-Stanford, Denee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-10-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M1\n,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Gonzales, Kendrah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pastuer, Kylee\nDate of procedure: 2011-04-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No Hiatus hernia.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Gonzales, Kendrah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pastuer, Kylee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-04-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No Hiatus hernia\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Zamora, Danielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Baca, Julia\nDate of procedure: 2005-07-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding.,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,No oesophageal varices seen.,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI.,Pushed through easily and rotated.,Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm.,Large food residue in stomach.,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.,Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Zamora, Danielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Baca, Julia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-07-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding\n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,No oesophageal varices seen\n,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI\n,Pushed through easily and rotated\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm\n,Large food residue in stomach\n,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n,Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Sayyid, Stephanie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Brooks, Lauren\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mega-oesophagus filled with solid food; unable to identify cardia safely, therefore procedure abandoned.,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Sayyid, Stephanie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Brooks, Lauren\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mega-oesophagus filled with solid food; unable to identify cardia safely, therefore procedure abandoned\n,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: Xue, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carnahan, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2001-05-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative.,CLO taken - POSITIVE.,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,Biopsies taken including for TCR.,Nodular at GOJ as previously described.,No Hiatus hernia.,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" Xue, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carnahan, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-05-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative\n,CLO taken - POSITIVE\n,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,Biopsies taken including for TCR\n,Nodular at GOJ as previously described\n,No Hiatus hernia\n,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: Angel, Edith\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cabral, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices.,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus.,oesophagus: Normal.,Irregular Z line.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,No obvious slipped wrap.,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" Angel, Edith\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cabral, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices\n,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus\n,oesophagus: Normal\n,Irregular Z line\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Waddington, Maria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Molina Heredia, Jacy\nDate of procedure: 2008-01-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,Rest of upper GI tract normal.,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Waddington, Maria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Molina Heredia, Jacy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-01-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Ruffles, Heather\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Asmelash, Rahma\nDate of procedure: 2005-12-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 biopsies from D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Ruffles, Heather\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Asmelash, Rahma\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-12-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 biopsies from D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: el-Lodi, Aayaat\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Arviso, Shalynn\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities.,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative.,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken.,Normal Villi.,G: mild PHG.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" el-Lodi, Aayaat\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Arviso, Shalynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities\n,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild of body/fundus - Clo test taken\n,Normal Villi\n,G: mild PHG\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Schweikert, Makenna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Parker, Kimberly\nDate of procedure: 2006-12-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions.,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis.,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,Distorted and distended stomach.,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal.,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause .,Had an UGI bleed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Schweikert, Makenna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Parker, Kimberly\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-12-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions\n,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,Distorted and distended stomach\n,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal\n,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause \n,Had an UGI bleed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: el-Akhtar, Rifqa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gamble, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2002-12-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal mucosa.,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No ulceration, erosion or inflammation.,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2.,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable.,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus.,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" el-Akhtar, Rifqa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gamble, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-12-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal mucosa\n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No ulceration, erosion or inflammation\n,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2\n,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable\n,Nodules between 38 anc 34cm, Paris Type IIa annd covered 75% of the circumference of the oesophagus\n,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: Murray, Katelyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jimenez Garcia, Miranda\nDate of procedure: 2002-10-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No active bleeding/no visible vessel seen.,Micronodular gastritis in the antrum.,No fresh or altered blood in stomach.,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" Murray, Katelyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jimenez Garcia, Miranda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-10-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No active bleeding/no visible vessel seen\n,Micronodular gastritis in the antrum\n,No fresh or altered blood in stomach\n,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Williams, Andrea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cruz, Catherine\nDate of procedure: 2012-04-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,Erosive antral gastritis.,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect.,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.,Small hiatus hernia only.,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis.,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Williams, Andrea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cruz, Catherine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-04-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,Erosive antral gastritis\n,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect\n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n,Small hiatus hernia only\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis\n,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: Weibel, Nicol\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sader, Hafsa\nDate of procedure: 2010-10-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies taken from D2 and duodenal bulb.,STOMACH: linear erosions at distal gastric body with traces of altered blood.,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands.,No stricture seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" Weibel, Nicol\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sader, Hafsa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-10-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies taken from D2 and duodenal bulb\n,STOMACH: linear erosions at distal gastric body with traces of altered blood\n,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands\n,No stricture seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: al-Aman, Thaabita\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chacon, Marlena\nDate of procedure: 2014-09-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: PHG mild.,x 6 biopsies were taken.,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,Top of gastric folds: 39cm.,Mucosal inflammation.,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm .,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,No gastritis.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" al-Aman, Thaabita\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chacon, Marlena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-09-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: PHG mild\n,x 6 biopsies were taken\n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,Top of gastric folds: 39cm\n,Mucosal inflammation\n,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm \n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,No gastritis\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: Grimes, Krista\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Shonna\nDate of procedure: 2005-01-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.,She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance.,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1.,Normal muosa.,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,Stomach and duodenum normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" Grimes, Krista\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Shonna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-01-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n,She also has a cervical inlet patch of dubious significance\n,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1\n,Normal muosa\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,Stomach and duodenum normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Dominguez, Carmen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kwak, Vannida\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach and duodenum normal.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Dominguez, Carmen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kwak, Vannida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach and duodenum normal\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: al-Khalaf, Aadila\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Salman, Zuhra\nDate of procedure: 2002-01-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy.,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated.,GOJ at 41 cm.,Was scoped in 2015 wuth similar finding so biopsies from Barretts not taken.,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm .,No immediate complications.,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix.,Lifted and ESD performed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" al-Khalaf, Aadila\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Salman, Zuhra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-01-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy\n,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,Was scoped in 2015 wuth similar finding so biopsies from Barretts not taken\n,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm \n,No immediate complications\n,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: al-Mansour, Tahleela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Alderete Perez, Elvira\nDate of procedure: 2006-03-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" al-Mansour, Tahleela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Alderete Perez, Elvira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-03-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Contreras, Francine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sharif, Rafeeqa\nDate of procedure: 2010-06-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Contreras, Francine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sharif, Rafeeqa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-06-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Jeong, Huyen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nguyen, Emily\nDate of procedure: 2002-05-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Jeong, Huyen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nguyen, Emily\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-05-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Denicola, Nicole\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thompson, Ada\nDate of procedure: 2007-06-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: EMR scar unchanged.,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested.,Oesophagus normal; SCJ at 40 cm; no oesophagitis, hiatus hernia or dilatation.,Known GOJ adeno-Ca.,Total of 6 ablations.,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis.,STOMACH: streaks of erythematous mucosa at distal body/proximal antrum.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion.,Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Denicola, Nicole\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thompson, Ada\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-06-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" EMR scar unchanged\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken from three levels as requested\n,Oesophagus normal; SCJ at 40 cm; no oesophagitis, hiatus hernia or dilatation\n,Known GOJ adeno-Ca\n,Total of 6 ablations\n,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis\n,STOMACH: streaks of erythematous mucosa at distal body/proximal antrum\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion\n,Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: el-Rahim, Hameeda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Henderson, Danisha\nDate of procedure: 2009-05-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Post total gastrectomy.,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" el-Rahim, Hameeda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Henderson, Danisha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-05-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Post total gastrectomy\n,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Redding, Brooke\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hanson, Mai Ying\nDate of procedure: 2016-04-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No gastric varices.,No Visible lesions.,Representative biopsies taken.,No neoplasia.,Aspirates also taken.,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock.,See pictures.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Redding, Brooke\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hanson, Mai Ying\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-04-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No gastric varices\n,No Visible lesions\n,Representative biopsies taken\n,No neoplasia\n,Aspirates also taken\n,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock\n,See pictures\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: el-Arshad, Ghaada\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Costa, Cherokee\nDate of procedure: 2010-02-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: not entered.,Normal oesophagus; SCJ at 40 cm widely patent with 20 mm balloon fitting loosely; both limbs of jejunum entered for 20 cm.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" el-Arshad, Ghaada\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Costa, Cherokee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-02-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: not entered\n,Normal oesophagus; SCJ at 40 cm widely patent with 20 mm balloon fitting loosely; both limbs of jejunum entered for 20 cm\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: Shin, Thuan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stelter, Carysa\nDate of procedure: 2002-08-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The anastomosis looked normal.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" Shin, Thuan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stelter, Carysa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-08-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The anastomosis looked normal\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Garcia, Adhilenne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Osborne, Kayla\nDate of procedure: 2009-05-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No Hiatus hernia.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,Duodenum: normal.,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,No inlet patch.,Stomach contains large amount of solid food residue; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,Final Prague score: C0M1 .,Wide neck diverticulum in D2.,OESOPHAGUS: LA A/B.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Adhilenne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Osborne, Kayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-05-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No Hiatus hernia\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,Duodenum: normal\n,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,No inlet patch\n,Stomach contains large amount of solid food residue; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,Final Prague score: C0M1 \n,Wide neck diverticulum in D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: LA A/B\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: Bohanon, Ashtyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hernandez, Regina\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis.,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1.,GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia.,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" Bohanon, Ashtyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hernandez, Regina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1\n,GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia\n,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: Bofill, Kaitlyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dyer, Courtney\nDate of procedure: 2008-05-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Despite this, reasonable views obtained.,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,STOMACH: antral erythema with few scattered erosions.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1.,DUODENUM: not entered.,Procedure abandoned due to high risk of aspiration and poor views.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" Bofill, Kaitlyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dyer, Courtney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-05-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Despite this, reasonable views obtained\n,STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,STOMACH: antral erythema with few scattered erosions\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1\n,DUODENUM: not entered\n,Procedure abandoned due to high risk of aspiration and poor views\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: O Kelley, Amy\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jones, Deanna\nDate of procedure: 2009-09-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Anastomosis patent and empirically dilated up to 20mm with good effect.,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia.,No inlet patch.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" O Kelley, Amy\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jones, Deanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-09-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Anastomosis patent and empirically dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia\n,No inlet patch\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: el-Greiss, Hameeda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shimizu, Yasmeen\nDate of procedure: 2004-02-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices.,Stomach- Moderate gastritis.,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" el-Greiss, Hameeda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shimizu, Yasmeen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-02-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices\n,Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: Lyapunova, Courtney\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Zhang Cheung, Akemi\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastritis- Nodular.,Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" Lyapunova, Courtney\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Zhang Cheung, Akemi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastritis- Nodular\n,Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n,STOMACH: significant amount of food residue in the stomach, therefore the procedure was stopped due to risk of aspiration and poor views\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: Rodriguez, Cynthia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Delgado, Joane\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO.,metachronous lesions.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken.,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative.,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween.,No sinister features.,No bleeding seen.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal.,Very short D1.,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" Rodriguez, Cynthia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Delgado, Joane\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fundoplication normal on retroflexion; erosive gastritis in antrum - biopsy and CLO\n,metachronous lesions\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken\n,Antral and body biopsied for CLO as on PPI - CLO negative\n,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween\n,No sinister features\n,No bleeding seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal\n,Very short D1\n,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: Nelson, Alyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Fernandez, Destinie\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago.,STOMACH: sliding hiatus hernia, 3 cm; non-erosive pan-gastritis, CLO test - negative.,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" Nelson, Alyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Fernandez, Destinie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago\n,STOMACH: sliding hiatus hernia, 3 cm; non-erosive pan-gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: Santee, Willanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lindsley, Kathryn\nDate of procedure: 2013-03-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus - normal.,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple .,Normal appearances post THO.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" Santee, Willanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lindsley, Kathryn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-03-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus - normal\n,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple \n,Normal appearances post THO\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: el-Salam, Naadiya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Parker, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2002-07-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm.,O: GOJ at 42cm .,Very short D1.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" el-Salam, Naadiya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Parker, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-07-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm\n,O: GOJ at 42cm \n,Very short D1\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Martinez, Mariah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Mowad, Ibtisaama\nDate of procedure: 2008-06-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Total of 27 ablations.,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions.,Sliding hiatus hernia 4cm.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Martinez, Mariah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Mowad, Ibtisaama\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-06-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Total of 27 ablations\n,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 4cm\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Orona, Vanessa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Campbell-Tribble, Biyancah\nDate of procedure: 2003-10-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2.,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area.,Stomach- Pylorus.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 40cm.,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal.,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Orona, Vanessa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Campbell-Tribble, Biyancah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-10-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2\n,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area\n,Stomach- Pylorus\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 40cm\n,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal\n,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Padilla, Selena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Finn, Nicole\nDate of procedure: 2010-05-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagitis- LA A .,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm .\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Padilla, Selena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Finn, Nicole\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-05-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagitis- LA A \n,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm \n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Erickson, Alexa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Omar, Nasreen\nDate of procedure: 2002-12-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,No stigmata of bleeding.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Erickson, Alexa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Omar, Nasreen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-12-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,No stigmata of bleeding\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Palma, Arrianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cherry, Tyree\nDate of procedure: 2011-10-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Antrum and Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Erosion.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Palma, Arrianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cherry, Tyree\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-10-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Antrum and Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Erosion\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: el-Madani, Hadeel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Morin, Sadie\nDate of procedure: 2011-10-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" el-Madani, Hadeel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Morin, Sadie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-10-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Tena-Parra, Denise\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Hussain, Shaakira\nDate of procedure: 2004-03-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 37cm.,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis.,Wrap normal positioned.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,STOMACH: No food.,No obvious slipped wrap.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Tena-Parra, Denise\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Hussain, Shaakira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-03-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 37cm\n,D1 and D2 - normal, no duodenitis\n,Wrap normal positioned\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,STOMACH: No food\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Yeddanapudy, Kate\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wilson, Alexandria\nDate of procedure: 2009-03-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns.,Biopsies taken including for TCR.,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.,Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team.,Very friable with bleeding.,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.,No strictures seen.,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Yeddanapudy, Kate\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wilson, Alexandria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-03-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns\n,Biopsies taken including for TCR\n,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n,Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team\n,Very friable with bleeding\n,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n,No strictures seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: Sirio, Jasmine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Covarrubias Flores, Paris\nDate of procedure: 2003-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed.,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact.,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate.,Atrophic stomach.,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx.,Trachealisation of oesophagus.,Normal D2.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices.,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" Sirio, Jasmine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Covarrubias Flores, Paris\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed\n,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact\n,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate\n,Atrophic stomach\n,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx\n,Trachealisation of oesophagus\n,Normal D2\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices\n,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: el-Iqbal, Raihaana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Khalil, Thao\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" el-Iqbal, Raihaana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Khalil, Thao\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: el-Niazi, Ramla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Manning, Jamila\nDate of procedure: 2008-08-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" el-Niazi, Ramla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Manning, Jamila\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-08-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: al-Fares, Shajee'a\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mcallister, Dlisa\nDate of procedure: 2009-09-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Now asymptomatic on BD PPI and ranitidine.,due to retching,No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia.,5mm resulting in a superficial mucosal tear as intended.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,x 6 biopsies were taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" al-Fares, Shajee'a\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mcallister, Dlisa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-09-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Now asymptomatic on BD PPI and ranitidine\n,due to retching,No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia\n,5mm resulting in a superficial mucosal tear as intended\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and two more at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,x 6 biopsies were taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Kern, Carrie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pride, Jasmine\nDate of procedure: 2001-05-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,No inlet patch.,Biopsies at OGJ and scar taken.,2cm hiatus hernia.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Kern, Carrie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pride, Jasmine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-05-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,No inlet patch\n,Biopsies at OGJ and scar taken\n,2cm hiatus hernia\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Glover, Aujene\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Kaleel, Nawaar\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Hiatus Hernia- Small.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,Irregular Z line.,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm .,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices.,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,Small schatski beyond.,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm .,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Glover, Aujene\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Kaleel, Nawaar\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,Irregular Z line\n,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm \n,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices\n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,Small schatski beyond\n,Diaphragmatic pinch:40cm \n,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: Klein, Fei\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Baten, Ariyya\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No bleeding at pylorus and I dont think I dilated it per se with the scope.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" Klein, Fei\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Baten, Ariyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No bleeding at pylorus and I dont think I dilated it per se with the scope\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Rivera-Borrego, Guadalupe\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Alderete, Madisyn\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Rivera-Borrego, Guadalupe\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Alderete, Madisyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: Hayat, Cheyenne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Miller, Madeline\nDate of procedure: 2006-05-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No ulceration, erosion or inflammation.,Micronodular gastritis in the antrum.,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" Hayat, Cheyenne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Miller, Madeline\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-05-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No ulceration, erosion or inflammation\n,Micronodular gastritis in the antrum\n,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Lam, Patricia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Symber, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2008-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild gastritis-biopsies taken from gastric antrum for Hp .,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy.,Otherwise normal to D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands.,Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Lam, Patricia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Symber, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild gastritis-biopsies taken from gastric antrum for Hp \n,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy\n,Otherwise normal to D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands\n,Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Becker, Mary\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shaw, Nihal\nDate of procedure: 2008-05-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy.,He had two visible vessels just distal to the GOJ, withina hiatus hernia.,due to retching,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,CLO not taken as patient on PPI.,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration.,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Becker, Mary\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shaw, Nihal\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-05-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,He had two visible vessels just distal to the GOJ, withina hiatus hernia\n,due to retching,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,CLO not taken as patient on PPI\n,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration\n,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Holmes Jr, Raeven\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Salam, Haseena\nDate of procedure: 2008-09-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: previous resection.,Oesophagus- Normal.,Despite this, reasonable views obtained.,Stomach: previous resection.,DUODENUM:.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Holmes Jr, Raeven\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Salam, Haseena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-09-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: previous resection\n,Oesophagus- Normal\n,Despite this, reasonable views obtained\n,Stomach: previous resection\n,DUODENUM:\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: al-Harron, Hissa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Samaan, Abeer\nDate of procedure: 2008-08-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of recent or active bleeding.,Otherwise normal mucosa.,STOMACH: Normal.,2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis.,Large food residue in stomach.,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia.,8 cm hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" al-Harron, Hissa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Samaan, Abeer\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-08-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of recent or active bleeding\n,Otherwise normal mucosa\n,STOMACH: Normal\n,2 mm lipoma at 21 cm on the right wall,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis\n,Large food residue in stomach\n,OESOPHAGUS: Small 1cm hiatus hernia\n,8 cm hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Root, Claire\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Perez Onate, Cierra\nDate of procedure: 2016-04-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophageal biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1.,Grade 2 varices with red signs.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point.,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding.,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Root, Claire\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Perez Onate, Cierra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-04-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1\n,Grade 2 varices with red signs\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point\n,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Carrington, Symone\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sabir, Shafeeqa\nDate of procedure: 2006-09-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 41 cm.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Carrington, Symone\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sabir, Shafeeqa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-09-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 41 cm\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: Katz, Nicole\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Meredith, Yoselin\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it.,Not examined.,O: GOJ at 42cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" Katz, Nicole\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Meredith, Yoselin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,The minor ampulla was identified proximal to it\n,Not examined\n,O: GOJ at 42cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: Rose, Maudgenique\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Madison\nDate of procedure: 2002-09-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied.,STOMACH: PHG mild.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" Rose, Maudgenique\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Madison\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-09-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied\n,STOMACH: PHG mild\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: al-Mohammad, Nawaal\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Pirani, Lubaaba\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,No blood in the upper GI tract.,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,Biospy taken, easily bleeding.,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy.,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Good passage to 70cm.,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" al-Mohammad, Nawaal\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Pirani, Lubaaba\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,No blood in the upper GI tract\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,Biospy taken, easily bleeding\n,Extensive portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Good passage to 70cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: Raiburn, Alondra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Traver, Alejandra\nDate of procedure: 2003-01-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,The endoscope passed without resistance.,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" Raiburn, Alondra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Traver, Alejandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-01-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,The endoscope passed without resistance\n,Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Patel, Darby\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Villanueva, Okatomi\nDate of procedure: 2015-03-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No fundal varices seen.,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis.,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M.,Gastro-oesophageal anastomosis at 30cm from incisors, which is open with free reflux.,Normal oesophagus; SCJ at 40 cm widely patent with 20 mm balloon fitting loosely; both limbs of jejunum entered for 20 cm.,CLO POSITIVE.,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,No specific lesion identified.,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia.,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Patel, Darby\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Villanueva, Okatomi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-03-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No fundal varices seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis\n,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M\n,Gastro-oesophageal anastomosis at 30cm from incisors, which is open with free reflux\n,Normal oesophagus; SCJ at 40 cm widely patent with 20 mm balloon fitting loosely; both limbs of jejunum entered for 20 cm\n,CLO POSITIVE\n,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,No specific lesion identified\n,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia\n,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: Sablan, Stephanie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gerberding, Haley\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm.,G: Normal mucosa.,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal.,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" Sablan, Stephanie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gerberding, Haley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: Thomas, Cassandra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mace, Mackenzie\nDate of procedure: 2014-05-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding.,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix.,Stomach- Normal.,Rest of upper GI tract normal.,8 cm hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm.,Tight stricture impassable with scope.,3cm hiatus hernia.,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" Thomas, Cassandra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mace, Mackenzie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-05-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding\n,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix\n,Stomach- Normal\n,Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,8 cm hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm\n,Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,3cm hiatus hernia\n,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: el-Saad, Jawhara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Murad, Saafiyya\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: G: mild PHG.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,DUODENUM: almost complete resolution of pyloric oedema.,Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,This was dilated to 12mm with CRE balloon - no immediate complications.,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?,Diaphragmatic pinch: 40cm.,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" el-Saad, Jawhara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Murad, Saafiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" G: mild PHG\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,DUODENUM: almost complete resolution of pyloric oedema\n,Its removal resulted in a significant pulsating bleed from a vessel at the edge of the EMR\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,This was dilated to 12mm with CRE balloon - no immediate complications\n,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?,Diaphragmatic pinch: 40cm\n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: Page, Aiesha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kane, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2011-02-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No blood in the upper GI tract.,The mucosa in between was flat but had abnormal vasculature and pit pattern.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" Page, Aiesha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kane, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-02-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No blood in the upper GI tract\n,The mucosa in between was flat but had abnormal vasculature and pit pattern\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Diazdeleon, Chantelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chu, Wahida\nDate of procedure: 2010-12-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1 - ulcer healing .,OESOPHAGUS: hiatue hernia with irregular Z line at 37 cm but no obvious Barrett's.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Diazdeleon, Chantelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chu, Wahida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-12-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1 - ulcer healing \n,OESOPHAGUS: hiatue hernia with irregular Z line at 37 cm but no obvious Barrett's\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Hoffpauir, Anuzaya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Comaduran Terrazas, Miranda\nDate of procedure: 2002-08-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm .,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Hoffpauir, Anuzaya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Comaduran Terrazas, Miranda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-08-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm \n,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Willingham, Trenivea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pebworth-Brown, Mia\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No oesophageal varices seen.,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect.,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm.,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect.,DUODENUM: Normal to D3.,Haemostasis achieved.,Stomach and duodenum with no mucosal lesion.,D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken.,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Willingham, Trenivea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pebworth-Brown, Mia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No oesophageal varices seen\n,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect\n,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm\n,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect\n,DUODENUM: Normal to D3\n,Haemostasis achieved\n,Stomach and duodenum with no mucosal lesion\n,D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken\n,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: al-Madani, Hafsa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Hana, Faseeha\nDate of procedure: 2003-06-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" al-Madani, Hafsa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Hana, Faseeha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-06-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Kerr, Jordan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Amer, Mardiyya\nDate of procedure: 2009-11-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken x4.,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Kerr, Jordan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Amer, Mardiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-11-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken x4\n,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Luna, Monica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tuck, Rachel\nDate of procedure: 2013-02-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Normal.,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Luna, Monica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tuck, Rachel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-02-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Normal\n,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: Winters, Giavanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Anderson, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2001-12-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2.,Several fundal gland polyps in the body.,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Small hiatus hernia only.,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm.,Benign appearances.,APC 40W applied with good effect.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" Winters, Giavanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Anderson, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-12-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2\n,Several fundal gland polyps in the body\n,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Small hiatus hernia only\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm\n,Benign appearances\n,APC 40W applied with good effect\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Stafford, Angelina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Molnar, Samantha\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Also D2 biopsies taken and sent in saline for TCR.,No blood in the upper GI tract.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Very short D1.,Top of gastric folds: 39cm.,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,No haitus hernia.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Stafford, Angelina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Molnar, Samantha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Also D2 biopsies taken and sent in saline for TCR\n,No blood in the upper GI tract\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Very short D1\n,Top of gastric folds: 39cm\n,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,No haitus hernia\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: el-Jaber, Rutaiba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Naqvi, Yaasmeena\nDate of procedure: 2004-04-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No nodular areas seen.,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken.,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,Shatzki ring at the OGJ.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" el-Jaber, Rutaiba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Naqvi, Yaasmeena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-04-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No nodular areas seen\n,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,Shatzki ring at the OGJ\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Vong Vi Chith, Deanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tolbert, Ischara\nDate of procedure: 2004-03-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: EoE.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate.,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only.,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins.,I took quadrantic biopsies at 25 cm and 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) .,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Vong Vi Chith, Deanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tolbert, Ischara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-03-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" EoE\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate\n,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only\n,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins\n,I took quadrantic biopsies at 25 cm and 20 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) \n,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Le, Amanda Lynn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lam, Victoria\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,No erosions in antrum seen this time.,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Le, Amanda Lynn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lam, Victoria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,No erosions in antrum seen this time\n,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: Tamburri, Crystal\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Koster, Jiang\nDate of procedure: 2014-09-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site.,She has no hiatus hernia or evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,Oesophagus- Normal.,G: mild PHG.,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG.,due to retching\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" Tamburri, Crystal\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Koster, Jiang\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-09-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site\n,She has no hiatus hernia or evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,Oesophagus- Normal\n,G: mild PHG\n,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG\n,due to retching\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Romero, Angel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chacon, Lydia\nDate of procedure: 2002-11-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Area biopsied again.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Romero, Angel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chacon, Lydia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-11-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Area biopsied again\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: el-Kazi, Kaazima\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Solt, Kristan\nDate of procedure: 2013-01-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: No food.,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise.,There was very mild oesophagitis and a single 5mm benign-appearing ulcer at the gastro-oesophageal junction.,O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm .,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Duodenitis D1 - mild.,GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed.,No fresh blood in the lumen.,Normal appearances post THO.,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" el-Kazi, Kaazima\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Solt, Kristan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-01-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: No food\n,STOMACH: small hiatus hernia, normal stomach otherwise\n,There was very mild oesophagitis and a single 5mm benign-appearing ulcer at the gastro-oesophageal junction\n,O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm \n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Duodenitis D1 - mild\n,GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed\n,No fresh blood in the lumen\n,Normal appearances post THO\n,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: Buchanan, Nicole\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Abbasi, Jasra\nDate of procedure: 2008-03-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis.,No blood in the UGI tract.,O: GOJ at 41cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" Buchanan, Nicole\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Abbasi, Jasra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-03-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis\n,No blood in the UGI tract\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: el-Saadeh, Arwa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Matin, Muntaha\nDate of procedure: 2005-12-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Distorted and distended stomach.,The stomach and duodenum are also normal.,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis.,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding.,Small gastric remnant with apparent Polya reconstruction.,STOMACH: intact fundoplication, prepyloric oedematous folds, slightly friable -biopsies sent.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus.,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis.,No fresh or altered blood in stomach.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" el-Saadeh, Arwa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Matin, Muntaha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-12-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Distorted and distended stomach\n,The stomach and duodenum are also normal\n,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis\n,We will re-book for 2 weeks, rebanding\n,Small gastric remnant with apparent Polya reconstruction\n,STOMACH: intact fundoplication, prepyloric oedematous folds, slightly friable -biopsies sent\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus\n,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis\n,No fresh or altered blood in stomach\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Steele, Christina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Alire, Ashlyn\nDate of procedure: 2008-03-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only.,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.,Normal overlying mucosa.,This was gently pushed through and passed easily.,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus.,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm.,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Steele, Christina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Alire, Ashlyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-03-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only\n,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n,Normal overlying mucosa\n,This was gently pushed through and passed easily\n,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus\n,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Howard, Rebekah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kaus, Kourtney\nDate of procedure: 2007-05-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Moderate amount of fluid in the upper third, requiring suctioning.,O: Normal mucosa.,Mild oesophagitis.,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Howard, Rebekah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kaus, Kourtney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-05-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Moderate amount of fluid in the upper third, requiring suctioning\n,O: Normal mucosa\n,Mild oesophagitis\n,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: el-Fahs, Taaliba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mcallister, Alexandra\nDate of procedure: 2014-11-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall .,OESOPHAGUS: Mild narrowing at oesophago-conduit anastomosis in neck, required balloon dilatation 20mm .,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" el-Fahs, Taaliba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mcallister, Alexandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-11-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall \n,OESOPHAGUS: Mild narrowing at oesophago-conduit anastomosis in neck, required balloon dilatation 20mm \n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Simmons, Naomi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dunlap, Ebony\nDate of procedure: 2014-05-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 - normal.,No obvious gastric outflow restriction.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Simmons, Naomi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dunlap, Ebony\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-05-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 - normal\n,No obvious gastric outflow restriction\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Garcia, Mina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lockett, Christina\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No neoplasia.,3cm hiatus hernia.,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago.,Stomach- Pylorus Polyp- 2cm.,GOJ at 43 cm.,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum.,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only.,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Mina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lockett, Christina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No neoplasia\n,3cm hiatus hernia\n,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago\n,Stomach- Pylorus Polyp- 2cm\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum\n,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n,They are mostly well covered, with red signs on one varix only\n,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: Tampubolon, Priscilla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Crowder, Cassandra\nDate of procedure: 2013-08-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope easily passed through.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" Tampubolon, Priscilla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Crowder, Cassandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-08-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope easily passed through\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: el-Sharifi, Juhaina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gorjoux, Janay\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus.,Compressible.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" el-Sharifi, Juhaina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gorjoux, Janay\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus\n,Compressible\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Meeker, Jasmine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kassahun, Alyssa\nDate of procedure: 2015-10-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biospy taken, easily bleeding.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI,Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease.,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biopsies taken.,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis.,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Meeker, Jasmine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kassahun, Alyssa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-10-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biospy taken, easily bleeding\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI,Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease\n,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biopsies taken\n,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis\n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Saeid, Samantha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Campbell, Isheya\nDate of procedure: 2013-09-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The stomach and duodenum are also normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Saeid, Samantha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Campbell, Isheya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-09-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The stomach and duodenum are also normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Weckmann, Danni\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. House, Haley\nDate of procedure: 2015-06-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm .,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,No specific lesion identified.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Weckmann, Danni\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n House, Haley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-06-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm \n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,No specific lesion identified\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: el-Can, Qamraaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Hussain, Tayyiba\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B .,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described.,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,Haemospray.,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia.,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative.,Gastric biopsies taken for HLO - on PPI and unable to do CLO test.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" el-Can, Qamraaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Hussain, Tayyiba\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA B \n,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described\n,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,Haemospray\n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia\n,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative\n,Gastric biopsies taken for HLO - on PPI and unable to do CLO test\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Naylor, Teddi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Villani, Alyssa\nDate of procedure: 2013-11-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago.,No fundal varices seen.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,Mucosa of remnant also abnormal .,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding.,Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Naylor, Teddi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Villani, Alyssa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-11-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago\n,No fundal varices seen\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,Mucosa of remnant also abnormal \n,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding\n,Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: al-Rad, Hiba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Willoughby, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal.,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,Normal otherwise.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" al-Rad, Hiba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Willoughby, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal\n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,Normal otherwise\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: Jones, Harley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Polson, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" Jones, Harley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Polson, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: Gubbins, Hanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Liu, Jhana\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of oesophageal varices.,Stomach- Normal.,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis.,DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions.,Anastomosis patent and empirically dilated up to 20mm with good effect.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" Gubbins, Hanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Liu, Jhana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of oesophageal varices\n,Stomach- Normal\n,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis\n,DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions\n,Anastomosis patent and empirically dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Lang, Stephanie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chhoeun, Der\nDate of procedure: 2002-03-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Otherwise normal mucosa.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only.,Further snare coagulation over the area was performed.,Stomach- Body Polyp with Biopsies Taken-Multiple.,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Lang, Stephanie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chhoeun, Der\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-03-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Otherwise normal mucosa\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only\n,Further snare coagulation over the area was performed\n,Stomach- Body Polyp with Biopsies Taken-Multiple\n,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Jaramillo, Nariah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Haley, Shannon\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Hiatus Hernia- Small.,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Jaramillo, Nariah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Haley, Shannon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Holguin, Violetta\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Meek, Samantha\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 41 cm.,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied.,Stomach- Pylorus.,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 39 cm.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,STOMACH: Mild/Moderate gastritis of body and antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Holguin, Violetta\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Meek, Samantha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 41 cm\n,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied\n,Stomach- Pylorus\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 39 cm\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,STOMACH: Mild/Moderate gastritis of body and antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Madden, Lily\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cano, Destinee\nDate of procedure: 2001-11-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Duodenum: normal.,NBI used .,Total of 75 ablations.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Madden, Lily\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cano, Destinee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-11-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Duodenum: normal\n,NBI used \n,Total of 75 ablations\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Phannadeth, Monica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shaver, Pia\nDate of procedure: 2014-02-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal small bowel mucosa.,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,GOJ at 38cm, biopsies taken.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Phannadeth, Monica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shaver, Pia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-02-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal small bowel mucosa\n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,GOJ at 38cm, biopsies taken\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: el-Emami, Naqaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wickard, Dominique\nDate of procedure: 2015-04-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus.,Normal gastric folds and stomach distension.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" el-Emami, Naqaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wickard, Dominique\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-04-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus\n,Normal gastric folds and stomach distension\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: Runyan, Paige\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Runyan, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2010-01-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No ongoing duodenal ulceration.,No obvious gastric outflow restriction.,Good respiratory effort.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" Runyan, Paige\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Runyan, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-01-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No ongoing duodenal ulceration\n,No obvious gastric outflow restriction\n,Good respiratory effort\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Mccoy, Jocelynn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Karam, Wadee'a\nDate of procedure: 2009-05-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tiny erosions at the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Mccoy, Jocelynn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Karam, Wadee'a\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-05-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tiny erosions at the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Acevedo, Serena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Newlon, Katie\nDate of procedure: 2014-12-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Shatzki ring at the OGJ.,DUODENUM: Not entered.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation .,G: No fundal varices seen.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Acevedo, Serena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Newlon, Katie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-12-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Shatzki ring at the OGJ\n,DUODENUM: Not entered\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation \n,G: No fundal varices seen\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: al-Nagi, Haaritha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cruz, Mika\nDate of procedure: 2001-11-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope easily passed through.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease.,Sha has a 2cm .,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no evidence of residual dysplasia under FICe.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,D1 biopsy taken.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" al-Nagi, Haaritha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cruz, Mika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-11-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope easily passed through\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease\n,Sha has a 2cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no evidence of residual dysplasia under FICe\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,D1 biopsy taken\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Batts, Rowan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Miller, Jasmine\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: NBI used .,Compressible.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Batts, Rowan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Miller, Jasmine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" NBI used \n,Compressible\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: Nguyen, Fayeza\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Soltani, Ameera\nDate of procedure: 2009-07-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm.,No varices.,Tight stricture impassable with scope.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm.,No gastric varices.,G: No fundal varices seen.,Oesophageal biopsies taken.,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" Nguyen, Fayeza\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Soltani, Ameera\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-07-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm\n,No varices\n,Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm\n,No gastric varices\n,G: No fundal varices seen\n,Oesophageal biopsies taken\n,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: el-Imam, Aseela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vang, Angela\nDate of procedure: 2001-09-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis.,Small polyp on fold in fundus, biopsied x1.,No nodular areas seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" el-Imam, Aseela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vang, Angela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-09-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis\n,Small polyp on fold in fundus, biopsied x1\n,No nodular areas seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Fischer, Jasmine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kennedy, Lien\nDate of procedure: 2005-03-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Micronodular gastritis in the antrum.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to investigate for ?,No blood or sign of recent bleeding.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,No mucosal gastric or duodenal lesion.,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Fischer, Jasmine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kennedy, Lien\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-03-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Micronodular gastritis in the antrum\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to investigate for ?,No blood or sign of recent bleeding\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,No mucosal gastric or duodenal lesion\n,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: Navajo, Charlotte\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Burciaga, Heather\nDate of procedure: 2007-07-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal muosa.,Final Prague score: C0M4.,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?,Scope easily passed through.,No evidence of reflux.,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" Navajo, Charlotte\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Burciaga, Heather\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-07-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal muosa\n,Final Prague score: C0M4\n,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?,Scope easily passed through\n,No evidence of reflux\n,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: Cox, Ella\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Crisp, Vicky\nDate of procedure: 2001-10-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The duodenum was also seen to distend well and didn't appear to be compressed extenally down to D2.,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" Cox, Ella\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Crisp, Vicky\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-10-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The duodenum was also seen to distend well and didn't appear to be compressed extenally down to D2\n,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: Butts, Natalie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Tabatabai, Fat'hiyaa\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" Butts, Natalie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Tabatabai, Fat'hiyaa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Jaime, Ester\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Riaz, Imtinaan\nDate of procedure: 2013-05-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC .,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause .,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 31 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis.,Normal UGI tract.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,GOJ at 38cm.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Jaime, Ester\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Riaz, Imtinaan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-05-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: The previous deep ulcer remains well covered with OTSC \n,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause \n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 31 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis\n,Normal UGI tract\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,GOJ at 38cm\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: Morris, Merissa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ehrlich, Alyssa\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,No ulcers.,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned.,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive.,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,The meat bolus was seen in lower segment but could be pushed easily into the stomach.,Haemostasis achieved.,GORD with only partial response to PPI.,Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" Morris, Merissa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ehrlich, Alyssa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,No ulcers\n,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned\n,STOMACH: subtle non-erosive antral/mid-body gastritis - CLO test - positive\n,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,The meat bolus was seen in lower segment but could be pushed easily into the stomach\n,Haemostasis achieved\n,GORD with only partial response to PPI\n,Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: Beltran-Ramirez, Genevieve\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Brown, Payton\nDate of procedure: 2016-01-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No erosions but oedematous folds.,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- mild/mod.,Biopsies taken at 35P.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" Beltran-Ramirez, Genevieve\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Brown, Payton\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-01-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No erosions but oedematous folds\n,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- mild/mod\n,Biopsies taken at 35P\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Smith, Zoe\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Allen, Selena\nDate of procedure: 2016-05-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,GOJ at 43 cm.,Normal UGI tract.,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis.,One of the vessels was visibly bleeding.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Smith, Zoe\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Allen, Selena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-05-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Normal UGI tract\n,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis\n,One of the vessels was visibly bleeding\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Lial, Jamiley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Rahim, Haafiza\nDate of procedure: 2009-04-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Lial, Jamiley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Rahim, Haafiza\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-04-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Moore III, Aranda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Khatter, Jenny\nDate of procedure: 2015-11-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Angularis.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis:.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Moore III, Aranda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Khatter, Jenny\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-11-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Angularis\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis:\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Zen, Meghan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Smith, Edith\nDate of procedure: 2001-05-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,Oesophagus - food bolus in dostal oesophagus - gentle pressure applied to centre of bolus and passed easily into stomach.,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Zen, Meghan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Smith, Edith\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-05-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,Oesophagus - food bolus in dostal oesophagus - gentle pressure applied to centre of bolus and passed easily into stomach\n,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Green, Chayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Torres, Alondra\nDate of procedure: 2005-07-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal.,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Green, Chayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Torres, Alondra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-07-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Stomach - Large well coveredf gastric varix extending from GOJ - no sign of active bleeding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: Jensen, Hallie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Siddiqui, Mubaaraka\nDate of procedure: 2002-04-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" Jensen, Hallie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Siddiqui, Mubaaraka\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-04-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: al-Huq, Naaifa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Onate, Brooke\nDate of procedure: 2014-05-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch.,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus .,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,Fuji endoscope through afterwards.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis.,Oesophagus - Normal.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" al-Huq, Naaifa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Onate, Brooke\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-05-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch\n,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus \n,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,Fuji endoscope through afterwards\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis\n,Oesophagus - Normal\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Cahill, Michelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Shabazz, Afeefa\nDate of procedure: 2005-07-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal UGI tract.,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Cahill, Michelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Shabazz, Afeefa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-07-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal UGI tract\n,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: Bowland, Bianca\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sherer, Shelby\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 42cm .,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,No fundal varices seen.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis - linear ulceration at 3 oclock - biopsy taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described.,Good respiratory effort.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" Bowland, Bianca\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sherer, Shelby\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 42cm \n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,No fundal varices seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis - linear ulceration at 3 oclock - biopsy taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tumour commencing just below Z-line extending into lesser curve as previously described\n,Good respiratory effort\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: Galvan, Tanya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Bari, Arwa\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Not entered.,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm.,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia.,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" Galvan, Tanya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Bari, Arwa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Not entered\n,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm\n,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: Subtle Schatzki ring, mild oesophagitis above 2cm hiastus hernia, biopsies from 30 and 20cm to check for eosinophilia\n,Proceed to colonoscopy today as planned\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: al-Amini, Mubaaraka\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Worley, Sabrina\nDate of procedure: 2001-07-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area.,No immediate complications.,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm.,10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above.,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea.,Normal D1 and D2.,STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" al-Amini, Mubaaraka\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Worley, Sabrina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-07-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area\n,No immediate complications\n,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm\n,10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above\n,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea\n,Normal D1 and D2\n,STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: Mosley, Jazlyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bowles, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2009-03-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Removed with biopsy forceps.,NJ placed uder direct vision.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" Mosley, Jazlyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bowles, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-03-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Removed with biopsy forceps\n,NJ placed uder direct vision\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: al-Rahmani, Atiyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Faraj, Tamanna\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Modalities used to achieve haemostasis:.,Mild gastritis-biopsies taken from gastric antrum for Hp .,Final Prague score: C1M5.,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy.,no varices seen.,Oesophagus- Normal.,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Well covered - photographed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" al-Rahmani, Atiyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Faraj, Tamanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Modalities used to achieve haemostasis:\n,Mild gastritis-biopsies taken from gastric antrum for Hp \n,Final Prague score: C1M5\n,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,no varices seen\n,Oesophagus- Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Well covered - photographed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: al-Shakoor, Mumtaaza\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mckenzie, Rose\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No visible lesion.,Normal duodenum.,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia.,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" al-Shakoor, Mumtaaza\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mckenzie, Rose\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No visible lesion\n,Normal duodenum\n,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: el-Ameen, Shamaail\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Najera-Loya, Miranda\nDate of procedure: 2005-11-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fuji endoscope through afterwards.,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout.,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm.,Gastroparesis.,GORD with only partial response to PPI.,STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only.,No immediate complications.,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits.,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" el-Ameen, Shamaail\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Najera-Loya, Miranda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-11-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fuji endoscope through afterwards\n,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout\n,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm\n,Gastroparesis\n,GORD with only partial response to PPI\n,STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only\n,No immediate complications\n,Just distal to the anasomosis, inferior wall and anterior wall there were two ulcers with hematin deposits\n,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: Saygili, Brittany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lo, Hea\nDate of procedure: 2003-04-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm.,DUODENUM: Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: traces of scarring post bleach ingestion with no inflammation, no strictures and no ulcerations, oesophagus essentially looks normal; GOJ at 40 cm.,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia .,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.,No Hiatus hernia.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" Saygili, Brittany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lo, Hea\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-04-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: traces of scarring post bleach ingestion with no inflammation, no strictures and no ulcerations, oesophagus essentially looks normal; GOJ at 40 cm\n,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia \n,OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n,No Hiatus hernia\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: Ruiz, Jacey\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. White, Alexandria\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion.,GOJ at 41 cm.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 35 cm.,No stigmata of recent bleeding.,No immediate complication.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" Ruiz, Jacey\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n White, Alexandria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach and duodenum: normal with no mucosal lesion\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 35 cm\n,No stigmata of recent bleeding\n,No immediate complication\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Talley, Lestina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lawrence, Darian\nDate of procedure: 2008-02-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer.,GOJ at 38cm.,Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal.,Well covered - photographed.,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging.,No melaena.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Talley, Lestina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lawrence, Darian\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-02-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Cardia abnormality in keeping with known signet ring cancer\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Well covered - photographed\n,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging\n,No melaena\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Martinez, Chelsea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, Michele\nDate of procedure: 2003-10-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has a 6cm hiatus hernia.,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2.,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body.,No inlet patch seen on narow band imaging.,D1 - ulcer healing .,Stomach- Normal.,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted.,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope.,5 x oesophageal biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Martinez, Chelsea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, Michele\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-10-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has a 6cm hiatus hernia\n,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2\n,Mild non-erosive gastritis in the body\n,No inlet patch seen on narow band imaging\n,D1 - ulcer healing \n,Stomach- Normal\n,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted\n,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope\n,5 x oesophageal biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Vanhorn, Catherine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mutamba, Ja'Lainna\nDate of procedure: 2001-03-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1 - ulcer healing .\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Vanhorn, Catherine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mutamba, Ja'Lainna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-03-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1 - ulcer healing \n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Wilkinson, Julissa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Denton, Tia\nDate of procedure: 2005-05-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Known GOJ adeno-Ca.,STOMACH: gastritis.,Site clipped.,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable.,Rest of upper GI tract normal.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1.,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Wilkinson, Julissa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Denton, Tia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-05-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Known GOJ adeno-Ca\n,STOMACH: gastritis\n,Site clipped\n,Mutliple smooth strictures from 25cm to 38cm- scope easily passable\n,Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n,D: Oedematous mucosa and erosions in D1\n,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: el-Tariq, Waheeda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Salaam, Humaira\nDate of procedure: 2014-06-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2.,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus.,Final Prague score: C0M1 .,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,was oozing after passage of the scope.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" el-Tariq, Waheeda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Salaam, Humaira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-06-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2\n,Stomach: Mild, non-specific antral gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus\n,Final Prague score: C0M1 \n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,was oozing after passage of the scope\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Ware, Ernestine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Elliott, Niesha\nDate of procedure: 2016-07-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken as requested.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Ware, Ernestine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Elliott, Niesha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-07-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken as requested\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Wu, Peggy\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Folsom, Fartun\nDate of procedure: 2006-07-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture.,Gastritis and duodenitis.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; mild non-erosive gastritis, more prominent in antrum - CLO test: negative.,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,GOJ at 38cm.,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Wu, Peggy\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Folsom, Fartun\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-07-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; mild non-erosive gastritis, more prominent in antrum - CLO test: negative\n,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Trost, Kallie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Guzman, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2006-05-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1 biopsy taken.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,DUODENUM: not entered.,Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia.,Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Trost, Kallie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Guzman, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-05-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1 biopsy taken\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,DUODENUM: not entered\n,Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia\n,Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: Calderon, Nicole\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garbarini, Eun\nDate of procedure: 2008-11-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Moderate gastritis.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG.,No sinister features.,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis with 5 mm area of slightly raised and eroded mucosa at antrum greater curve which was biopsied.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" Calderon, Nicole\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garbarini, Eun\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-11-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG\n,No sinister features\n,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis with 5 mm area of slightly raised and eroded mucosa at antrum greater curve which was biopsied\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: Ochoa, Joanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Funk, Aubrey\nDate of procedure: 2008-01-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization.,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple .,OESOPHAGUS:Normal.,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J.,Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active .,The reflux oesophagitis has completely healed.,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions.,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area .,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" Ochoa, Joanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Funk, Aubrey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-01-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization\n,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple \n,OESOPHAGUS:Normal\n,Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active \n,The reflux oesophagitis has completely healed\n,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions\n,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area \n,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Pascua, Lauren\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Star\nDate of procedure: 2004-09-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: G: no Fundal varices.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,There seemed to be two loops.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Pascua, Lauren\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Star\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-09-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" G: no Fundal varices\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,There seemed to be two loops\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: Trujillo, Maria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Miller, Christiana\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 4 biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall.,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,No cause for anaemia found.,was oozing after passage of the scope.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" Trujillo, Maria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Miller, Christiana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 4 biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no appreciable hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n,Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall\n,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,No cause for anaemia found\n,was oozing after passage of the scope\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Vinson, Angela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Whitman, Dawnee\nDate of procedure: 2013-07-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: D1 normal.,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2.,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Vinson, Angela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Whitman, Dawnee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-07-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: D1 normal\n,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2\n,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Kim, Eun\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Sayed, Huwaida\nDate of procedure: 2007-12-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Kim, Eun\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Sayed, Huwaida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-12-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: al-Mahmud, Shahaama\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Edwards, Maizy\nDate of procedure: 2001-07-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm.,Oesophagus normal-impression of mild oesophagitis in mid oesophagus-biopsies taken.,Haemostasis achieved.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" al-Mahmud, Shahaama\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Edwards, Maizy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-07-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm\n,Oesophagus normal-impression of mild oesophagitis in mid oesophagus-biopsies taken\n,Haemostasis achieved\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Arkulari, Bridget\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Suleiman, Zaitoona\nDate of procedure: 2004-03-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.,GOJ at 43 cm.,Atrophic gastritis only.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Arkulari, Bridget\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Suleiman, Zaitoona\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-03-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Atrophic gastritis only\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: el-Alam, Naqaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Curtis, Jaleesa\nDate of procedure: 2013-03-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Likely fundic gland polyps.,Repositioned with bumper clear of gastric wall.,Clean based 0.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" el-Alam, Naqaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Curtis, Jaleesa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-03-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Likely fundic gland polyps\n,Repositioned with bumper clear of gastric wall\n,Clean based 0\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Tabacchi, Aubrie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Madani, Najeema\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: sliding hiatus hernia, 3 cm; non-erosive pan-gastritis, CLO test - negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Tabacchi, Aubrie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Madani, Najeema\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: sliding hiatus hernia, 3 cm; non-erosive pan-gastritis, CLO test - negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Gomez, Fiona\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Boyer, Tess\nDate of procedure: 2015-03-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum- Nodular duodenitis.,Normal duodenal mucosa.,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,Despite this, reasonable views obtained.,Pylorus and duodenum normal.,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously.,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm .,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Gomez, Fiona\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Boyer, Tess\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-03-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum- Nodular duodenitis\n,Normal duodenal mucosa\n,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,Despite this, reasonable views obtained\n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously\n,OESOPHAGUS: EMR sites - more distal one at 37cm \n,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Moschetti, Kaela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mostafa, Hanh\nDate of procedure: 2010-05-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies taken.,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,No sinister features.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Moschetti, Kaela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mostafa, Hanh\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-05-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies taken\n,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,No sinister features\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: el-Raad, Nada\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ali, Delgermaa\nDate of procedure: 2008-01-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 37cm.,No ulcers.,Normal D1 and D2.,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,There is no evidence of Barrett's.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" el-Raad, Nada\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ali, Delgermaa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-01-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 37cm\n,No ulcers\n,Normal D1 and D2\n,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,There is no evidence of Barrett's\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Schobert, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lovern, Ellen\nDate of procedure: 2005-01-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.,Oesophagus - Normal GOJ 45cm.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Schobert, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lovern, Ellen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-01-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n,Oesophagus - Normal GOJ 45cm\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Heslip, Andrenee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sayyid, Amy\nDate of procedure: 2002-12-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Heslip, Andrenee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sayyid, Amy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-12-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: al-Nazar, Adhraaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Butler Nash, Kanesha\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: not examined.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.,Inlet patch - No:.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm .,Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities.,Duodenum clear.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" al-Nazar, Adhraaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Butler Nash, Kanesha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: not examined\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm \n,Alimentary limb explorated for 15cm, no abnormalities\n,Duodenum clear\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: Andre, Ashleigh\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Azimi, Mahdhoodha\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Rest of upper GI tract normal.,Irregular Z line.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" Andre, Ashleigh\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Azimi, Mahdhoodha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,Irregular Z line\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: Landry, Anna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Phillips, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2002-06-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mucosa of remnant also abnormal .,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" Landry, Anna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Phillips, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-06-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mucosa of remnant also abnormal \n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Moderate oesophageal stricture 28-35 cm dilated to 18 mm; large sliding hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: Nguyen, Lauren\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sihavong, Molly\nDate of procedure: 2014-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,Total of 23 ablations.,Well covered - photographed.,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis- Erosions.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 .,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken.,Total of 6 ablations.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" Nguyen, Lauren\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sihavong, Molly\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,Total of 23 ablations\n,Well covered - photographed\n,STOMACH: 2 mm ulcer in antrum, with clean base and surrounding oedema\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis- Erosions\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 \n,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken\n,Total of 6 ablations\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Torres, Laura\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lor, Liny\nDate of procedure: 2006-04-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild No ulceration seen.,Stomach and duodenum normal.,Normal upper GI endoscopy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Torres, Laura\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lor, Liny\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-04-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild No ulceration seen\n,Stomach and duodenum normal\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: el-Qazi, Rafeeda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Revello, Samantha\nDate of procedure: 2013-11-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression.,Wide neck diverticulum in D2.,Scope passed through easily.,Small schazki ring in lwer oesophagus that.,EoE.,Biopsies from D2 and stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" el-Qazi, Rafeeda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Revello, Samantha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-11-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression\n,Wide neck diverticulum in D2\n,Scope passed through easily\n,Small schazki ring in lwer oesophagus that\n,EoE\n,Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: Leathers, Amber\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mace, Candace\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" Leathers, Amber\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mace, Candace\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: Donnell, Junai\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Blackbear, Barbara\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Otherwise Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" Donnell, Junai\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Blackbear, Barbara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Otherwise Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: al-Zafar, Aaida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gavin, Lauren\nDate of procedure: 2004-06-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect.,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,Stomach- Moderate gastritis.,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting.,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" al-Zafar, Aaida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gavin, Lauren\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-06-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect\n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting\n,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Cournoyer, Kateri\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vigil, Athena\nDate of procedure: 2010-03-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm ,GOJ at 41 cm.,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Cournoyer, Kateri\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vigil, Athena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-03-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm ,GOJ at 41 cm\n,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Razo Munoz, Analisse\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thompson, Parnia\nDate of procedure: 2006-10-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Minimal antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken.,Duodenum: Normal.,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen.,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Razo Munoz, Analisse\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thompson, Parnia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-10-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Minimal antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken\n,Duodenum: Normal\n,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen\n,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Gomez, Summer\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Mourad, Rashaa\nDate of procedure: 2004-03-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Anastomosis patent, easily passable with the scope.,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point.,No specific lesion identified.,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated.,Known GOJ adeno-Ca.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Gomez, Summer\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Mourad, Rashaa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-03-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Anastomosis patent, easily passable with the scope\n,Not safe to band due to food refluxing up oesophagus but will need re-banding at some point\n,No specific lesion identified\n,GOJ opening well but body of oesophagus dilated\n,Known GOJ adeno-Ca\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Mckay-Epp, Katlynn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Hannan, Mahfoodha\nDate of procedure: 2004-05-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1/2 biopsies taken.,Duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Mckay-Epp, Katlynn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Hannan, Mahfoodha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-05-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1/2 biopsies taken\n,Duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Dupree, Brooke\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shepherd, Jazmynn\nDate of procedure: 2009-11-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea.,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2.,coeliac disease.,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands.,Retrieved with the aid of snare.,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi.,Normal otherwise.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Dupree, Brooke\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shepherd, Jazmynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-11-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea\n,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: At the anastamosis there was circumfrential slow oozing and ulceration\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2\n,coeliac disease\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands\n,Retrieved with the aid of snare\n,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi\n,Normal otherwise\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Muluneh, Sheila\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Aushanay\nDate of procedure: 2007-05-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Muluneh, Sheila\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Aushanay\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-05-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: Habteyesus, Janaye\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Azzi, Nameera\nDate of procedure: 2010-11-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm.,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices.,GOJ at 38cm.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm.,Small hiatus hernia only.,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm.,5 cm in size .,No blood.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" Habteyesus, Janaye\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Azzi, Nameera\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-11-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm\n,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm\n,Small hiatus hernia only\n,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm\n,5 cm in size \n,No blood\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: al-Riaz, Hadiyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Begay, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope not attempted as hypotensive.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,STOMACH: Ulceration healed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" al-Riaz, Hadiyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Begay, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope not attempted as hypotensive\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,STOMACH: Ulceration healed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Motlong, Myah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bernal, Amairani\nDate of procedure: 2007-12-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fundoplication in good position.,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved.,N-Acetyl-cysteine used Yes or no.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild.,O: GOJ at 42cm.,Grade A oesophagitis.,Rest of upper GI tract normal.,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Motlong, Myah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bernal, Amairani\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-12-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fundoplication in good position\n,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved\n,N-Acetyl-cysteine used Yes or no\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild\n,O: GOJ at 42cm\n,Grade A oesophagitis\n,Rest of upper GI tract normal\n,Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Howard, Selena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Leung, Sarah\nDate of procedure: 2014-07-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Distorted and distended stomach.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Howard, Selena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Leung, Sarah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-07-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Distorted and distended stomach\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,She has a Paris subcentimetre 1s nodule at the GOJ which is likely to be hyperplastic or regenerative\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Dietrich, Maggie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mcneil, Tynia\nDate of procedure: 2007-03-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia.,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression.,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis.,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen.,Normal to D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Dietrich, Maggie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mcneil, Tynia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-03-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia\n,3 x bands appied to the oesophageal varices - at 39cm, 37cm and 36cm with good proximal decompression\n,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis\n,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen\n,Normal to D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: Herrera, Kayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Ameen, Maazina\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI.,4 biopsies taken.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm .,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" Herrera, Kayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Ameen, Maazina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,STOMACH: Mild nodular areas of inflammation in antrum - biopsies for h pylori as on PPI\n,4 biopsies taken\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm \n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Inouye, Ngoclan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Connolly, Mirina\nDate of procedure: 2010-01-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B .,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative.,3cm hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Inouye, Ngoclan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Connolly, Mirina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-01-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B \n,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,3cm hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: Avorque, Shirley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Woods, Jasmine\nDate of procedure: 2003-11-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease.,Final Prague score: C1M5.,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) .,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" Avorque, Shirley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Woods, Jasmine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-11-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease\n,Final Prague score: C1M5\n,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) \n,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: al-Abad, Sundus\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dalke, Kelsey\nDate of procedure: 2010-06-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture.,Gastritis- Nodular.,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" al-Abad, Sundus\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dalke, Kelsey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-06-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture\n,Gastritis- Nodular\n,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: Awtrey, Kristine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shino, Pachoua\nDate of procedure: 2014-04-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only.,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect.,No active bleeding or altered blood.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia.,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" Awtrey, Kristine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shino, Pachoua\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-04-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only\n,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect\n,No active bleeding or altered blood\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's: 33 cm\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Watts, Cheyenne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Seline\nDate of procedure: 2008-02-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Very friable with bleeding.,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,Total of 18 ablations.,There was loss of pit pattern on surface,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal.,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension.,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal.,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area.,She has an atrophic looking stomach .,Stomach- No gastric varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Watts, Cheyenne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Seline\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-02-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Very friable with bleeding\n,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,Total of 18 ablations\n,There was loss of pit pattern on surface,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal\n,Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension\n,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal\n,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area\n,She has an atrophic looking stomach \n,Stomach- No gastric varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Manu, Tiffany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Parson, Angela\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken x4.,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Manu, Tiffany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Parson, Angela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken x4\n,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Lujan, Vanessa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Apedjinou, Mariah\nDate of procedure: 2016-12-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect.,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.,Flumazenil given.,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Lujan, Vanessa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Apedjinou, Mariah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-12-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n,Flumazenil given\n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Fletchall, Mercedez\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Niazi, Aadila\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis.,Scope passed through easily.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings.,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Fletchall, Mercedez\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Niazi, Aadila\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Moderate duodenitis\n,Scope passed through easily\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings\n,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Ontiveros, Brittany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Robbins, Dashawna\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Shatzki ring at the OGJ.,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 .,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline.,Duodenal biopsies taken.,Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa.,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Ontiveros, Brittany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Robbins, Dashawna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Shatzki ring at the OGJ\n,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 \n,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline\n,Duodenal biopsies taken\n,Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa\n,Stricture at 18cm dilated up to 15mm with good effect\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: al-Rais, Ariyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Penn, Amber\nDate of procedure: 2006-05-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: mildly dilated oesophagus with traces of food and saliva requiring suctioning.,8 cm hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" al-Rais, Ariyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Penn, Amber\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-05-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: mildly dilated oesophagus with traces of food and saliva requiring suctioning\n,8 cm hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: al-Masih, Shareefa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hunter, Brooke\nDate of procedure: 2007-02-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.,8 cm hiatus hernia.,Inlet patch - No:.,Hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: four small islands of Barrett's < 1 sq cm .,4 biopsies taken.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" al-Masih, Shareefa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hunter, Brooke\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-02-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n,8 cm hiatus hernia\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,Hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: four small islands of Barrett's < 1 sq cm \n,4 biopsies taken\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Vialpando, Mikala\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Rachel\nDate of procedure: 2013-08-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip.,No afferent limb seen.,Stomach- No gastric varices.,Known Barrett's.,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin.,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.,No stricture seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Vialpando, Mikala\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Rachel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-08-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip\n,No afferent limb seen\n,Stomach- No gastric varices\n,Known Barrett's\n,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin\n,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n,No stricture seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Hamilton, Avianha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Delgado Calzada, Ariel\nDate of procedure: 2014-08-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1.,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied.,Biopsies taken including for TCR.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Hamilton, Avianha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Delgado Calzada, Ariel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-08-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1\n,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied\n,Biopsies taken including for TCR\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Acosta, Desiree\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nelson, Anysia\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Antral gastris.,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots.,No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia.,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Acosta, Desiree\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nelson, Anysia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Antral gastris\n,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots\n,No evidence of Barrett's oesophagus, short 2 cn hiatus hernia\n,No evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: Penny, Alexandria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Needham, Lily'Okalani\nDate of procedure: 2008-06-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi.,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" Penny, Alexandria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Needham, Lily'Okalani\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-06-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi\n,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Tanoue, Katie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ogbaselassie, Briana\nDate of procedure: 2009-07-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin.,Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing.,No stricture.,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area.,Pylorus and duodenum intact.,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Tanoue, Katie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ogbaselassie, Briana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-07-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin\n,Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing\n,No stricture\n,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area\n,Pylorus and duodenum intact\n,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: Pryor, Brooke\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Miramontes, Jimena\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging.,No hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" Pryor, Brooke\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Miramontes, Jimena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging\n,No hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Small polyp on incisura,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: Fukino, Whitney\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Belden, Kimberly\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis.,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum.,STOMACH: Normal.,Patient did not tolerate the procedure and was panicking and pulling the scope out.,Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm.,Small 2cm recurrent HH.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,Normal stomach and duodenum.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" Fukino, Whitney\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Belden, Kimberly\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: mild D1 duodenitis\n,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum\n,STOMACH: Normal\n,Patient did not tolerate the procedure and was panicking and pulling the scope out\n,Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm\n,Small 2cm recurrent HH\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,Normal stomach and duodenum\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: el-Ismail, Nameera\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gottschalk, Lily'Okalani\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease.,Several fundal gland polyps in the body.,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,G: Severe PHG.,No macroscopic features of EoE.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm.,It looks like things have improved but not normalised.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" el-Ismail, Nameera\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gottschalk, Lily'Okalani\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease\n,Several fundal gland polyps in the body\n,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,G: Severe PHG\n,No macroscopic features of EoE\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 47 cm\n,It looks like things have improved but not normalised\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Daves, Cyerah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Niessink, Lorileilaramie\nDate of procedure: 2005-06-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate.,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,Gastro-jejunostomy entered, no narrowing, and aspirates taken.,No nodular areas seen.,No blood in upper GI tract.,Tight stricture impassable with scope.,DUODENUM: Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia.,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Daves, Cyerah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Niessink, Lorileilaramie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-06-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Moderate\n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,Gastro-jejunostomy entered, no narrowing, and aspirates taken\n,No nodular areas seen\n,No blood in upper GI tract\n,Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia\n,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Sellers, Mercedes\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thomas, Rosie\nDate of procedure: 2004-03-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts.,A 1cm submucosal lesion was seen in the distal oesophagus.,No endoscopic evidence of GORD.,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy.,2 cm hiatus hernia.,Stomach and duodenum: normal.,Stomach- Pylorus Polyp- 2cm.,Otherwise normal to D2.,No inlet patch was seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Sellers, Mercedes\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thomas, Rosie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-03-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts\n,A 1cm submucosal lesion was seen in the distal oesophagus\n,No endoscopic evidence of GORD\n,OESOPHAGUS: Irregular Z-line, no clear visible Barrett's but metaplasia on previous biopsy\n,2 cm hiatus hernia\n,Stomach and duodenum: normal\n,Stomach- Pylorus Polyp- 2cm\n,Otherwise normal to D2\n,No inlet patch was seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Elliott, Brianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nguyen, Emily\nDate of procedure: 2006-11-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Elliott, Brianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nguyen, Emily\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-11-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Mckenzie, Cycrena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ramirez, Danielle\nDate of procedure: 2007-12-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Otherwise normal to D2.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm.,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,Gastric fundus biopsies taken, as mostly inflamed area and 1-2mm erosions .,Procedure abandoned due to high risk of aspiration and poor views.,The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus .,Treated- APC.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Mckenzie, Cycrena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ramirez, Danielle\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-12-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Otherwise normal to D2\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm\n,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,Gastric fundus biopsies taken, as mostly inflamed area and 1-2mm erosions \n,Procedure abandoned due to high risk of aspiration and poor views\n,The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus \n,Treated- APC\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Karman, Jennifer\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Serafin, Yesenia\nDate of procedure: 2008-02-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has a small hiatus hernia .,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis - linear ulceration at 3 oclock - biopsy taken.,It looks like things have improved but not normalised.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Karman, Jennifer\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Serafin, Yesenia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-02-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has a small hiatus hernia \n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis - linear ulceration at 3 oclock - biopsy taken\n,It looks like things have improved but not normalised\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: al-Taheri, Najlaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tolley, Carrie\nDate of procedure: 2006-06-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper.,Grade A oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" al-Taheri, Najlaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tolley, Carrie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-06-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper\n,Grade A oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: Williams, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Erickson, Alaina\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken.,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2.,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) .,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.,Hiatus Hernia- Large.,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ.,Normal upper GI endoscopy.,STOMACH: PEG in situ, not embeded.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" Williams, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Erickson, Alaina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken\n,Hiatus hernia otherwise normal to D2\n,Limited to proximal stomach as there were some food residues and the patient was not tolerating the procedure very well ) \n,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n,Hiatus Hernia- Large\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy\n,STOMACH: PEG in situ, not embeded\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Lucero, Kelisha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gant, Edith\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GORD with only partial response to PPI.,No gastric varices.,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Lucero, Kelisha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gant, Edith\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GORD with only partial response to PPI\n,No gastric varices\n,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: King, Andrea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Brokenberry, Sha-Rheya\nDate of procedure: 2010-07-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: a couple of small erosions in fundus and mid-body - CLO test positive.,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope.,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis.,Multiple white plaques throughout suggestive of Candida oesophagitis.,Duodenum- Nodular duodenitis.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" King, Andrea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Brokenberry, Sha-Rheya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-07-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: a couple of small erosions in fundus and mid-body - CLO test positive\n,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope\n,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis\n,Multiple white plaques throughout suggestive of Candida oesophagitis\n,Duodenum- Nodular duodenitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: el-Lodi, Zahra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kefele, Courtney\nDate of procedure: 2013-09-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: large hiatus hernia.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.,No other pathology.,Stomach - Normal.,Hiatus hernia .,Wide open pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" el-Lodi, Zahra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kefele, Courtney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-09-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: large hiatus hernia\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n,No other pathology\n,Stomach - Normal\n,Hiatus hernia \n,Wide open pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Clark, Allison\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Amber\nDate of procedure: 2001-09-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fundoplication in good position.,Non-inflamed Barrett's segment C2M3 with no nodularity or visible dysplasia.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm.,Very difficult to get biopsies.,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.,No blood in the UGI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Clark, Allison\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Amber\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-09-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fundoplication in good position\n,Non-inflamed Barrett's segment C2M3 with no nodularity or visible dysplasia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm\n,Very difficult to get biopsies\n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch identified\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n,No blood in the UGI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: Solis, Samantha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sampson, Dipali\nDate of procedure: 2013-12-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,15 Fr FREKA PEG tube inserted under direct endoscopic vision.,No gastric varices.,The varices flattened well with air insufflation.,Normal duodenal mucosa.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" Solis, Samantha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sampson, Dipali\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-12-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: one linear varix, small size, flattened on insufflation, with no red signs\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,15 Fr FREKA PEG tube inserted under direct endoscopic vision\n,No gastric varices\n,The varices flattened well with air insufflation\n,Normal duodenal mucosa\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: Sena-Calvillo, Jenna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Moncada-Ruiz, Melissa\nDate of procedure: 2010-01-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" Sena-Calvillo, Jenna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Moncada-Ruiz, Melissa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-01-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Ward, Olivia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carroll, Whitney\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Grade 2 varices with red signs.,No inlet patch was seen.,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis, biopsies taken.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Ward, Olivia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carroll, Whitney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Grade 2 varices with red signs\n,No inlet patch was seen\n,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis, biopsies taken\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliac disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: Rausch, Siran\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lopez, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2013-12-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices.,He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis.,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm .,Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team.,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock.,DUODENUM: Normal to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" Rausch, Siran\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lopez, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-12-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices\n,He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis\n,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm \n,Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team\n,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock\n,DUODENUM: Normal to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: Weaver, Katalina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Winter, Kayla\nDate of procedure: 2011-03-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: G: Severe PHG.,STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only.,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" Weaver, Katalina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Winter, Kayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-03-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" G: Severe PHG\n,STOMACH: max 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia, seen on retroflexion only\n,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: Davis, Patricia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sago, Zion\nDate of procedure: 2005-01-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx.,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,Good respiratory effort.,He bacame tachy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" Davis, Patricia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sago, Zion\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-01-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx\n,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,Good respiratory effort\n,He bacame tachy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Kelly, Breanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Kiana\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Total of 6 ablations.,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia.,No oesophageal varices seen.,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Kelly, Breanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Kiana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Total of 6 ablations\n,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia\n,No oesophageal varices seen\n,Oesophagus- Candida in proximal oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: al-Malik, Haaniya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Freeman, Wyona\nDate of procedure: 2006-03-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG.,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part.,STOMACH: Moderate haemorrhagic gastritis - CLO test negative.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" al-Malik, Haaniya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Freeman, Wyona\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-03-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,No varices anywhere in the upper GI tract/ no PHG\n,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part\n,STOMACH: Moderate haemorrhagic gastritis - CLO test negative\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia with gastric prolapse\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: el-Shahin, Marzooqa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martin, Shalisha\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Flumazenil given.,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm .,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" el-Shahin, Marzooqa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martin, Shalisha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Flumazenil given\n,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm \n,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: el-Hafeez, Huda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tursick, Caitlin\nDate of procedure: 2001-06-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" el-Hafeez, Huda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tursick, Caitlin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-06-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Felix, Vanesa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Senette, Jaylynn\nDate of procedure: 2002-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 33 cm.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Felix, Vanesa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Senette, Jaylynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 33 cm\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: al-Halaby, Naqaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Zafar, Layaali\nDate of procedure: 2014-03-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No PHG.,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm .,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding.,No neoplasia.,Review histology at MDT.,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer.,The endoscope passed without resistance.,Top of tongues:31 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" al-Halaby, Naqaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Zafar, Layaali\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-03-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No PHG\n,Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm \n,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n,She has an mid-oesophageal ulcer oesophageal varices around 40cm a second procedure was performed with intention of banding\n,No neoplasia\n,Review histology at MDT\n,Biopsies taken from edge of ulcer\n,The endoscope passed without resistance\n,Top of tongues:31 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Allen, Amber\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gang, Katrina\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Final Prague score: C0M4.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Allen, Amber\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gang, Katrina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Final Prague score: C0M4\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Nettles, Dianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Herrera, Joleen\nDate of procedure: 2007-05-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis.,Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Grade 2 varices with red signs.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Nettles, Dianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Herrera, Joleen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-05-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis\n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Grade 2 varices with red signs\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the First part of duodenum\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: Villalba-Deleon, Jasmine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pham, Sylviana\nDate of procedure: 2016-03-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The anastomosis was erythematous with bleeding to touch and oedema.,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings.,No fundal varices seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" Villalba-Deleon, Jasmine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pham, Sylviana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-03-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The anastomosis was erythematous with bleeding to touch and oedema\n,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings\n,No fundal varices seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: Jones, Larae\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garbarini, Yesenia\nDate of procedure: 2002-05-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative.,Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: resolving oesophageal candidiasis.,Pylorus and duodenum intact.,Duodentitis- Erosions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" Jones, Larae\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garbarini, Yesenia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-05-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: resolving oesophageal candidiasis\n,Pylorus and duodenum intact\n,Duodentitis- Erosions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Belkin, Khadijah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kapu, Sugar\nDate of procedure: 2005-03-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding .,The anastomosis looked normal.,No Barrett's seen.,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Belkin, Khadijah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kapu, Sugar\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-03-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding \n,The anastomosis looked normal\n,No Barrett's seen\n,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: Fayne, Lianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Shaffer, Olivia\nDate of procedure: 2007-02-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.,G: Normal mucosa.,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis.,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 .,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal.,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small.,Stomach - normal.,No oesophagitis was seen.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" Fayne, Lianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Shaffer, Olivia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-02-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis\n,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 \n,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,Stomach, pylorus and duodenum normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small\n,Stomach - normal\n,No oesophagitis was seen\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: Pagan, Raquel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kluth, Ashley\nDate of procedure: 2014-06-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands.,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.,D2 biopsies not taken.,Barrett's Oesophagus.,Well covered - photographed.,O: GOJ at 42cm.,Ulcer in the pylorus.,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,Hiatus Hernia- 3-4cm.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" Pagan, Raquel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kluth, Ashley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-06-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Short segment of Barrett's C0M1 and islands\n,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n,D2 biopsies not taken\n,Barrett's Oesophagus\n,Well covered - photographed\n,O: GOJ at 42cm\n,Ulcer in the pylorus\n,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,Hiatus Hernia- 3-4cm\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: Lang, Shaterica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Luker, Caroline\nDate of procedure: 2012-05-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,O: Normal mucosa.,Small hiatus hernia from 38 to 41cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm.,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis, biopsies taken.,No fundal varices seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" Lang, Shaterica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Luker, Caroline\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-05-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,O: Normal mucosa\n,Small hiatus hernia from 38 to 41cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm\n,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis, biopsies taken\n,No fundal varices seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: Le, Kaylan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Devoss, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2009-10-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mucosal inflammation noted in the body of stomach - biopsied.,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots.,Normal duodenum.,No haitus hernia.,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus.,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied.,GOJ at 41 cm.,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" Le, Kaylan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Devoss, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-10-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mucosal inflammation noted in the body of stomach - biopsied\n,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots\n,Normal duodenum\n,No haitus hernia\n,G: Portal hypertensive gastropathy, more obvious in the fundus\n,C0M1 Barretts- biopsied\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,DUODENUM: Duodenitis- Mild/Moderate\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Nodular\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: Samora, Daysia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Artrielle\nDate of procedure: 2007-02-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of oeosphagitis.,GOJ at 43 cm.,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" Samora, Daysia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Artrielle\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-02-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of oeosphagitis\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: Sandoval, Julianne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sadiq, Shahaada\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He bacame tachy.,He has H Pylori eradication following last examination.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" Sandoval, Julianne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sadiq, Shahaada\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He bacame tachy\n,He has H Pylori eradication following last examination\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: el-Hossain, Thaamira\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Silas, Jaylyn\nDate of procedure: 2006-09-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: top of gastric fold and neo-Zline at 38 cm, 36 and 35 cm.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,Normal upper GI endoscopy.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2.,No cervical inlet patch.,No cause for anaemia was found.,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen.,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass.,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" el-Hossain, Thaamira\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Silas, Jaylyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-09-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: top of gastric fold and neo-Zline at 38 cm, 36 and 35 cm\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2\n,No cervical inlet patch\n,No cause for anaemia was found\n,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen\n,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass\n,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: el-Reza, Raaniya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rosen, Sara\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.,Stomach - Normal.,Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation .\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" el-Reza, Raaniya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rosen, Sara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n,Stomach - Normal\n,Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation \n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: Nguyen, Courtney\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Foster, Noni\nDate of procedure: 2011-04-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No obvious gastric varices.,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1.,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,STOMACH: Food residue.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; mild non-erosive gastritis, more prominent in antrum - CLO test: negative.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Moderate amount of fluid in the upper third, requiring suctioning.,No active ulcer.,Tight distal stricture which would not allow passage of scope.,Biopsies from D2 and stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" Nguyen, Courtney\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Foster, Noni\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-04-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No obvious gastric varices\n,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1\n,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,STOMACH: Food residue\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; mild non-erosive gastritis, more prominent in antrum - CLO test: negative\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Moderate amount of fluid in the upper third, requiring suctioning\n,No active ulcer\n,Tight distal stricture which would not allow passage of scope\n,Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Nguyen, Gabrielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Idris, Raabiya\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect.,Total of 75 ablations.,Biopsies from D2 and D1 taken.,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1.,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1.,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Nguyen, Gabrielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Idris, Raabiya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect\n,Total of 75 ablations\n,Biopsies from D2 and D1 taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1\n,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1\n,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Warner, Razan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Trottner, Anna\nDate of procedure: 2006-11-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Warner, Razan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Trottner, Anna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-11-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 10cm hiatus hernia with erosive oesophagitis above\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJN at 39 cm\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Wesley, Asha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Curtis, Peyton\nDate of procedure: 2001-08-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Wesley, Asha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Curtis, Peyton\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-08-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Spencer, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mccant, Sienna\nDate of procedure: 2002-07-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope.,Type II tumour extending 2cm up to the SCJ, fundus is preserved.,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,Well covered - photographed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Spencer, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mccant, Sienna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-07-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope\n,Type II tumour extending 2cm up to the SCJ, fundus is preserved\n,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,Well covered - photographed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Wang, Brittany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Fuentes, Abby\nDate of procedure: 2015-04-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis.,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy.,The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain.,No cause for anaemia was found.,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Wang, Brittany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Fuentes, Abby\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-04-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis\n,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain\n,No cause for anaemia was found\n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Bowman, Gabrielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ware, Zoe\nDate of procedure: 2002-08-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia.,No oesophagitis was seen.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken.,Oesophagus - Normal.,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis.,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Bowman, Gabrielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ware, Zoe\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-08-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia\n,No oesophagitis was seen\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,CLOtest and duodenal biopsies taken\n,Oesophagus - Normal\n,Lax cardia with small hiatus hernia but no erosive oesophagitis\n,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Gunsaulis, Leah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Mahmood, Hamda\nDate of procedure: 2007-12-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal upper GI mucosa.,GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia.,No stigmata of recent bleeding.,No fundal varices seen.,Not examined for inlet patch as she found the procedure unconfortable towards the end.,Barrett's Oesophagus.,No immediate complications.,No inlet patch.,Hiatus hernia .,Normal gastric folds and stomach distension.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Gunsaulis, Leah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Mahmood, Hamda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-12-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal upper GI mucosa\n,GOJ at 40cm with small sliding hiatus hernia\n,No stigmata of recent bleeding\n,No fundal varices seen\n,Not examined for inlet patch as she found the procedure unconfortable towards the end\n,Barrett's Oesophagus\n,No immediate complications\n,No inlet patch\n,Hiatus hernia \n,Normal gastric folds and stomach distension\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Carson, Allison\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Saber, Salwa\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope.,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Carson, Allison\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Saber, Salwa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Pylorus initially quite tight and difficult to enter but admitted scope\n,Not the most convincing oesophageal trachealisation - biopsies taken to assess for eosinophilic oesophagitis - proximal, mid and distal oesophagus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: al-Mohamed, Sultana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Eltagonde, Stephanie\nDate of procedure: 2015-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 biopsies from D2.,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts.,The proximal oesophagus was intubated but immediately pulled out by the patient.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" al-Mohamed, Sultana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Eltagonde, Stephanie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 biopsies from D2\n,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts\n,The proximal oesophagus was intubated but immediately pulled out by the patient\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: Estes, Sara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Woolfolk, Yhanique\nDate of procedure: 2005-05-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Final Prague score: C8M10.,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,GOJ at 35 cm.,D2 biopsies taken as per request.,Duodenitis D1 - mild.,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus.,GOJ at 41 cm.,No PHG.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" Estes, Sara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Woolfolk, Yhanique\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-05-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Final Prague score: C8M10\n,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,GOJ at 35 cm\n,D2 biopsies taken as per request\n,Duodenitis D1 - mild\n,OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,No PHG\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Taylor, Enkhjin\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wunch, Ella\nDate of procedure: 2006-07-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy.,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal.,GOJ at 41 cm.,3 sub-centrimetre fundic gland type polyps in fundus.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Taylor, Enkhjin\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wunch, Ella\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-07-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy\n,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,3 sub-centrimetre fundic gland type polyps in fundus\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: Vigil, Mariah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Milner, Mara\nDate of procedure: 2013-04-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal.,Oesophagitis- LA A .,Normal muosa.,Normal appearances post THO.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.,Examined under white light and NBI.,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact.,Small polyp on incisura\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" Vigil, Mariah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Milner, Mara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-04-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n,Haemodynamically stable and Hb normal\n,Oesophagitis- LA A \n,Normal muosa\n,Normal appearances post THO\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n,Examined under white light and NBI\n,Tongue of columnar junction above SCJ at 38 cm; 1 cm slippage of cardia through fundoplication; hiatus hernia repair appears intact\n,Small polyp on incisura\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Garcia, Yashira\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jordan, Resha\nDate of procedure: 2003-05-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Yashira\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jordan, Resha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-05-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Dryden, Laurel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Faisol, Leilani\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile.,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal.,The antrum looks spared.,No ulcers of erosions seen.,GOJ at 36cm.,No obvious gastric outflow restriction.,Duodenitis D1 - mild.,Likely fundic gland polyps.,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Dryden, Laurel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Faisol, Leilani\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile\n,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal\n,The antrum looks spared\n,No ulcers of erosions seen\n,GOJ at 36cm\n,No obvious gastric outflow restriction\n,Duodenitis D1 - mild\n,Likely fundic gland polyps\n,No inlet patchwas seen on narrow band imaging\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: Whisler, Kiana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Helling, Carina\nDate of procedure: 2002-01-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.,Fuji endoscope through afterwards.,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy.,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied.,Congestion for portal hypertension.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" Whisler, Kiana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Helling, Carina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-01-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n,Fuji endoscope through afterwards\n,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy\n,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Hans, Amanda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Xaviera\nDate of procedure: 2003-06-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No cause for her pain was found.,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Hans, Amanda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Xaviera\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-06-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No cause for her pain was found\n,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: el-Akel, Najma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wallace, Zoe\nDate of procedure: 2014-07-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastritis.,No active ulcer.,No active bleeding/no visible vessel seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" el-Akel, Najma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wallace, Zoe\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-07-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastritis\n,No active ulcer\n,No active bleeding/no visible vessel seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Wilson, Barbara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stewart, Alyssa\nDate of procedure: 2005-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,No hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis.,Congestion for portal hypertension.,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus .,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Wilson, Barbara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stewart, Alyssa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,No hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n,Stomach: few 3mm polyps in stomach with 4mm polyp in fundus \n,Known extensive and metastatic gastric cancer\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Chavez-Chavira, Alexzandra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Seagraves, Hosanna\nDate of procedure: 2012-11-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,STOMACH: Mild/Moderate gastritis of body and antrum.,Pylorus and duodenum normal.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No evidence of ischemia.,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.,Large twisted para-oesophageal hernia.,Treated with HALO RFA Channel at 12J.,2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Chavez-Chavira, Alexzandra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Seagraves, Hosanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-11-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,STOMACH: Mild/Moderate gastritis of body and antrum\n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No evidence of ischemia\n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n,Large twisted para-oesophageal hernia\n,Treated with HALO RFA Channel at 12J\n,2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Lalonde, Katlyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Aurzadniczek, Chelsie\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal D1 and D2.,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC.,Sha has a 2cm .,STOMACH: normal- CLO test - negative.,Treated with APC at 40W.,No fundal varices seen.,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,Tiny erosions at the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Lalonde, Katlyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Aurzadniczek, Chelsie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal D1 and D2\n,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC\n,Sha has a 2cm \n,STOMACH: normal- CLO test - negative\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,No fundal varices seen\n,The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: Fontes, Jacquelyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Meno, Qin Qin\nDate of procedure: 2007-08-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.,There is a large exophytic mass, which includes almost the entire lesser curve of the stomach from the GOJ to the incisura.,OGJ and islands were treated with APC 40W with good effect.,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" Fontes, Jacquelyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Meno, Qin Qin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-08-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Two oesophageal varices identified at 20cm\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n,There is a large exophytic mass, which includes almost the entire lesser curve of the stomach from the GOJ to the incisura\n,OGJ and islands were treated with APC 40W with good effect\n,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Jones, Shiann\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Robin\nDate of procedure: 2015-05-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Fuji endoscope through afterwards.,Grade 1-2 varices persist, 2 columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Jones, Shiann\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Robin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-05-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Fuji endoscope through afterwards\n,Grade 1-2 varices persist, 2 columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Frykholm, Catherine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Creal, Nicole\nDate of procedure: 2007-03-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small sliding hiatus hernia about 2cm.,Barrett's Oesophagus.,Ulcer in the antrum.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Frykholm, Catherine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Creal, Nicole\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-03-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small sliding hiatus hernia about 2cm\n,Barrett's Oesophagus\n,Ulcer in the antrum\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: al-Halaby, Waajida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chanez, Isabella\nDate of procedure: 2012-05-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus.,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy.,Duodenum - severe duodenitis in D21 with multiple clean based ulcers.,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall.,Congestion for portal hypertension.,OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis.,Biopsies taken including for TCR.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" al-Halaby, Waajida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chanez, Isabella\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-05-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus\n,Pt with known lower oesoph SCC post chemoradiotherapy\n,Duodenum - severe duodenitis in D21 with multiple clean based ulcers\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n,OESOPHAGUS: Proximal inlet patch 20cm, grade A oesophagitis\n,Biopsies taken including for TCR\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: Topaha, Mitchelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Hafeez, Masroora\nDate of procedure: 2006-12-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Retrieved with the aid of snare.,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline.,OESOPHAGUS: 4 columns of large varices with red marks throughout oesophagus.,STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" Topaha, Mitchelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Hafeez, Masroora\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-12-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Retrieved with the aid of snare\n,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline\n,OESOPHAGUS: 4 columns of large varices with red marks throughout oesophagus\n,STOMACH: Mild generalised gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: Blocker, Jessica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Miller, Yohana\nDate of procedure: 2008-06-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2.,Probable visible vessel but no stigmata of recent haemorrhage.,GOJ at 38cm.,No ulcers, no recent bleeding.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" Blocker, Jessica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Miller, Yohana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-06-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2\n,Probable visible vessel but no stigmata of recent haemorrhage\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,No ulcers, no recent bleeding\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: Poonpiset, May\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Valenzuela, Arlette\nDate of procedure: 2001-10-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" Poonpiset, May\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Valenzuela, Arlette\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-10-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Van, Leilani\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Monie, Chyna\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Smallpolyp at D1/D2 junction seen from 2012.,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,Stomach- Pylorus slightly oedematous, folds no obstruction.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Van, Leilani\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Monie, Chyna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Smallpolyp at D1/D2 junction seen from 2012\n,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Stomach- Pylorus slightly oedematous, folds no obstruction\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: Madera, Jasmine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Valaer-Wilson, Camille\nDate of procedure: 2007-07-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2.,No ulcers, no recent bleeding.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" Madera, Jasmine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Valaer-Wilson, Camille\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-07-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: mild non-erosive duodenitis in D2\n,No ulcers, no recent bleeding\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: Lam, Sara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Massey, Calandra\nDate of procedure: 2001-05-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins.,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,No ongoing duodenal ulceration.,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm .\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" Lam, Sara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Massey, Calandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-05-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins\n,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,No ongoing duodenal ulceration\n,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm \n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: Jordan, Dominique\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Song, Jiang\nDate of procedure: 2014-07-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: CLO taken - NEGATIVE.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,Small polyp on fold in fundus, biopsied x1.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third part of duodenum.,Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus.,Duodenum: Normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" Jordan, Dominique\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Song, Jiang\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-07-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" CLO taken - NEGATIVE\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,Small polyp on fold in fundus, biopsied x1\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third part of duodenum\n,Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus\n,Duodenum: Normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: Kanchanlal, Wahida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Meeker, Vanessa\nDate of procedure: 2009-02-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,GOJ at 41 cm.,3cm hiatus hernia.,No other pathology.,O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm .,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Duodenitis D1 - mild.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" Kanchanlal, Wahida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Meeker, Vanessa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-02-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,3cm hiatus hernia\n,No other pathology\n,O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm \n,Z-line at: 36cm - Bravo placed at 30cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Duodenitis D1 - mild\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Finley, Mahalia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Parliment, Mikaela\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute.,Good respiratory effort.,Lower oesophageal biopsies taken as well.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 44cm.,No evidence of ischemia.,No mucosal gastric or duodenal lesion.,STOMACH: large hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Finley, Mahalia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Parliment, Mikaela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute\n,Good respiratory effort\n,Lower oesophageal biopsies taken as well\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 44cm\n,No evidence of ischemia\n,No mucosal gastric or duodenal lesion\n,STOMACH: large hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Johnson, Kendra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gonzalez, Dafne\nDate of procedure: 2004-07-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated with HALO RFA at 12J.,5% acetic acid/0.,STOMACH: Hiatus hernia, sliding, 3 cm.,Biopsy for HP.,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Johnson, Kendra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gonzalez, Dafne\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-07-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated with HALO RFA at 12J\n,5% acetic acid/0\n,STOMACH: Hiatus hernia, sliding, 3 cm\n,Biopsy for HP\n,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Richie, Grace\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Le, Emma\nDate of procedure: 2008-08-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect.,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Richie, Grace\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Le, Emma\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-08-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Fitzsimmons, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Webb, Raven\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5 x oesophageal biopsies taken.,STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.,Oesophagus- Barrett with overlying inflammation fro 25cms.,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Fitzsimmons, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Webb, Raven\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5 x oesophageal biopsies taken\n,STOMACH: 4 mm sessile polyp in atrum, smooth, erythematous surface - biopsied x 2; at least three < 2 mm gastric fundic polyps - biopsied x 2\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n,Oesophagus- Barrett with overlying inflammation fro 25cms\n,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Topkar, Zoe\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Guyne, Katarina\nDate of procedure: 2010-11-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M.,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M.,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus.,No gastric varices.,STOMACH: hiatus hernia.,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Topkar, Zoe\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Guyne, Katarina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-11-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Quad bx takenat GOJ, 39,37M\n,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus\n,No gastric varices\n,STOMACH: hiatus hernia\n,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: el-Karim, Farha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Her, Maisee\nDate of procedure: 2011-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue.,Normal Villi.,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus.,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.,Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" el-Karim, Farha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Her, Maisee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Alkaline gastritis and amount of bile residue\n,Normal Villi\n,STOMACH: Tumour extending down lesser curve from just below goj to prepylorus, food residue++ - stenosis of pylorus\n,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n,Alimentary limb till 70cm from incisors with no obvious extrinsic compression\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: el-Kazmi, Farhaana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ceniceros, Rachel\nDate of procedure: 2006-11-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term.,5 x oesophageal biopsies taken.,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm.,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal.,APC 40W applied with good effect.,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis.,No red spots seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" el-Kazmi, Farhaana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ceniceros, Rachel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-11-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term\n,5 x oesophageal biopsies taken\n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm\n,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal\n,APC 40W applied with good effect\n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis\n,No red spots seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Ficke, Allison\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Erickson, Kyra\nDate of procedure: 2010-06-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastritis.,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope.,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Ficke, Allison\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Erickson, Kyra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-06-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastritis\n,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope\n,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n,Grade 2-3 varices, several columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Fish, Angela\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Colleary, Jade\nDate of procedure: 2007-07-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2.,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis.,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed.,No ulcers.,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis.,2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Fish, Angela\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Colleary, Jade\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-07-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0M2\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis\n,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed\n,No ulcers\n,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis\n,2cm hiatus hernia, mild generalised gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: al-Matin, Rumaana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mcgill, Brooke\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm.,Large solid food residue in stomach and duodenum.,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" al-Matin, Rumaana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mcgill, Brooke\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm\n,Large solid food residue in stomach and duodenum\n,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Hopkins, Erica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Holmes, Lehanna\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastric biopsies taken.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Pylorus and duodenum intact.,There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip.,Unfortunately the patient pulled the endoscope out on several occasions whilst it was still in the mouth despite adequate sedation.,D2 - normal Biospies taken.,She has an atrophic looking stomach .\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Hopkins, Erica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Holmes, Lehanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastric biopsies taken\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Pylorus and duodenum intact\n,There is a new ulcer on the opposite wall to clip - not as deep as previously but may need a second clip\n,Unfortunately the patient pulled the endoscope out on several occasions whilst it was still in the mouth despite adequate sedation\n,D2 - normal Biospies taken\n,She has an atrophic looking stomach \n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: al-Moussa, Khadeeja\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Randev, Mona\nDate of procedure: 2015-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies from D2 and stomach.,LAWS and bleeding under acetic acid,CLO taken - NEGATIVE.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Small HH.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" al-Moussa, Khadeeja\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Randev, Mona\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n,LAWS and bleeding under acetic acid,CLO taken - NEGATIVE\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Small HH\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Samad, Yu Ling\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ward, Sara\nDate of procedure: 2007-06-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team.,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope.,Stomach- Pylorus.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Samad, Yu Ling\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ward, Sara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-06-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team\n,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope\n,Stomach- Pylorus\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: Mehta, Taryn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Saladin, Israa\nDate of procedure: 2004-02-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Top of gastric folds: 39cm.,Good passage to 70cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" Mehta, Taryn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Saladin, Israa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-02-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Top of gastric folds: 39cm\n,Good passage to 70cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: el-Jabbour, Izza\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Enriquez-Yanez, Aryan\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus- Barrett with overlying inflammation fro 25cms.,No portal hypertensive gastropathy.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" el-Jabbour, Izza\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Enriquez-Yanez, Aryan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus- Barrett with overlying inflammation fro 25cms\n,No portal hypertensive gastropathy\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: el-Omar, Nakheel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Farah, Raadiya\nDate of procedure: 2005-06-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension.,Hiatus hernia .,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus.,Oesopahgus- Distal Ulcer .,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3.,O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" el-Omar, Nakheel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Farah, Raadiya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-06-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Venous/vascular bleb in lower oesophagus - not typical for portal hypertension\n,Hiatus hernia \n,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: Mild patchy gastritis\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the esophagus\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Ulcer \n,DUODENUM: bile and residue - no obstruction to D3\n,O:ulcerated, friable, nodular tissue between 28 to 37cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Maddux, Madison\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Naderi, Raafida\nDate of procedure: 2014-08-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: D1 normal.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .,Atrophic gastritis only.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm .,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Maddux, Madison\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Naderi, Raafida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-08-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: D1 normal\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n,Atrophic gastritis only\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 43 cm \n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: el-Matin, Shabeeba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thompson, Angela\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum.,See pictures.,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia.,Atrophic stomach.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm.,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,Congestion for portal hypertension.,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" el-Matin, Shabeeba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thompson, Angela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum\n,See pictures\n,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia\n,Atrophic stomach\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's osophagus C3M5 34-39cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Reyes, Yuviana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ayala, Michelle\nDate of procedure: 2013-02-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies taken from distal, mid and proximal third.,GOJ at 37cm.,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx.,He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock.,STOMACH: 4 cm sliding hiatus hernia from 35 to 39 cm; normal stomach.,No PHG.,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI.,Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer.,No hiatus hernia.,No obvious gastric outflow restriction.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Reyes, Yuviana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ayala, Michelle\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-02-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies taken from distal, mid and proximal third\n,GOJ at 37cm\n,Small possible submucosal lesion along the left side of pharynx\n,He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock\n,STOMACH: 4 cm sliding hiatus hernia from 35 to 39 cm; normal stomach\n,No PHG\n,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI\n,Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer\n,No hiatus hernia\n,No obvious gastric outflow restriction\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: el-Farrah, Mumina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gray, Yasmeen\nDate of procedure: 2003-05-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Top of circumferential Barrett's: 43cm.,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily.,STOMACH: pan-gastritis, with erosive features in antrum.,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting.,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" el-Farrah, Mumina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gray, Yasmeen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-05-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Top of circumferential Barrett's: 43cm\n,G: some old flecks of blood in the antrum which washed easily\n,STOMACH: pan-gastritis, with erosive features in antrum\n,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting\n,Duodenum - large ulcer on posterior wall 3cm - no active bleeding - vessel with overlying haematin candidate vessel for cause of bleeding - reviewed by Dr Anderson and APC applied to the area\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Deleon, Eva\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Zaidi, Nazeema\nDate of procedure: 2008-11-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 4 biopsies taken.,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline.,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease.,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis.,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing.,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Deleon, Eva\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Zaidi, Nazeema\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-11-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 4 biopsies taken\n,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline\n,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease\n,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis\n,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing\n,No oesophagitis and no hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: al-Jabbar, Siddeeqa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kuebler, Camille\nDate of procedure: 2002-04-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" al-Jabbar, Siddeeqa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kuebler, Camille\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-04-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: King, Shydasha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chavez, Heather\nDate of procedure: 2009-12-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa.,She has an atrophic looking stomach .,See pictures.,No hiatus hernia.,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1.,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third.,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect.,3cm hiatus hernia.,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts.,Duodenum - mucosal unremakable - D2 and D1 biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" King, Shydasha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chavez, Heather\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-12-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa\n,She has an atrophic looking stomach \n,See pictures\n,No hiatus hernia\n,DUODENUM: minimal duodenitis in D1\n,OESOPHAGUS: oesophageal candidiasis in the lower third\n,3 small angioectasia with no ooze/bleeding - gold probe applied to all with good effect\n,3cm hiatus hernia\n,3cm hiatus hernia with 1cm arretts\n,Duodenum - mucosal unremakable - D2 and D1 biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Guerra, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mora-Menges, Brittany\nDate of procedure: 2003-09-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken.,2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper.,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices.,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Guerra, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mora-Menges, Brittany\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-09-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken\n,2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper\n,Specifically, no evidence of oesophageal varices\n,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: George, Victoria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Yang, Rupinder\nDate of procedure: 2012-04-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Final Prague score: C8M10.,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum.,DUODENUM: Not entered.,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present.,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild.,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance.,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" George, Victoria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Yang, Rupinder\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-04-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Final Prague score: C8M10\n,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,She has a few scattered telangiectasia in the antrum\n,DUODENUM: Not entered\n,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present\n,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild\n,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance\n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Watkins, Lillian\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Esquibel Vandegrift, Kiley\nDate of procedure: 2016-09-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect.,Oesophagus - food bolus in dostal oesophagus - gentle pressure applied to centre of bolus and passed easily into stomach.,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance .,No fundal varices.,No erosions in antrum seen this time.,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Watkins, Lillian\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Esquibel Vandegrift, Kiley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-09-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinch:39cm,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect\n,Oesophagus - food bolus in dostal oesophagus - gentle pressure applied to centre of bolus and passed easily into stomach\n,OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance \n,No fundal varices\n,No erosions in antrum seen this time\n,Post laparoscopic Nissen's fundoplication 4y ago\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: el-Rahim, Inaaya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Oscarson, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2011-06-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.,No obvious gastric varices.,A 1cm submucosal lesion was seen in the distal oesophagus.,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2.,DUODENUM: scarring at D1 suggesting previous peptic disease.,Minimal oesophageal involvement.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,No red spots seen.,No evidence of active or recent bleeding seen.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" el-Rahim, Inaaya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Oscarson, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-06-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n,No obvious gastric varices\n,A 1cm submucosal lesion was seen in the distal oesophagus\n,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2\n,DUODENUM: scarring at D1 suggesting previous peptic disease\n,Minimal oesophageal involvement\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,No red spots seen\n,No evidence of active or recent bleeding seen\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Byrnes, Jaime\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garcia, Rebecca\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Byrnes, Jaime\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garcia, Rebecca\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: Six, Tessa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Haidar, Imtinaan\nDate of procedure: 2004-07-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No diverticulum, no massess.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Obstructing/Impassable with Fuji endoscope oesophageal tumour at 18cm.,Biopsies at OGJ and scar taken.,In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration.,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions.,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously.,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" Six, Tessa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Haidar, Imtinaan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-07-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No diverticulum, no massess\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Obstructing/Impassable with Fuji endoscope oesophageal tumour at 18cm\n,Biopsies at OGJ and scar taken\n,In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration\n,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions\n,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously\n,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: al-Tabatabai, Rabdaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Faulkner, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4.,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" al-Tabatabai, Rabdaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Faulkner, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4\n,OESOPHAGUS: Neo Z line at 44 cm\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: Mitta, Sruthi\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Smith, Atiya\nDate of procedure: 2005-06-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Two 0.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" Mitta, Sruthi\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Smith, Atiya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-06-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Two 0\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Archuleta, Emily\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Younan, Jumaima\nDate of procedure: 2014-12-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line.,Barretts oesophagus from 24-37 cm, C10M13, not inflamed, random biopsies done.,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis.,Otherwise normal UGI tract.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm .,Mid oesophageal wide moutheddiverticulum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Archuleta, Emily\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Younan, Jumaima\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-12-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line\n,Barretts oesophagus from 24-37 cm, C10M13, not inflamed, random biopsies done\n,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis\n,Otherwise normal UGI tract\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm \n,Mid oesophageal wide moutheddiverticulum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Young, Tamika\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Ahmadi, Hilmiyya\nDate of procedure: 2005-03-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 36cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Young, Tamika\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Ahmadi, Hilmiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-03-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 36cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Williams, Luna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Duling, Janete\nDate of procedure: 2003-03-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2.,Otherwise normal mucosa.,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions.,STOMACH: Food residue.,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,APC 40W applied with good effect.,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Otherwise oesophagus normal.,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Williams, Luna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Duling, Janete\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-03-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Varices- 3 columns grade 2\n,Otherwise normal mucosa\n,Oesophagitis with superficial, apparently-healing erosions\n,STOMACH: Food residue\n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,APC 40W applied with good effect\n,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Otherwise oesophagus normal\n,Modalities used to achieve haemostasis: 10mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and 2 clips applied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Conway, Kacy\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Oberosler, Taelyn\nDate of procedure: 2004-10-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Botox 25U injected in 4 quadrants in retroflex position to GOJ .,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Conway, Kacy\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Oberosler, Taelyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-10-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Botox 25U injected in 4 quadrants in retroflex position to GOJ \n,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Ramirez, Alexia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tsosie, Deirdre\nDate of procedure: 2016-02-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No ulceration, erosion or inflammation.,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall .,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,Normal Villi.,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices.,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Ramirez, Alexia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tsosie, Deirdre\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-02-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No ulceration, erosion or inflammation\n,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall \n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,Normal Villi\n,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: Randolph, Olivia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Esipa, Amy\nDate of procedure: 2009-10-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach - Normal.,Tight stricture impassable with scope.,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb.,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" Randolph, Olivia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Esipa, Amy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-10-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach - Normal\n,Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,Large 2cm chronic looking duodenal ulcer in antero-superior aspect of bulb\n,Several sessile polyps in stomach; fundoplication intact on retro-flexion; no hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: Trevino, Mayra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Clyde, Cory\nDate of procedure: 2013-12-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion.,Pylorus and duodenum normal.,Malignant gastric cancer 2 by 3cm located ongreater curve opposite incisura rest of OGD normal.,No ulcers of erosions seen.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" Trevino, Mayra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Clyde, Cory\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-12-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion\n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n,Malignant gastric cancer 2 by 3cm located ongreater curve opposite incisura rest of OGD normal\n,No ulcers of erosions seen\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Staiano, Morgan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Ahmed, Rifqa\nDate of procedure: 2009-06-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- No gastric varices.,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.,This was dilated to 12mm with CRE balloon - no immediate complications.,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken.,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Staiano, Morgan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Ahmed, Rifqa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-06-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- No gastric varices\n,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n,This was dilated to 12mm with CRE balloon - no immediate complications\n,Gastritis and gastric antrum mucosal erosions-biopsies taken\n,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Pham, Danielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vigil, Kayla\nDate of procedure: 2016-03-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team.,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,Biopsies taken from the oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No stricturing seen.,No inlet patch was seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Pham, Danielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vigil, Kayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-03-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Procedure done under enhanced sedation by ITU team\n,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,Biopsies taken from the oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No stricturing seen\n,No inlet patch was seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: Holt, Jamie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Varghese, Kyli\nDate of procedure: 2001-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" Holt, Jamie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Varghese, Kyli\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: el-Ally, Raafida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Williams, Andreia\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS .\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" el-Ally, Raafida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Williams, Andreia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS \n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: el-Masood, Ghazaala\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jojola, Brittanyclaire\nDate of procedure: 2009-08-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4.,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices.,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen.,Mild lower oesophageal oesophagitis LA grade A.,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative.,DUODENUM:.,Z-line at: 46cm .,Well covered - photographed.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" el-Masood, Ghazaala\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jojola, Brittanyclaire\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-08-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,Biopsies taken from the GOJ x4 and from 38cm x4\n,Congested mucosa in all tracts, with some congested folds in the fundus that may represent well covered varices\n,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen\n,Mild lower oesophageal oesophagitis LA grade A\n,Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n,Mild antral localised gastritis - CLO test - negative\n,DUODENUM:\n,Z-line at: 46cm \n,Well covered - photographed\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: Emerick, Marissa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Longwolf, Destinie\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No varices.,No blood.,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI.,Compressible.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" Emerick, Marissa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Longwolf, Destinie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No varices\n,No blood\n,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n,No nodular or atypical areas examined in WL and NBI\n,Compressible\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Briggs, Sierra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Akbar, Husniyya\nDate of procedure: 2004-04-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Nodular with erosions.,Duodenum: Normal.,GOJ at 43 cm.,No obvious gastric varices.,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1.,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol.,No immediate complication.,STOMACH: Ulceration healed.,Scope easily passed through.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Briggs, Sierra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Akbar, Husniyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-04-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Nodular with erosions\n,Duodenum: Normal\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,No obvious gastric varices\n,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1\n,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol\n,No immediate complication\n,STOMACH: Ulceration healed\n,Scope easily passed through\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: Lanskey, Hannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Siddiqui, Nawaal\nDate of procedure: 2003-04-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J.,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen.,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing.,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" Lanskey, Hannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Siddiqui, Nawaal\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-04-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated with HALO RFA Express at 10J\n,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen\n,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing\n,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,She has had a duodenal ulcer with resection / ?\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: Quirk, Angel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Khan, Najlaa\nDate of procedure: 2006-02-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Well covered - photographed.,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall.,EMR scar unchanged.,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below.,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" Quirk, Angel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Khan, Najlaa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-02-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Well covered - photographed\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall\n,EMR scar unchanged\n,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below\n,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: Mcconnell, Joyyre\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Quezada Erivez, Adriana\nDate of procedure: 2015-04-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Atrophic gastritis only.,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia.,Otherwise normal mucosa.,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia .,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy.,No ongoing duodenal ulceration.,Gastroparesis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" Mcconnell, Joyyre\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Quezada Erivez, Adriana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-04-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Atrophic gastritis only\n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia\n,Otherwise normal mucosa\n,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia \n,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy\n,No ongoing duodenal ulceration\n,Gastroparesis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Esquibel, Myranda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kastanek, Bailee\nDate of procedure: 2008-11-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Hiatus hernia.,3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall.,Normal D2.,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,This was gently pushed through and passed easily.,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal.,Type II tumour extending 2cm up to the SCJ, fundus is preserved.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Esquibel, Myranda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kastanek, Bailee\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-11-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Hiatus hernia\n,3mm islands and small rim of Barrett's at GOJ right wall\n,Normal D2\n,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,This was gently pushed through and passed easily\n,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,Dudoenum- D2 and Duodenum- D1/D2 Angle Normal\n,Type II tumour extending 2cm up to the SCJ, fundus is preserved\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: Dombroski, Ciera\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mack, Kymeesha\nDate of procedure: 2005-10-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" Dombroski, Ciera\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mack, Kymeesha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-10-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: al-Azizi, Muzna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Khan, Ramla\nDate of procedure: 2006-06-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth.,Normal otherwise.,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus.,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis.,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal.,Stomach and duodenum: normal.,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol.,2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; grade 2 oesophagitis.,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained.,Inlet patch - No:.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" al-Azizi, Muzna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Khan, Ramla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-06-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: absent, jejunum healthy - aspirates for small bowel overgrowth\n,Normal otherwise\n,STOMACH: Small amount of bright red blood that seems to have refluxed back through the pylorus\n,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: previous bypass surgery in 1997 - both loops look normal\n,Stomach and duodenum: normal\n,8 biopsies into saline for H Pylori culture as per protocol\n,2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; grade 2 oesophagitis\n,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained\n,Inlet patch - No:\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Farris, Gianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gurule, Johannah\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns.,Fuji endoscope through afterwards.,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,Not amenable to EMR, looks like T2 endoscopically.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Farris, Gianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gurule, Johannah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,OESOPHAGUS: Varices- Four columns\n,Fuji endoscope through afterwards\n,Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,Not amenable to EMR, looks like T2 endoscopically\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Whiteskunk, Jera\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Do, Danika\nDate of procedure: 2005-05-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis.,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum.,Stomach - Normal.,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Whiteskunk, Jera\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Do, Danika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-05-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis\n,10mm sub-epithelial lesion at antrum\n,Stomach - Normal\n,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Chen, Cherryl May\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Belgrave, Brandy\nDate of procedure: 2001-03-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 38cm .,Forest grade III.,Stomach and duodenum normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Chen, Cherryl May\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Belgrave, Brandy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-03-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 38cm \n,Forest grade III\n,Stomach and duodenum normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Bantis, Charlee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Choi, Huong\nDate of procedure: 2004-04-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis.,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm.,Malignant gastric cancer 2 by 3cm located ongreater curve opposite incisura rest of OGD normal.,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy.,Mild duodenitis.,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2.,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Bantis, Charlee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Choi, Huong\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-04-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis\n,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm\n,Malignant gastric cancer 2 by 3cm located ongreater curve opposite incisura rest of OGD normal\n,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good positionat check endoscopy\n,Mild duodenitis\n,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2\n,Upper oesophageal narrowing passable with the scope, normal mucosae\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Morris, Tyreisha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dunn, Mckenna\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.,Hiatus hernia.,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Morris, Tyreisha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dunn, Mckenna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: Lakhani, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Haulman, Britney\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,Gastritis- Nodular.,D1/2 biopsies taken.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss.,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative.,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope.,Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed.,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2.,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" Lakhani, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Haulman, Britney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n,Gastritis- Nodular\n,D1/2 biopsies taken\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss\n,STOMACH: minimal non-erosive gastritis - CLO test negative\n,at 38cm there is an impassable stricture with Fuji endoscope\n,Oesophageal mucosae very friable and inflamed\n,STOMACH: 6 sessile polyps in mid-body and lesser curve, max size 4 mm - biopsied x 2\n,The covering mucosa is not suggestive of underlying varix\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: el-Sham, Huda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Hashemi, Aatika\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No melaena.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" el-Sham, Huda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Hashemi, Aatika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No melaena\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Campbell, Keeana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Fadel, Kameela\nDate of procedure: 2003-10-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis.,Scope not attempted as hypotensive.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm .,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating.,So procedure abondoned.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Campbell, Keeana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Fadel, Kameela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-10-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis\n,Scope not attempted as hypotensive\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm \n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac disease in view of bloating\n,So procedure abondoned\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: al-Younis, Hafsa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Shaban, Jadeeda\nDate of procedure: 2004-02-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" al-Younis, Hafsa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Shaban, Jadeeda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-02-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastric biopsies taken as on PPI\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: al-Rahimi, Mahmooda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carter, Etirza\nDate of procedure: 2003-04-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: not examined.,D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen.,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,Oesophagus- No varices.,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" al-Rahimi, Mahmooda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carter, Etirza\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-04-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: not examined\n,D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,Oesophagus- 3 columns of well covered grade I varices seen\n,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,Oesophagus- No varices\n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: Caminada, Erica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Quitugua, Hannah\nDate of procedure: 2016-01-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis.,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B.,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" Caminada, Erica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Quitugua, Hannah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-01-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis\n,Forrest Ulcer classification:II B\n,STOMACH: previous partial gastrectomy\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: al-Wakim, Naqaa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mean, Ashna\nDate of procedure: 2015-04-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There was loss of pit pattern on surface,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" al-Wakim, Naqaa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mean, Ashna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-04-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There was loss of pit pattern on surface,Diaphragmatic pinch: 42cm,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C3M9, 21-30cm, but squamous regeneration at site of previous APC\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: al-Mahfouz, Widdad\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Silverstein, Madison\nDate of procedure: 2014-06-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5% acetic acid/0.,No ulcers, no recent bleeding.,D2 biopsies taken x4.,Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing.,Stomach and duodenum normal.,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously.,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ.,She has an atrophic looking stomach .,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" al-Mahfouz, Widdad\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Silverstein, Madison\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-06-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5% acetic acid/0\n,No ulcers, no recent bleeding\n,D2 biopsies taken x4\n,Small patch of angiodysplasia in the fundus, not actively oozing\n,Stomach and duodenum normal\n,Minor bleeding which resolved spontaneously\n,OESOPHAGUS: two clips still in situ\n,She has an atrophic looking stomach \n,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: Fletcher, Lexus\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Zeller, Chelsea\nDate of procedure: 2007-01-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Flattened on insufflation.,x 6 biopsies were taken.,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified.,CLO not taken as patient on PPI.,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" Fletcher, Lexus\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Zeller, Chelsea\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-01-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Flattened on insufflation\n,x 6 biopsies were taken\n,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified\n,CLO not taken as patient on PPI\n,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: Coon, Kelsey\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stewart, Tarrah\nDate of procedure: 2016-12-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 8 cm hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,D: Normal to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" Coon, Kelsey\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stewart, Tarrah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-12-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 8 cm hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,D: Normal to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: Hernandez, Jovanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cao, Neari\nDate of procedure: 2006-04-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated- APC.,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins.,Gastro-oesophageal anastomosis at 30cm from incisors, which is open with free reflux.,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" Hernandez, Jovanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cao, Neari\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-04-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated- APC\n,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins\n,Gastro-oesophageal anastomosis at 30cm from incisors, which is open with free reflux\n,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: Ray, Ca'Deejah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Farra, Sabriyya\nDate of procedure: 2014-03-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps.,x 6 biopsies were taken.,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to excklude coeliac disease.,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis.,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal.,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small.,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" Ray, Ca'Deejah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Farra, Sabriyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-03-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps\n,x 6 biopsies were taken\n,Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to excklude coeliac disease\n,Mildly dilated oesophagus, no oesophagitis\n,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: 3 columns of varices which did not compress on insufflation but were small\n,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Wedgeworth-Stanford, Janine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Sadri, Hiwaaya\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No gastric varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Wedgeworth-Stanford, Janine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Sadri, Hiwaaya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No gastric varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: el-Moussa, Wajdiyya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Mannan, Huwaida\nDate of procedure: 2004-10-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa.,He was dilated to 13.,Oesophagus- No varices.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" el-Moussa, Wajdiyya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Mannan, Huwaida\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-10-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Nodule at 28-35cm right wall, Paris Type IIa\n,He was dilated to 13\n,Oesophagus- No varices\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Hardcastle, Kaylyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bustos-Rivera, Jacqueline\nDate of procedure: 2005-05-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed.,OESOPHAGUS: candidiasis from 10 to 25 cm .,Oesophagitis and induration area at 25cm, biopsied.,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus.,Lax cardia with mild inflammation of the top of gastric folds.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Hardcastle, Kaylyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bustos-Rivera, Jacqueline\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-05-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 44 cm, opening up with no resistance when the scope was passed\n,OESOPHAGUS: candidiasis from 10 to 25 cm \n,Oesophagitis and induration area at 25cm, biopsied\n,STOMACH: Healthy conduit, widely patent pylorus\n,Lax cardia with mild inflammation of the top of gastric folds\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Ricketts, Samantha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Akquia, Althea\nDate of procedure: 2001-08-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The intervening mucosa looks normal.,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect.,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified.,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Ricketts, Samantha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Akquia, Althea\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-08-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The intervening mucosa looks normal\n,5mls 1 in 10000 adrenaline injected and then gold probe applied with good effect\n,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified\n,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Borges, Angeline\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Kaber, Humaira\nDate of procedure: 2008-11-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus and stomach normal.,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,O: GOJ at 41cm.,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis.,Treated with HALO RFA Channel at 12J.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.,Duodentitis- Erosions.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Borges, Angeline\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Kaber, Humaira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-11-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,D2 biopsies taken to exclude coeliac in view of weight loss\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n,Oesophagus - Reflux oesophagitis\n,Treated with HALO RFA Channel at 12J\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n,Duodentitis- Erosions\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Hullum, Kionna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Dominguez, Arianna\nDate of procedure: 2011-06-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small schatski beyond.,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing.,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal.,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Hullum, Kionna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Dominguez, Arianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-06-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small schatski beyond\n,Duodenum:1 cm posterior wall ulcer with an adherent clot with mild oozing\n,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal\n,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Abeyta, Gabriella\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jones, Vanessa\nDate of procedure: 2006-02-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Abeyta, Gabriella\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jones, Vanessa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-02-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: mid-oesophageal candidiasis\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Thompson, Lisa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Tazhane\nDate of procedure: 2010-05-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Thompson, Lisa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Tazhane\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-05-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 38 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: Allen, Danielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Varanai, Sequana\nDate of procedure: 2012-08-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term.,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen.,No strictures seen.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" Allen, Danielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Varanai, Sequana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-08-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: small erythema in D1, probably caused by taking Aspirin long term\n,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen\n,No strictures seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 46 cm\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: el-Amiri, Saajida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Rad, Kifaaya\nDate of procedure: 2013-11-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease.,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" el-Amiri, Saajida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Rad, Kifaaya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-11-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,Three D2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude Coeliac disease\n,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Belveal, Ja'Ala\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Foster, Anna\nDate of procedure: 2009-03-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration.,Small cyst in lower osophagus.,Very short D1.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm.,Small HH.,Treated- APC.,Examined under white light and NBI.,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Belveal, Ja'Ala\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Foster, Anna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-03-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration\n,Small cyst in lower osophagus\n,Very short D1\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm\n,Small HH\n,Treated- APC\n,Examined under white light and NBI\n,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: Sorrell, Tehya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gardner, Abigail\nDate of procedure: 2006-12-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,Grade 2 varices with red signs.,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm.,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen.,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,D: Normal to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" Sorrell, Tehya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gardner, Abigail\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-12-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,Grade 2 varices with red signs\n,There is no hiatus hernia or evidence of oesophagitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm\n,D: oedematous mucosa in D1 but no ulcers seen\n,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,D: Normal to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Greaser, Madelyn\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Coffey, Kole\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Greaser, Madelyn\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Coffey, Kole\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesopahgus- Distal Bleeding-Active \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Debus, Tiana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Banich, Halie\nDate of procedure: 2006-06-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive.,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm.,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Debus, Tiana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Banich, Halie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-06-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: gastritis in the body and fundus, CLO test - positive\n,Neo Z line looks normal at 36 cm\n,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,In the distal tract there is a linear erosion, about 1 cm long\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: Cardenas, Kelley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Castaneda, Tannya\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer.,There seemed to be two loops.,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied.,DUODENUM: scarring at D1 suggesting previous peptic disease.,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1.,STOMACH: Large hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" Cardenas, Kelley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Castaneda, Tannya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer\n,There seemed to be two loops\n,DUODENUM: duodenitis in D1 and D2\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied\n,DUODENUM: scarring at D1 suggesting previous peptic disease\n,DUODENUM: Erythema at D1\n,STOMACH: Large hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Jones, Dahnisha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Robuck, Lea\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal.,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken.,No erosions in antrum seen this time.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Jones, Dahnisha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Robuck, Lea\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A mild, distal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken\n,No erosions in antrum seen this time\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: al-Taheri, Zaitoona\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kim, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2015-01-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild No ulceration seen.,Barrett's Oesophagus.,CLO POSITIVE.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" al-Taheri, Zaitoona\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kim, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-01-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild No ulceration seen\n,Barrett's Oesophagus\n,CLO POSITIVE\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Torres Gonzalez, Shambreya\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Campbell, Kaitlyn\nDate of procedure: 2012-12-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis.,No hiatus hernia.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Torres Gonzalez, Shambreya\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Campbell, Kaitlyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-12-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" DUODENUM: Mild duodnitis\n,No hiatus hernia\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Duran, Macennia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Stevenson, Leana\nDate of procedure: 2007-02-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 - normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,Oesophagus - Normal.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum.,G: mild PHG.,DUODENUM: Normal.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Duran, Macennia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Stevenson, Leana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-02-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 - normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,Oesophagus - Normal\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part ofduodenum\n,G: mild PHG\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Leung, Camille\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Micciche, Maggie\nDate of procedure: 2009-06-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: x 6 biopsies were taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Leung, Camille\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Micciche, Maggie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-06-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" x 6 biopsies were taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: Peterman, Olivia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chaudhry, Briana\nDate of procedure: 2015-02-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third part of duodenum.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" Peterman, Olivia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chaudhry, Briana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-02-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third part of duodenum\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Villalobos, Hanna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hatch, Adinidiin\nDate of procedure: 2012-11-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis.,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed.,DUODENUM: not entered.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Villalobos, Hanna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hatch, Adinidiin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-11-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Candida + moderate oesophagitis\n,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed\n,DUODENUM: not entered\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Northrup, Michele\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rench, Kristen\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus and stomach normal.,No inlet patch.,Oesophagus and stomach normal.,Duodenitis.,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal.,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only.,G: Normal mucosa.,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Northrup, Michele\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rench, Kristen\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,No inlet patch\n,Oesophagus and stomach normal\n,Duodenitis\n,anastomosis at 30cm widely patent and normal\n,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,Biopsies taken from ulcer edge x3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: Wildeman, Rachel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Acker, Mckela\nDate of procedure: 2014-10-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,2cm hiatus hernia.,GOJ at 43 cm.,Inlet patch - No:.,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Tight stricture impassable with scope.,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" Wildeman, Rachel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Acker, Mckela\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-10-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus normal; squamo-columnar junction at 38 cm; no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,2cm hiatus hernia\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,STOMACH: Streaky antral gastritis with linear erosions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: el-Kazemi, Aasima\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Akbar, Khairiya\nDate of procedure: 2015-06-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenitis D1 - mild.,4 biopsies taken ?\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" el-Kazemi, Aasima\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Akbar, Khairiya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-06-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenitis D1 - mild\n,4 biopsies taken ?\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: Gil Zepeda, Johana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bruno, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout.,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings.,Normal oesohagus.,STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus.,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.,OESOPHAGUS: Small hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" Gil Zepeda, Johana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bruno, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout\n,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings\n,Normal oesohagus\n,STOMACH: Multiple gastric polyps in body and fundus\n,Inlet patch - Yes or No: No\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Small hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: Gastritis- Mild\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: Medina, Daisy\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wilcox, Tianna\nDate of procedure: 2016-02-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Gastric biopsies taken.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding.,STOMACH: numerous fundic glands looking polyps at body and fundus with size ranging from 2 mm to 10 mm.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" Medina, Daisy\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wilcox, Tianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-02-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Gastric biopsies taken\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Biopsied GOJ tumur and ?,In view of recent melaena amd Hb drop decision to proceed with banding\n,STOMACH: numerous fundic glands looking polyps at body and fundus with size ranging from 2 mm to 10 mm\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Aguirre Macias, Alexis\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Basha, Widdad\nDate of procedure: 2010-06-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,Biospy taken, easily bleeding.,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope.,No cause for her pain was found.,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains.,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots.,STOMACH: PHG mild.,Mild oesophagitis.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Aguirre Macias, Alexis\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Basha, Widdad\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-06-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OGD today to assess for ulceration/ongoing bleeding\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,Biospy taken, easily bleeding\n,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope\n,No cause for her pain was found\n,At most C0M1 Barrett's at GOJ remains\n,The mucosa proximal and distal to this segment looked essentially normal apart fromfew scattered tiny white spots\n,STOMACH: PHG mild\n,Mild oesophagitis\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: Jackson, Alexis\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mcqueen-Rhodes, Tenetia\nDate of procedure: 2011-10-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,No GI cause of dysphagia.,Treated- APC.,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed.,No evidence of reflux.,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc.,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal.,Biopsies taken.,3 treatments with no cleaning step.,Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" Jackson, Alexis\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mcqueen-Rhodes, Tenetia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-10-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,No GI cause of dysphagia\n,Treated- APC\n,Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed\n,No evidence of reflux\n,Forrest Ulcer classification: IIc\n,The rest of the oesophagus looked normal\n,Biopsies taken\n,3 treatments with no cleaning step\n,Duodenum: Healing D1 ulcer\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: Rocha, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nguyen, Nhan\nDate of procedure: 2012-04-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No afferent limb seen.,DUODENUM: Not entered.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" Rocha, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nguyen, Nhan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-04-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No afferent limb seen\n,DUODENUM: Not entered\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: Brown, Makayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Assad, Aliyya\nDate of procedure: 2010-10-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall .,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" Brown, Makayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Assad, Aliyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-10-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall \n,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: el-Muhammad, Shareefa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Zewdu, Breana\nDate of procedure: 2005-11-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No active bleeding or altered blood.,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2.,else 1950/1964 according to GP notes.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" el-Muhammad, Shareefa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Zewdu, Breana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-11-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No active bleeding or altered blood\n,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2\n,else 1950/1964 according to GP notes\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Cloud, Savannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Powell, Janae\nDate of procedure: 2013-01-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Previous partial gastrectomy.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38, 36 and 34cm.,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween.,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Cloud, Savannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Powell, Janae\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-01-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Previous partial gastrectomy\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38, 36 and 34cm\n,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween\n,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Jumbo, Ena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Davis, Ritika\nDate of procedure: 2007-12-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Jumbo, Ena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Davis, Ritika\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-12-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 34 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: al-Elamin, Layaali\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Byrne, Savanna\nDate of procedure: 2008-10-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall.,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach.,Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile.,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" al-Elamin, Layaali\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Byrne, Savanna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-10-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall\n,Type II/III lesion extending slighty across greater curve of stomach\n,Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile\n,Wide open pylorus and normal D1 and D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Morgan, Ashley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Clow, Jenna\nDate of procedure: 2011-03-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken.,Otherwise normal mucosa.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Morgan, Ashley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Clow, Jenna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-03-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Sliding hiatus hernia 3cm, GOJ biopsies taken\n,Otherwise normal mucosa\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Heckman, Janice\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Henry, Jayla\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No polyp with suspicious/different features identified.,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Heckman, Janice\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Henry, Jayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No polyp with suspicious/different features identified\n,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Amerson, Heather\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lederer, Shaylene\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Otherwise oesophagus normal.,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Amerson, Heather\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lederer, Shaylene\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Otherwise oesophagus normal\n,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n,STOMACH: Mild PHG, no varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: Rivera, Shantae\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bigback, Selena\nDate of procedure: 2010-08-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No ulcers.,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm.,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia.,No strictures seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" Rivera, Shantae\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bigback, Selena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-08-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No ulcers\n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm\n,Upper and lower oesophageal biopsies taken to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis in view of dysphagia\n,No strictures seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Pham, Rebecca\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Herndon, Olivia\nDate of procedure: 2009-05-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Micronodular gastritis in the antrum.,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied.,STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis.,Biopsies taken from the oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,Normal otherwise.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Otherwise oesophagus normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Pham, Rebecca\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Herndon, Olivia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-05-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Micronodular gastritis in the antrum\n,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied\n,STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis\n,Biopsies taken from the oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,Normal otherwise\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Otherwise oesophagus normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Rumin, Aimee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Winkler, Crystal\nDate of procedure: 2012-02-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus.,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging.,GOJ at 43 cm.,Small polyp on incisura,G: No fundal varices seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Rumin, Aimee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Winkler, Crystal\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-02-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus\n,No inlet patch was seen in narrow band imaging\n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Small polyp on incisura,G: No fundal varices seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Montoya, Elvira\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Widner, Samantha\nDate of procedure: 2016-07-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No fresh or altered blood in stomach.,Well covered - photographed.,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Montoya, Elvira\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Widner, Samantha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-07-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No fresh or altered blood in stomach\n,Well covered - photographed\n,STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis - CLO test - negative\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Smith, Minuri\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sandoval, Maria\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Micronodular gastritis in the antrum.,Total of 6 ablations.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Smith, Minuri\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sandoval, Maria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Micronodular gastritis in the antrum\n,Total of 6 ablations\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: Zwirn, Catherine\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carr, Shania\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated with APC at 40W.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" Zwirn, Catherine\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carr, Shania\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated with APC at 40W\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Lucero, Starlene\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Warren, Jordyn\nDate of procedure: 2006-04-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper.,G: mild PHG.,Inlet patch - No:.,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Lucero, Starlene\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Warren, Jordyn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-04-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper\n,G: mild PHG\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,Stomach, pylorus andduodenum normal\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n,Mild gastritis; duodenal diverticulum noted\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: Tsosie, Summer\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Merriweather, Sierra\nDate of procedure: 2014-07-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3.,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm.,STOMACH: linear erosions at distal gastric body with traces of altered blood.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" Tsosie, Summer\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Merriweather, Sierra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-07-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3\n,OESOPHAGUS: GOJ at 43 cm\n,STOMACH: linear erosions at distal gastric body with traces of altered blood\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: Harris, Katrina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Winer, Aujele\nDate of procedure: 2012-05-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm.,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding.,Treated with APC at 40W.,OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm.,Oesopahgus- Distal Ulcer .,Oesophagitis and induration area at 25cm, biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" Harris, Katrina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Winer, Aujele\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-05-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 43cm\n,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,OESOPHAGUS: Excellent result post EMR with complete squamous regeneation at site\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm\n,Oesopahgus- Distal Ulcer \n,Oesophagitis and induration area at 25cm, biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: Bean, Kyana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gall, Lan\nDate of procedure: 2009-01-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: This was gently pushed through and passed easily.,OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis .,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area .,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin.,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm .\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" Bean, Kyana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gall, Lan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-01-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" This was gently pushed through and passed easily\n,OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis \n,OESOPHAGUS: small elevated area \n,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin\n,C0M1 Barrett's with a few islands to 35cm \n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: Montoya, Mikayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Fisher, Jordan\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach and duodenum: normal.,Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect.,No blood.,Biopsies not taken as not necessary.,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No blood.,OESOPHAGUS:Mild inflammaton at oesophago-conduit anastomosis - widely patent.,2 cm hiatus hernia.,Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" Montoya, Mikayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Fisher, Jordan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach and duodenum: normal\n,Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n,No blood\n,Biopsies not taken as not necessary\n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No blood\n,OESOPHAGUS:Mild inflammaton at oesophago-conduit anastomosis - widely patent\n,2 cm hiatus hernia\n,Duodenal erosion seen and biopsied x2\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Garner, Elisa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garberson, Annalise\nDate of procedure: 2016-12-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No blood or sign of recent bleeding.,3 treatments with no cleaning step.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Garner, Elisa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garberson, Annalise\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-12-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis with angiodysplasia and punctate bleeding site on greater curve mid body - no obvious ulcer- antrum scar ?,No blood or sign of recent bleeding\n,3 treatments with no cleaning step\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Palomares, Alma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Howell, Brandi\nDate of procedure: 2002-07-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis.,GOJ at 33 cm .,GOJ at 43 cm.,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect.,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed.,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS .,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 .,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Palomares, Alma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Howell, Brandi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-07-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- very nodular mucosa with mild antral gastritis\n,GOJ at 33 cm \n,GOJ at 43 cm\n,Almost stopped but as oozing treated with 4ml of adrenaline 1:10,000 and bipolar with good effect\n,STOMACH: partly filled with fresiduals of NG feed\n,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS \n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 \n,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Chaca, Michelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Higginson, Taryn\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Post total gastrectomy.,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J.,5 cm in size .,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.,No erosions in antrum seen this time.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Chaca, Michelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Higginson, Taryn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Post total gastrectomy\n,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J\n,5 cm in size \n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n,No erosions in antrum seen this time\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Garcia, Syria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Truong, Emma\nDate of procedure: 2013-05-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal overlying mucosa.,STOMACH: Antral gastris.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 .,STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum.,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions.,Inlet patch - No:.,Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated .,Oesophagus- No varices.,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear.,GOJ at 33 cm .\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Syria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Truong, Emma\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-05-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal overlying mucosa\n,STOMACH: Antral gastris\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C0 M2 \n,STOMACH: Gastritis with erosions in the antrum\n,There is a duodenal diverticulum, just after the D1/D2 flexure but there is no inflammation, ulceration or erosions\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,Stomach- Body Polyp- Pedunculated \n,Oesophagus- No varices\n,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear\n,GOJ at 33 cm \n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: al-Kazmi, Laaiqa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Suarez, Lizbeth\nDate of procedure: 2001-04-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No fundal varices seen.,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm .,Lifted and ESD performed.,Total of 6 ablations.,NJ placed uder direct vision.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm.,GOJ at 38cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" al-Kazmi, Laaiqa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Suarez, Lizbeth\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-04-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No fundal varices seen\n,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 41 cm \n,Lifted and ESD performed\n,Total of 6 ablations\n,NJ placed uder direct vision\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 41, 39, 37, 35, 33 and 31 cm\n,GOJ at 38cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: Sudick, Jalaina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Runningbear, Megan\nDate of procedure: 2004-01-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,No specific lesion identified.,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,Hiatus hernia.,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding .,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" Sudick, Jalaina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Runningbear, Megan\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-01-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,No specific lesion identified\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Oesophagus: 2 columns of F1 varices- no signs of recent bleeding \n,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: al-Salameh, Hujja\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hull, Jasmin\nDate of procedure: 2013-06-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ.,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal.,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,STOMACH: Pan gastritis.,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only.,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus .,Pylorus and duodenum normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" al-Salameh, Hujja\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hull, Jasmin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-06-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The GOJ was circumferentially removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ\n,Oesophagus normal, GOJ at 38cm normal\n,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,STOMACH: Pan gastritis\n,She has an irregular Z line with columnar mucosa to the top of the gastric folds only\n,Some squamous papillomas in the distal oesophagus \n,Pylorus and duodenum normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Marshall, Emma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Reed, Jazmynn\nDate of procedure: 2013-07-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 33 cm.,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied.,No cause for her pain was found.,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis.,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa.,It is 1cm in length.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Marshall, Emma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Reed, Jazmynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-07-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 33 cm\n,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied\n,No cause for her pain was found\n,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis\n,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa\n,It is 1cm in length\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Hunkar, Kaylie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Abood, Lutfiyya\nDate of procedure: 2007-01-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy.,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin.,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Hunkar, Kaylie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Abood, Lutfiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-01-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy\n,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin\n,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH: moderate antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Proximal to the pylorus was an anastomosis opening into a loop with 2 openings ?,There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: Camacho, Ana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Bagheri, Waliyya\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B.,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part.,Normal duodenum.,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J.,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,The proximal oesophagus was intubated but immediately pulled out by the patient.,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen.,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum.,DUODENUM: Normal - examined to D3.,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" Camacho, Ana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Bagheri, Waliyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mildoesophagitis grade LA A/B\n,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part\n,Normal duodenum\n,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J\n,Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,The proximal oesophagus was intubated but immediately pulled out by the patient\n,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen\n,Small 2cm hiatus hernia but otherwise normal upper GI endoscopy to the Third partof duodenum\n,DUODENUM: Normal - examined to D3\n,Duodenum- Bulb Duodentitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Johnson, Aquasha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Ghaffari, Shaakira\nDate of procedure: 2011-07-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative.,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A oesophagitis, but appearances nuch improved with no focal ulceration.,O: GOJ at 41cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm.,else 1950/1964 according to GP notes.,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken.,Normal to D2.\nA lesion underwent EMR\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Johnson, Aquasha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Ghaffari, Shaakira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-07-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: non-erosive gastritis from mid-body to antrum, CLO test: negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A oesophagitis, but appearances nuch improved with no focal ulceration\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 45 cm\n,else 1950/1964 according to GP notes\n,Gastritis and CLO taken: negative, also gastric antrum biopsies taken\n,Normal to D2\n\nA lesion underwent EMR\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: el-Latif, Sameeha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Flores, Obsession\nDate of procedure: 2003-07-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance .,Biopsies not taken as not necessary.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" el-Latif, Sameeha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Flores, Obsession\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-07-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There were mutiple small nodules in the distal oesophagus of unknown significance \n,Biopsies not taken as not necessary\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: al-Shehata, Hawraa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bruce, Kira\nDate of procedure: 2016-09-24\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no evidence of residual dysplasia under FICe.,GOJ at 41 cm.,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance.,5% acetic acid/0.,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.,Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,O: GOJ at 41cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" al-Shehata, Hawraa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bruce, Kira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-09-24","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Hyperplastic polyp extending over greater curve to cardia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal, no evidence of residual dysplasia under FICe\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n,Discrete erythema in the body, without any particular significance\n,5% acetic acid/0\n,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n,Two D1 biopsies and 8 gastric biopsies taken\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,O: GOJ at 41cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: Williams, Nyachiang\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Burns, Savannah\nDate of procedure: 2015-08-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The stomach and duodenum are also normal.,Gastritis and duodenitis.,No active source of bleeding was found.,The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3.,No stigmata of bleeding.,Atrophic gastritis only.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" Williams, Nyachiang\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Burns, Savannah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-08-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The stomach and duodenum are also normal\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n,No active source of bleeding was found\n,The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3\n,No stigmata of bleeding\n,Atrophic gastritis only\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Summa, Cheyenne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Younis, Tawheeda\nDate of procedure: 2013-10-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2.,Acetic acid used .,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,The endoscope passed without resistance.,Large food residue in stomach.,Haemospray.,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1.,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.,No blood in the UGI tract.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Summa, Cheyenne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Younis, Tawheeda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-10-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2\n,Acetic acid used \n,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,The endoscope passed without resistance\n,Large food residue in stomach\n,Haemospray\n,DUODENUM: Forrest III ulcer in D1\n,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm\n,No blood in the UGI tract\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: el-Kamal, Zumruda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Skelton, Kayla\nDate of procedure: 2005-02-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: was oozing after passage of the scope.,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A .,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause .,OESOPHAGUS: Two tiny polyps at 25cm .,No blood in upper GI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" el-Kamal, Zumruda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Skelton, Kayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-02-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" was oozing after passage of the scope\n,Duodenum - Normal D2 Bx taken\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,OESOPHAGUS: Short tongue of Barrett's remians, C0M4 left wall\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A \n,Brushings taken to rule out viral cause \n,OESOPHAGUS: Two tiny polyps at 25cm \n,No blood in upper GI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: al-Daoud, Shahaada\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wyman, Shelby\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis.,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope.,No blood in the upper GI tract.,No Barrett's seen.,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed.,Endoscopic treatment not indicated.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" al-Daoud, Shahaada\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wyman, Shelby\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Two strictures post RFA - the first at the island treated 26cm tight but able to pass Olympus scope\n,No blood in the upper GI tract\n,No Barrett's seen\n,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed\n,Endoscopic treatment not indicated\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: al-Asad, Shaakira\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Trimble, Lena\nDate of procedure: 2014-06-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Retrieved with the aid of snare.,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ.,This was removed by a 4 peice EMR using Duette MBM kit.,No stricture.,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween.,He bacame tachy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm.,Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices.,Multiple biopsies taken.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" al-Asad, Shaakira\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Trimble, Lena\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-06-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Retrieved with the aid of snare\n,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ\n,This was removed by a 4 peice EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,No stricture\n,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween\n,He bacame tachy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 48 cm\n,Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices\n,Multiple biopsies taken\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Angel, Shannon\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Magwood, Morganne\nDate of procedure: 2007-08-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia 3cm.,GOJ at 41 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Angel, Shannon\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Magwood, Morganne\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-08-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia 3cm\n,GOJ at 41 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: Logan, Jamonika\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bustillos, Bryanda\nDate of procedure: 2009-11-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum clear.,STOMACH: pan-gastritis, with erosive features in antrum.,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis.,Likely fundic gland polyps.,In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration.,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm .,CLO not taken as patient on PPI.,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding.,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao.,Flumazenil given.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" Logan, Jamonika\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bustillos, Bryanda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-11-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum clear\n,STOMACH: pan-gastritis, with erosive features in antrum\n,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis\n,Likely fundic gland polyps\n,In the pyloric channel there is inflammation but no ulceration\n,Normal oesophagus to GOJ at 41 cm \n,CLO not taken as patient on PPI\n,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding\n,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao\n,Flumazenil given\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: al-Sylla, Radwa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jimenez, Yadira\nDate of procedure: 2005-10-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch.,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA.,Mild oesophagitis.,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm.,No cause for her pain was found.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" al-Sylla, Radwa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jimenez, Yadira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-10-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch\n,OESOPHAGUS: No residual Barrett's post HALO RFA\n,Mild oesophagitis\n,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm\n,No cause for her pain was found\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Owens, T'Andra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Chapa, Mariah\nDate of procedure: 2004-02-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Total of 18 ablations.,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus.,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen.,Stomach - gastritis and small pre-pyloric erosion - biopsed - not ulceration.,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm.,Normal muosa.,No melaena.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Owens, T'Andra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Chapa, Mariah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-02-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Total of 18 ablations\n,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus\n,D1 inspected carefully and no othe abnormalities seen\n,Stomach - gastritis and small pre-pyloric erosion - biopsed - not ulceration\n,Quadrantic biopsies taken at 36, 34 and 32 cm\n,Normal muosa\n,No melaena\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Huff, Joylensia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Marshall, Almiranda\nDate of procedure: 2011-12-08\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4.,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope.,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy.,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Huff, Joylensia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Marshall, Almiranda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-12-08","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,Small atypical-looking areas at GOJ - 11 o'clock and small nodular area at 3 - 4 o'clock - biopsied x 4\n,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope\n,No gastric varices and no portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: Stella, Halee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sukkum, Leila\nDate of procedure: 2007-10-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia .,He was dilated to 13.,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,No fundal varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" Stella, Halee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sukkum, Leila\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-10-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Thickened mucosal folds at the cardia \n,He was dilated to 13\n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,No fundal varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Guerrero, Srida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nobraid, Crystal\nDate of procedure: 2009-05-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Moderate haemorrhagic gastritis - CLO test negative.,Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion.,It looks like things have improved but not normalised.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Guerrero, Srida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nobraid, Crystal\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-05-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Moderate haemorrhagic gastritis - CLO test negative\n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Stomach and pylorus normal; fundoplication visible on retroflexion\n,It looks like things have improved but not normalised\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: Nobrega, Tuyen Aalexis\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Meseke, Jasmine\nDate of procedure: 2014-11-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied.,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis.,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit.,Flattened on insufflation.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm .,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied.,No source of bleeding was identified.,Area biopsied again.,Stomach- Antrum and Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Erosion.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" R3882435\n","PatientName":" Nobrega, Tuyen Aalexis\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Meseke, Jasmine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-11-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied\n,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis\n,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit\n,Flattened on insufflation\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm \n,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied\n,No source of bleeding was identified\n,Area biopsied again\n,Stomach- Antrum and Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Erosion\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7134775\nPatient Name: Bustamante, Meranda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mayfield, Courtney\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No fundal varices.,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,No immediate complications.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia.,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping.,OESOPHAGUS: no obvious lesions, some neovascularity 28cm ?,Inlet patch - No:.,Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" F7134775\n","PatientName":" Bustamante, Meranda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mayfield, Courtney\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No fundal varices\n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,No immediate complications\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from small hiatus hernia\n,DUODENUM: Mild oedema of the mucosa and scalloping\n,OESOPHAGUS: no obvious lesions, some neovascularity 28cm ?,Inlet patch - No:\n,Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z9871480\nPatient Name: Brooks, Granielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Thomas, Cashlynn\nDate of procedure: 2014-02-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.,STOMACH: 4 cm sliding hiatus hernia from 35 to 39 cm; normal stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z9871480\n","PatientName":" Brooks, Granielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Thomas, Cashlynn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-02-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n,STOMACH: 4 cm sliding hiatus hernia from 35 to 39 cm; normal stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E9204095\nPatient Name: Russell, Jessica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Knight, Denajae\nDate of procedure: 2011-03-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile.,The duodenum was also seen to distend well and didn't appear to be compressed extenally down to D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" E9204095\n","PatientName":" Russell, Jessica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Knight, Denajae\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-03-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile\n,The duodenum was also seen to distend well and didn't appear to be compressed extenally down to D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1294090\nPatient Name: Berrien, Cynthia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Summa, Frances\nDate of procedure: 2007-05-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A .,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum with the exception of small gastric polyps.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the cardia.,EMR scar unchanged.,DUODENUM:.,STOMACH: as above.,Well covered - photographed.,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" T1294090\n","PatientName":" Berrien, Cynthia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Summa, Frances\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-05-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A \n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Second part of duodenum with the exception of small gastric polyps\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the cardia\n,EMR scar unchanged\n,DUODENUM:\n,STOMACH: as above\n,Well covered - photographed\n,The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M9440150\nPatient Name: el-Azam, Shahla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Guerue, Stacey\nDate of procedure: 2016-10-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,No obvious slipped wrap.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" M9440150\n","PatientName":" el-Azam, Shahla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Guerue, Stacey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-10-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6044658\nPatient Name: Willy, Ricki\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mccullom, Rebecca\nDate of procedure: 2011-11-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules.,No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen.,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm.,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" J6044658\n","PatientName":" Willy, Ricki\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mccullom, Rebecca\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-11-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus: Barrett's - no nodules\n,No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen\n,Top of gastric folds: 41 cm\n,Biopsies taken from top of stricture-metal marking clips in situ\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y6417773\nPatient Name: al-Riaz, Sameeha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mccomb, Tianna\nDate of procedure: 2016-06-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tight stricture impassable with scope.,Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration.,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa.,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm .,No hiatus hernia; fundoplication intact; CLO test done.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,coeliac disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Y6417773\n","PatientName":" al-Riaz, Sameeha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mccomb, Tianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-06-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tight stricture impassable with scope\n,Clips in fundus identified, no active bleeding and no ulceration\n,STOMACH: PEG tube visualised with partially buried bumper and consequent inflammatory mucosa\n,OESOPHAGUS: gastric conduit anastomosis at 27cm, mild/mod oesophagitis - no narrowing at proximal anastomosis\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm \n,No hiatus hernia; fundoplication intact; CLO test done\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,coeliac disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B6072011\nPatient Name: el-Ghaffari, Rumaana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Cassidy\nDate of procedure: 2008-02-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm.,There seemed to be two loops.,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass.,He bacame tachy.,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" B6072011\n","PatientName":" el-Ghaffari, Rumaana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Cassidy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-02-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm\n,There seemed to be two loops\n,Third duodenum compressed by an extrinsic ovoidal shaped mass\n,He bacame tachy\n,All 3 EMR peices were retrieved with Roth netting\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G1449886\nPatient Name: Byrnes, Alana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Malek, Wardiyya\nDate of procedure: 2002-08-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions.,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis.,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate.,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings.,Hiatus Hernia- Small.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,No hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" G1449886\n","PatientName":" Byrnes, Alana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Malek, Wardiyya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-08-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions\n,STOMACH: Mild antral erythematous gastritis\n,STOMACH: PHG mild to moderate\n,He has an isolate patch of gastritis with the occasional erosion within the fundus which probably accounts for the PET findings\n,Hiatus Hernia- Small\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,No hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia, otherwise normal oesophagus with no lesions\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1607560\nPatient Name: Murray, Shakayla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ng, Vanessa\nDate of procedure: 2002-11-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 42cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1607560\n","PatientName":" Murray, Shakayla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ng, Vanessa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-11-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 42cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I8031481\nPatient Name: Mcwilliams, Melinda\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Martinez, Shawna\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken.,Ulcer in the pylorus.,Hiatus hernia.,Epigastric burning pain improved on omeprazole.,Biopsies from D2 and stomach.,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" I8031481\n","PatientName":" Mcwilliams, Melinda\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Martinez, Shawna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The patient withdrew his consent for the procedure, so no further biopsies were taken\n,Ulcer in the pylorus\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Epigastric burning pain improved on omeprazole\n,Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n,Mild oesophagitis LA grade B, sliding hiatus hernia about 3cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2120051\nPatient Name: Leach, Hannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Carr, Aleya\nDate of procedure: 2014-12-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 33 cm.,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings.,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present.,STOMACH: Pan gastritis.,Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus.,Consent form 4 completed.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 35 cm.,No bleeding/perf.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" W2120051\n","PatientName":" Leach, Hannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Carr, Aleya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-12-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 33 cm\n,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings\n,STOMACH: significant amount of solid and liquid residue present\n,STOMACH: Pan gastritis\n,Gastritis, haemorrhagic in fundus and oedema in pylorus\n,Consent form 4 completed\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 35 cm\n,No bleeding/perf\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O7163832\nPatient Name: Tran, Danielle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vigil, Brooklynne\nDate of procedure: 2005-08-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture.,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia.,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention.,Good passage to 70cm.,5cm again noted from 24-26cm from incisors, not changed in size; obstructs up to 25% of lumen.,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" O7163832\n","PatientName":" Tran, Danielle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vigil, Brooklynne\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-08-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Scope not held by stricture and I suspect dysphagia is more likely due to this poorly motile area of oesophagus rather than stricture\n,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Dudoenum- D2 Vascular- Telangiectasia\n,Two congested folds below the OGJ, with variceal-like appearance, which nearly completely desappear on full distention\n,Good passage to 70cm\n,5cm again noted from 24-26cm from incisors, not changed in size; obstructs up to 25% of lumen\n,He also has erosive gastritis in the fundus\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6620949\nPatient Name: Perez, Thalia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hwang, Hitomi\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tiny erosion in the pylorus .,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal.,Stomach- Pylorus.,Haemospray.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm.,No cause for her pain was found.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" P6620949\n","PatientName":" Perez, Thalia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hwang, Hitomi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tiny erosion in the pylorus \n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal\n,Stomach- Pylorus\n,Haemospray\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm\n,No cause for her pain was found\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal - slightly dilated and very mild irregularity of scj in keeping with reflux but no frank oeosphagitis\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4378217\nPatient Name: al-Sader, Aneesa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Andrew, Lien\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsy for HP.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L4378217\n","PatientName":" al-Sader, Aneesa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Andrew, Lien\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsy for HP\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2657390\nPatient Name: Bell, Gabriella\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Burks II, Jasmine\nDate of procedure: 2015-02-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Small cyst in lower osophagus.,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS .,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,No stricture seen.,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain.,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple .,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 39 cm and 29 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" K2657390\n","PatientName":" Bell, Gabriella\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Burks II, Jasmine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-02-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Small cyst in lower osophagus\n,ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS \n,Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,No stricture seen\n,He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain\n,STOMACH: Polyps- Multiple \n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 39 cm and 29 cm to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S9393699\nPatient Name: Johnston, Haley\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bell, Alexandria\nDate of procedure: 2014-09-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Inlet patch - Yes or No: No.,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,No evidence of oeosphagitis.,GOJ at 33 cm.,STOMACH: Erythema with small erosion at antrum.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" S9393699\n","PatientName":" Johnston, Haley\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bell, Alexandria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-09-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Inlet patch - Yes or No: No\n,5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,No evidence of oeosphagitis\n,GOJ at 33 cm\n,STOMACH: Erythema with small erosion at antrum\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D5975610\nPatient Name: Ishizuki, Binyu\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Billsie, Ashley\nDate of procedure: 2016-11-02\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween.,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,STOMACH: Minimal antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,3 treatments with no cleaning step.,GOJ at 38cm .,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified.,3 treatments with no cleaning step.,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy.,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" D5975610\n","PatientName":" Ishizuki, Binyu\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Billsie, Ashley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-11-02","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween\n,no inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,STOMACH: Minimal antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,3 treatments with no cleaning step\n,GOJ at 38cm \n,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified\n,3 treatments with no cleaning step\n,STOMACH: Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,Large 10cm sliding hiatus hernia, with no evidence of reflux disease\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N4378127\nPatient Name: Jones, Shaunnell\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lawrence-Cooper, Marjoya\nDate of procedure: 2009-01-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum.,Stomach- Normal.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Esophageal candidiasis ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" N4378127\n","PatientName":" Jones, Shaunnell\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lawrence-Cooper, Marjoya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-01-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum\n,Stomach- Normal\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7597311\nPatient Name: Thigpen, Omoyemen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bui, Shannon\nDate of procedure: 2010-02-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7597311\n","PatientName":" Thigpen, Omoyemen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bui, Shannon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-02-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal apart from possible mild trachealization\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H4452093\nPatient Name: Johnson, Ebony\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Elhussen, Kendall\nDate of procedure: 2009-03-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C .,Tiny erosions at the antrum.,The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" H4452093\n","PatientName":" Johnson, Ebony\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Elhussen, Kendall\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-03-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C \n,Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,The stomach was small but otherwise appeared normal, and duodenum was normal to D3\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R8004923\nPatient Name: al-Sultana, Muna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Youngman, Theresa\nDate of procedure: 2002-06-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm.,Atrophic stomach.,No Visible lesions.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.,Large volume ascites seen on recent USS.,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied.,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses.,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns.,Hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Barretts oesophagus. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" R8004923\n","PatientName":" al-Sultana, Muna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Youngman, Theresa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-06-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm\n,Atrophic stomach\n,No Visible lesions\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n,Large volume ascites seen on recent USS\n,GOJ scar tissue and nodular areafrom 39-42cm, biopsied\n,Presence of surgical stiches and superficial ulceration at the gastroenteric anastomoses\n,There were red spots which did not wash on all 3 columns\n,Hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7957976\nPatient Name: Woodard, Arlene\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pham, Taylor\nDate of procedure: 2009-08-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm .,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" F7957976\n","PatientName":" Woodard, Arlene\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pham, Taylor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-08-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Diaphragmatic pinchL 41cm \n,No fresh or altered blood in the upper GI tract\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z2727641\nPatient Name: al-Ghanem, Najaat\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Afriyie, Jaelin\nDate of procedure: 2005-10-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ at 36 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" Z2727641\n","PatientName":" al-Ghanem, Najaat\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Afriyie, Jaelin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-10-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ at 36 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7461659\nPatient Name: Schreibman, Emily\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bishop, Tiffanie\nDate of procedure: 2006-08-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered.,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices.,Biopsies not taken as not necessary.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia.,G: Normal mucosa.,No hiatus hernia.,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" E7461659\n","PatientName":" Schreibman, Emily\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bishop, Tiffanie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-08-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: three varices in the distal tract, one medium size, the other 2 small and flattened on insufflation, all well covered\n,No evidence of oesophageal or gastric varices\n,Biopsies not taken as not necessary\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm hiatus hernia\n,G: Normal mucosa\n,No hiatus hernia\n,Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T3145793\nPatient Name: Eppard, Alexandra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. New, Mckenna\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen.,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour.,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear.,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" T3145793\n","PatientName":" Eppard, Alexandra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n New, Mckenna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen\n,Tumour at 40cm right wall below the Z-line, inkeeping with Type 2 cardia tumour\n,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear\n,STOMACH:, Stomach-Mild antral inflammation - biopsies to check for hp as on ppi\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M5148114\nPatient Name: Peebles, Vivian\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hunsaker, Kaitlin\nDate of procedure: 2004-02-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2.,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" M5148114\n","PatientName":" Peebles, Vivian\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hunsaker, Kaitlin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-02-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative\n,Prominentfolds superior to the antrum - biopsied x 2\n,Biopsies taken for histology and samples in saline\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U1759838\nPatient Name: Serna Mata, Sadie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Noor, Rutaiba\nDate of procedure: 2008-05-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm .,Stomach- Moderate gastritis.,STOMACH: Normal.,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp.,No varices or evidence of portal hypertensive gastropathy.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" U1759838\n","PatientName":" Serna Mata, Sadie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Noor, Rutaiba\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-05-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: 3 x columns of grade 2-3 oesophageal varices from 34cm \n,Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n,STOMACH: Normal\n,STOMACH: Clip still in place from previous polypectomy, thpugh no clear residual polyp\n,No varices or evidence of portal hypertensive gastropathy\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C5917931\nPatient Name: Blazon, Magnolia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tran, Shruti\nDate of procedure: 2005-07-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis.,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen.,No obvious slipped wrap.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" C5917931\n","PatientName":" Blazon, Magnolia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tran, Shruti\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-07-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: mild oesophageal candidiasis\n,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen\n,No obvious slipped wrap\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X2813264\nPatient Name: Eisele, Sophia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sullivan, Elijah\nDate of procedure: 2004-12-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed.,Small cyst in lower osophagus.,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins.,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2.,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas.,Large solid food residue in stomach and duodenum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" X2813264\n","PatientName":" Eisele, Sophia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sullivan, Elijah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-12-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed\n,Small cyst in lower osophagus\n,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins\n,He has a duodenal ulcer in D2\n,Further EMR was performed in 3 peices at the GOJ to remove these areas\n,Large solid food residue in stomach and duodenum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A6871788\nPatient Name: Garcia, Sequoia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Sattar, Nusaiba\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm.,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR.,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen.,Normal otherwise.,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween.,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx.,Several fundal gland polyps in the body.,No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" A6871788\n","PatientName":" Garcia, Sequoia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Sattar, Nusaiba\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm\n,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR\n,Distal oesophagus - no varices seen\n,Normal otherwise\n,3 treatments with nocleaning step inbetween\n,The food was stuck just distal to the larynx\n,Several fundal gland polyps in the body\n,No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J6229707\nPatient Name: Bravo, Shianne\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Clark, Robbi\nDate of procedure: 2005-09-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR.,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis .,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" J6229707\n","PatientName":" Bravo, Shianne\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Clark, Robbi\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-09-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR\n,STOMACH: very mild antral gastritis \n,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n,Duodenum- Mild duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y7228898\nPatient Name: Engels, Samonie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Scott, Jameca\nDate of procedure: 2007-03-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mild lower oesophageal oesophagitis LA grade A.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect.,Atrophic stomach.,Hiatus hernia.,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J.,Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" Y7228898\n","PatientName":" Engels, Samonie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Scott, Jameca\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-03-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mild lower oesophageal oesophagitis LA grade A\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,Pylorus dilated up to 20mm with good effect\n,Atrophic stomach\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Treated with HALO RFA at 12J\n,Dilated to 19mm with CRE balloon for 1 minute\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B1224656\nPatient Name: Parker, Misa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mckinney, Gabriella\nDate of procedure: 2011-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis.,She has a small hiatus hernia .,Repositioned with bumper clear of gastric wall.,Gastritis and duodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" B1224656\n","PatientName":" Parker, Misa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mckinney, Gabriella\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,The procedure was poorly tolerated, therefore only x 2 biopsies were take at 40 cm, 30 cm and 23 cm respectively, to exclude eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,She has a small hiatus hernia \n,Repositioned with bumper clear of gastric wall\n,Gastritis and duodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G4762980\nPatient Name: Casillas, Karen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Winder, Margaret\nDate of procedure: 2003-04-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Area biopsied again.,Treated with APC at 40W.,Total of 27 ablations.,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken.,Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" G4762980\n","PatientName":" Casillas, Karen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Winder, Margaret\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-04-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Area biopsied again\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,Total of 27 ablations\n,Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,x6 D2/3 biopsies taken\n,Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,STOMACH: 2-3 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1418327\nPatient Name: Fitzjames, Breashelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Juniel, Biancha\nDate of procedure: 2013-09-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.,Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus.,Not examined.,No evidence of oeosphagitis.,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm.,Final Prague score: C0M1 .,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:.,Stomach - normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1418327\n","PatientName":" Fitzjames, Breashelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Juniel, Biancha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-09-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5 cm, ulcerated with two areas of ?,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n,Subesquently haemospray was applied to the mid and lower oesophagus\n,Not examined\n,No evidence of oeosphagitis\n,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm\n,Final Prague score: C0M1 \n,Narrow band imaging of the oesophagus:\n,Stomach - normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I6545050\nPatient Name: Eggleton, Jamie Lee\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Palomo, Skylinn\nDate of procedure: 2003-08-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.,No macroscopic features of EoE.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" I6545050\n","PatientName":" Eggleton, Jamie Lee\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Palomo, Skylinn\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-08-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n,No macroscopic features of EoE\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W1047941\nPatient Name: Pease, Desiree\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jiles-Wright, Brianni\nDate of procedure: 2011-05-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies from D2 and stomach.,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .,The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,Stomach - normal.,Biopsy for HP.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C .,No PHG.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" W1047941\n","PatientName":" Pease, Desiree\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jiles-Wright, Brianni\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-05-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies from D2 and stomach\n,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n,The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,Stomach - normal\n,Biopsy for HP\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C \n,No PHG\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O4756019\nPatient Name: Valentin, Victoria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Ali, Minnah\nDate of procedure: 2010-10-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No oesophagitis was seen.,DUODENUM: erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm.,Hiatus hernia.,Mild PHG, no obvious varices seen in oesophagus or stomach.,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis.,Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile.,No bleeding/perf.,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" O4756019\n","PatientName":" Valentin, Victoria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Ali, Minnah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-10-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No oesophagitis was seen\n,DUODENUM: erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C5M7, 35 cm to 29 cm\n,Hiatus hernia\n,Mild PHG, no obvious varices seen in oesophagus or stomach\n,STOMACH: Mild antral gastritis\n,Gastric sleeve patent and not dilated, containing large amount of bile\n,No bleeding/perf\n,Opposite to this at 3 oclock at the GOJ there looked to be some discrete inflamed mucosa but no lesion\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P2080807\nPatient Name: May, Colette\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Ashraf, Taaliba\nDate of procedure: 2011-10-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Nausea and/or Vomiting\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B .,Gastroparesis.,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm .\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" P2080807\n","PatientName":" May, Colette\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Ashraf, Taaliba\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-10-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Nausea and/or Vomiting\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No stricture or mucosal abnormality seen\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A/B \n,Gastroparesis\n,OESOPHAGUS: cervical inlet patch 3 cm \n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L2478495\nPatient Name: Turner, Alyssa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Ahmed, Fakeeha\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock.,Lifted and ESD performed.,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal.,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" L2478495\n","PatientName":" Turner, Alyssa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Ahmed, Fakeeha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-16","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He had a Paris IIa lesion at 12 and 6 o'clock\n,Lifted and ESD performed\n,Stomach- Fundus, Stomach- Cardia and Stomach- Body Normal\n,3 clips deployed and 7ml of 1:10,000 adrenaline injected around the area\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K2068433\nPatient Name: al-Shaikh, Sireen\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hastings, Joann\nDate of procedure: 2012-05-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: PHG.,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative.,G: Severe PHG.,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss.,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" K2068433\n","PatientName":" al-Shaikh, Sireen\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hastings, Joann\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-05-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" PHG\n,STOMACH: erosive antral gastritis - CLO test negative\n,G: Severe PHG\n,D2 biopsies taken in view of weight loss\n,Mucosal inflammation noted from the pylorus to the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1951882\nPatient Name: Guyon, Veronica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hubert, Sara\nDate of procedure: 2011-09-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others.,Normal mucosa.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S1951882\n","PatientName":" Guyon, Veronica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hubert, Sara\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-09-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The last EMR removed felt less easy to suck up than the others\n,Normal mucosa\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D9082891\nPatient Name: Hines, Brianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Vikingur, Isabel\nDate of procedure: 2009-12-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: G: no Fundal varices.,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1.,DUODENUM: Normal.,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis.,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns.,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" D9082891\n","PatientName":" Hines, Brianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Vikingur, Isabel\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-12-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" G: no Fundal varices\n,OESOPHAGUS: two short segments of Barrett's oesophagus, max 1 cm each, at 36 to 37 cm, C0M1\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,Stomach: mild/moderate erosive gastritis\n,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n,Oesophagus - small <5mmoesophageal varices x2 columns\n,Three D2 andone D1 biopsies were taken to rule out coeliac disease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2752405\nPatient Name: Armas, Karla\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Garcia, Adriana\nDate of procedure: 2012-11-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Normal duodenal mucosa.,Shatzki ring at the OGJ.,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No lifting with St.Mark's solution,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" N2752405\n","PatientName":" Armas, Karla\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Garcia, Adriana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-11-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Normal duodenal mucosa\n,Shatzki ring at the OGJ\n,Biopsies were taken at the strictured area as well as the mid and lower oesophagus to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No lifting with St\nMark's solution,Lesion on retroflexion extending towards greater curve of stomach-biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q4907331\nPatient Name: Wille, Sara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Davis-Walker, Tayla\nDate of procedure: 2011-01-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: On retroflexion the wrap is in correct position, with no evidence of recurrent hiatus hernia.,Biopsies taken distally and proximally.,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" Q4907331\n","PatientName":" Wille, Sara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Davis-Walker, Tayla\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-01-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" On retroflexion the wrap is in correct position, with no evidence of recurrent hiatus hernia\n,Biopsies taken distally and proximally\n,No source of upper GI bleeding was identified\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7140324\nPatient Name: Ramirez, Andrea\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Valdez, Jamie\nDate of procedure: 2003-07-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: It appeared to arise from the floor of D2 but I could not positively identify the major ampulla, so it could be related to that.,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis.,Diaphragmatic pinch: 41cm .,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear.,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis.,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied.,Oesophagus - normal.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm.,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" H7140324\n","PatientName":" Ramirez, Andrea\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Valdez, Jamie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-07-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" It appeared to arise from the floor of D2 but I could not positively identify the major ampulla, so it could be related to that\n,Consistent with reflux oesophagitis\n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 41cm \n,Adrenaline injected and clip applied to vessel; 2 clips applied to close longertear\n,On treatment dose LMWH for bilateral PE and portal vein thrombosis\n,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied\n,Oesophagus - normal\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 37 cm\n,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R9120543\nPatient Name: Brady, Danyelle\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wexler, Bridgette\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope.,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion.,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" R9120543\n","PatientName":" Brady, Danyelle\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wexler, Bridgette\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 2 Mallory-Weiss tears at GOJ, one with visible vessel/fibrin clot, the other being longer and deeper\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,Intubation of efferent limb for a length of the scope\n,Could not tolerateand declined sedation on this occasion\n,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7095078\nPatient Name: Dee, Savannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sharkey, Shannon\nDate of procedure: 2002-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS:Normal.,Distorted and distended stomach.,Stomach- Moderate gastritis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" F7095078\n","PatientName":" Dee, Savannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sharkey, Shannon\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS:Normal\n,Distorted and distended stomach\n,Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z6299612\nPatient Name: Lin, Wana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Wells, Jataesha\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-17\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Mega-oesophagus filled with solid food; unable to identify cardia safely, therefore procedure abandoned.,Difficult to assess mucosa fully due to some adherent food debris and necrotic tissue.,D1/2 biopsies taken.,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout.,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis with 5 mm area of slightly raised and eroded mucosa at antrum greater curve which was biopsied.,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Z6299612\n","PatientName":" Lin, Wana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Wells, Jataesha\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-17","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Mega-oesophagus filled with solid food; unable to identify cardia safely, therefore procedure abandoned\n,Difficult to assess mucosa fully due to some adherent food debris and necrotic tissue\n,D1/2 biopsies taken\n,OESOPHAGUS: candida throughout\n,STOMACH: mild antral gastritis with 5 mm area of slightly raised and eroded mucosa at antrum greater curve which was biopsied\n,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E6197772\nPatient Name: Merrill, Dominique\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Figueroa, Andrea\nDate of procedure: 2011-08-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis.,Small gastric remnant with apparent Polya reconstruction.,Duodenum - minor D1 duodenitis D2 norma;.,Area biopsied again.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" E6197772\n","PatientName":" Merrill, Dominique\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Figueroa, Andrea\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-08-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis\n,Small gastric remnant with apparent Polya reconstruction\n,Duodenum - minor D1 duodenitis D2 norma;\n,Area biopsied again\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T1732455\nPatient Name: al-Hassen, Sakeena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Diaz Jr, Amber\nDate of procedure: 2007-06-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There seemed to be two loops.,Biopsies showed no evidence of H.,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained.,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the cardia.,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope.,GOJ at 38cm.,Small polyp on incisura,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock.,Total of 23 ablations.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" T1732455\n","PatientName":" al-Hassen, Sakeena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Diaz Jr, Amber\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-06-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" There seemed to be two loops\n,Biopsies showed no evidence of H\n,Duodenal aspirates and biopsies obtained\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the cardia\n,GOJ tight, but patent with Fuji endoscope\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Small polyp on incisura,GOJ at 40cm with stitches from previous repair visible at 3o'clock\n,Total of 23 ablations\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M8823141\nPatient Name: Fry, Caitlin\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Slechter, Olivia\nDate of procedure: 2002-06-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No fresh or altered blood in stomach.,Distorted and distended stomach.,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted.,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum.,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding.,No active ource of bleeding was found.,Z-line at: 40cm - Bravo placed at 34cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Ulcer in the pylorus.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis in D1.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" M8823141\n","PatientName":" Fry, Caitlin\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Slechter, Olivia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-06-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No fresh or altered blood in stomach\n,Distorted and distended stomach\n,DUODENUM: first and second duodenum were distorted\n,Several erosions/small ulcers in inflammed antrum\n,Mucosal inflammation noted in the antrum with no bleeding\n,No active ource of bleeding was found\n,Z-line at: 40cm - Bravo placed at 34cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Ulcer in the pylorus\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis in D1\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5272217\nPatient Name: Chambers, Janika\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Hilleary, Audrey\nDate of procedure: 2015-03-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2.,Grade 2 varices with red signs.,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm .\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Oesophagitis. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" U5272217\n","PatientName":" Chambers, Janika\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Hilleary, Audrey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-03-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies taken at: 38cmx4,36cmx2\n,Grade 2 varices with red signs\n,OESOPHAGUS: 2cm \n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C8544445\nPatient Name: al-Mansour, Himma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Harris, Victoria\nDate of procedure: 2003-07-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No diverticulum, no massess.,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging.,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed.,No cause for anaemia found.,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal.,Mild gastric body mucosal thickening and pangastritis.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C .,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm.,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" C8544445\n","PatientName":" al-Mansour, Himma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Harris, Victoria\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-07-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No diverticulum, no massess\n,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ, no inlet patch seen on narrow band imaging\n,The previous reflux oesophagitis has healed\n,No cause for anaemia found\n,Stomach- Pylorus and DUODENUM: Normal\n,Mild gastric body mucosal thickening and pangastritis\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA C \n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm\n,This was removed by EMR using Duette MBM kit\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5917376\nPatient Name: al-Sheikh, Raaida\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Castillo, Mariah\nDate of procedure: 2010-01-13\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6.,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" X5917376\n","PatientName":" al-Sheikh, Raaida\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Castillo, Mariah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-01-13","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5 cm gastric ulcer in antrum with haematin deposits in the base and surrounded by significant oedema - biopsied x 6\n,Two biopsies were taken from lower oesophagus to investigate for ?\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A1648588\nPatient Name: Deleon, Ailena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Gonzalez Bustamante, Irin\nDate of procedure: 2010-04-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm .,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal.,GOJ at 38cm .,Normal Villi.,GOJ at 33 cm .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" A1648588\n","PatientName":" Deleon, Ailena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Gonzalez Bustamante, Irin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-04-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm \n,Slightly prominent ampulla but not biopsied - did not look abnormal\n,GOJ at 38cm \n,Normal Villi\n,GOJ at 33 cm \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J1337672\nPatient Name: Rodriguez, Kristhel\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Taga, Karissa\nDate of procedure: 2004-05-23\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative.,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis in the bulb.,GOJ at 36 cm.,Very friable with bleeding.,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H.Pylori.,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" J1337672\n","PatientName":" Rodriguez, Kristhel\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Taga, Karissa\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-05-23","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: mild non-erosive antral gastritis, CLO test - negative\n,GOJ on contraction gives a false impression of Schatzki ring\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis in the bulb\n,GOJ at 36 cm\n,Very friable with bleeding\n,As pt very symptomatic and on PPI gastric biopsies taken for H\nPylori\n,Normal upper GI endoscopy to the Body of stomach\n\nArea APC'd\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8594667\nPatient Name: Phou, Sydnie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Eltagonde, Asima\nDate of procedure: 2011-06-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken.,Had an UGI bleed.,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8594667\n","PatientName":" Phou, Sydnie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Eltagonde, Asima\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-06-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" D2 and Barrett's biopsies taken\n,Had an UGI bleed\n,Four dD2 and one D1 biopsies were taken to exclude coeliacdisease\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B8880712\nPatient Name: Musante, Sydney\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Trujillo-Garcia, Kelsey\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus.,Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis.,Tiny erosion in the pylorus .,OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis .,No red spots seen.,He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis.,NJ placed uder direct vision.,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia.\nTherapeutic- RFA\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" B8880712\n","PatientName":" Musante, Sydney\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Trujillo-Garcia, Kelsey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Oesophageal candidiasis in the upper third of the oesophagus\n,Z-line at: 45cm - Bravo placed at 39cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GO) J at 40 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: mild candidiasis\n,Tiny erosion in the pylorus \n,OESOPHAGUS: small hiatus hernia and mild erosive oesophagitis \n,No red spots seen\n,He has a 2cm as well as grade A oesophagitis\n,NJ placed uder direct vision\n,She has a 6cm hiatus hernia\n\nTherapeutic- RFA\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G8210675\nPatient Name: Patterson, Moe'Sha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Germany, Arbay\nDate of procedure: 2006-05-28\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Likely fundic gland polyps.,Ulcer in the antrum.,OESOPHAGUS: Top of gasric folds at 31 cm and several islands at 28-26 cm, at right and posterior walls.,No immediate complications.,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" G8210675\n","PatientName":" Patterson, Moe'Sha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Germany, Arbay\n","Dateofprocedure":"2006-05-28","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Likely fundic gland polyps\n,Ulcer in the antrum\n,OESOPHAGUS: Top of gasric folds at 31 cm and several islands at 28-26 cm, at right and posterior walls\n,No immediate complications\n,DUODENUM: non-erosive duodenitis in D1, D2 - normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V4085520\nPatient Name: Turpin, Emily\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lopez, Jael\nDate of procedure: 2015-09-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No other pathology.,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging.,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis.,GORD with only partial response to PPI.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" V4085520\n","PatientName":" Turpin, Emily\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lopez, Jael\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-09-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No other pathology\n,No inlet patch was seen on narrow band imaging\n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade B oesophagitis\n,GORD with only partial response to PPI\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I1303991\nPatient Name: Theis, Tayler\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Maualaivao, De Ying\nDate of procedure: 2005-01-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites.,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,Wide neck diverticulum in D2.,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm.,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy.,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea.,FICE used .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" I1303991\n","PatientName":" Theis, Tayler\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Maualaivao, De Ying\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-01-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites\n,Therefore multiple polyps were biopsied\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,Wide neck diverticulum in D2\n,OESOPHAGUS: Hiatus hernia 36-42 cm\n,STOMACH: Portal hypertensive gastropathy\n,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea\n,FICE used \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W2075882\nPatient Name: Sandoval, Samantha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mendoza, Katherine\nDate of procedure: 2003-07-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ","HospitalNumber":" W2075882\n","PatientName":" Sandoval, Samantha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mendoza, Katherine\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-07-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" D1\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O3104214\nPatient Name: Long, Hope\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Negash, Azailah\nDate of procedure: 2008-07-04\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: coeliac disease.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis in D1.,Inlet patch - No:.,No cause for anaemia was found.,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2.,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied.,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit.,Top of gastric folds: 39cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" O3104214\n","PatientName":" Long, Hope\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Negash, Azailah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-07-04","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" coeliac disease\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and twobiopsies were taken at 25 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis in D1\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,No cause for anaemia was found\n,Post surgical stomach with a normal pylorus leading to a normal D1 and then into a normal looking D2\n,Sessile polyp in the body of stomach - ulcerated - biopsied\n,Small amount of bile in the gastric conduit\n,Top of gastric folds: 39cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P4425100\nPatient Name: Cave, Victoria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Zurun, Julia\nDate of procedure: 2010-04-11\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No cervical inlet patch.,Total of 27 ablations.,Oesophagus- No varices.,Total of 27 ablations.,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis.,Retrieved with the aid of snare.,Not examined for inlet patch as she found the procedure unconfortable towards the end.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" P4425100\n","PatientName":" Cave, Victoria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Zurun, Julia\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-04-11","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No cervical inlet patch\n,Total of 27 ablations\n,Oesophagus- No varices\n,Total of 27 ablations\n,STOMACH: 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia; non-erosive antral gastritis\n,Retrieved with the aid of snare\n,Not examined for inlet patch as she found the procedure unconfortable towards the end\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L8917541\nPatient Name: Graham, Sophie\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Blomberg, Eleanor\nDate of procedure: 2008-04-12\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,No oesophagitis was seen.,GOJ at 35 cm.,STOMACH: large hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A .,Large twisted para-oesophageal hernia.,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction.,Known Barrett's.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" L8917541\n","PatientName":" Graham, Sophie\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Blomberg, Eleanor\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-04-12","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,No oesophagitis was seen\n,GOJ at 35 cm\n,STOMACH: large hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Oesophagitis- LA A \n,Large twisted para-oesophageal hernia\n,DUODENUM: mild duodenitis/oedema in bulb/D1/2 junction\n,Known Barrett's\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K6126215\nPatient Name: Tafoya, Katrina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson Jr, Dymond\nDate of procedure: 2014-06-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Awan, Firdaus\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm.,Gastritis- Nodular.,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia.,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal.,Normal stomach and duodenum.,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,STOMACH: Normal.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" K6126215\n","PatientName":" Tafoya, Katrina\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson Jr, Dymond\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-06-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Awan, Firdaus\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Previous OGD ? 8 months ago\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He does not describe any history compatible with upper GI bleed - just significant epigastric pain\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 42 cm\n,Gastritis- Nodular\n,Oesophagus - Small hiatus hernia\n,STOMACH/ DUODENUM: Normal\n,Normal stomach and duodenum\n,No obvious mucosal lesions but poor views obtained\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 33 cm, 24 cm and 21 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,STOMACH: Normal\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S6740918\nPatient Name: el-Aslam, Rumaana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Peterson, Caitlin\nDate of procedure: 2012-08-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4.,Very difficult to get biopsies.,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout.,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,The anastomosis was erythematous with bleeding to touch and oedema.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" S6740918\n","PatientName":" el-Aslam, Rumaana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Peterson, Caitlin\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-08-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Quadrantic biopsies taken at:32cmx4\n,Very difficult to get biopsies\n,OESOPHAGUS: slightly tortuous and dilated but normal mucosa throughout\n,STOMACH: food residue ++ consistent with delayed gastric emptying,The anastomosis was erythematous with bleeding to touch and oedema\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D2568207\nPatient Name: Moore, Kirsten\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Becerra-Flores, Amber\nDate of procedure: 2005-12-30\nEndoscopist: Dr. Ives, Rashiah\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm .,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis.,Treated with APC at 40W.,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions.,Despite this, reasonable views obtained.,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia.,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis.,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" D2568207\n","PatientName":" Moore, Kirsten\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Becerra-Flores, Amber\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-12-30","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Ives, Rashiah\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Z-line at: 38cm - Bravo placed at 32cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 36 cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: Grade A LA oesophagitis\n,Treated with APC at 40W\n,1% Lugol's iodine - no unstained lesions\n,Despite this, reasonable views obtained\n,Fresh bleeding seen in D2 distal to the ampulla secondary to angioectasia\n,STOMACH: diffuse gastritis\n,Nodular area high on lesser curve, biopsied\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N1257699\nPatient Name: Archuleta, Clara\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Johnson, Trequaya\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-18\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed.,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween.,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved.,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia.,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken.,oesophagus: Normal.,Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis.,Also high grade 4 oesophagitis with candidiasis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" N1257699\n","PatientName":" Archuleta, Clara\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Johnson, Trequaya\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-18","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/intermittent for a few months\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Some washing performed but concern regarding aspiration if copious washing performed\n,2 treatments with no cleaning step inbetween\n,This couldn't be resolved with the coag graspers so 2 clips were deploted over the vessel and 1:10,000 adrenaline x10ml was injected with haemostasis achieved\n,Small 2cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,OESOPHAGUS: Residual slightly raised area at right wall just above GOJ -bx taken\n,oesophagus: Normal\n,Moderate amount of bile in the stomach, with reactive gastritis\n,Also high grade 4 oesophagitis with candidiasis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7176341\nPatient Name: Moreno, Irma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mccain, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2003-12-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Scott, Tanteria\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: 2cm .,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR.,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago.,The varices flattened well with air insufflation.,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed.,D2 biopsies taken as per request.,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" Q7176341\n","PatientName":" Moreno, Irma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Mccain, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-12-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Scott, Tanteria\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: 2cm \n,Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,D2 biopsies taken for histopathology and TCR\n,The overall picture appears unchanged compared to the previous description 4 months ago\n,The varices flattened well with air insufflation\n,In retroflexion wrap non clearly identifyed\n,D2 biopsies taken as per request\n,OESOPHAGUS: Lax LOS \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H7489214\nPatient Name: Lee, Victoria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lee, Ashley\nDate of procedure: 2012-04-22\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Biopsies taken from D2 and duodenal bulb.,She has no hiatus hernia or evidence of reflux oesophagitis.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,due to retching,No macroscopic features of EoE.,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline.,No active ulcer.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal.,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ","HospitalNumber":" H7489214\n","PatientName":" Lee, Victoria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lee, Ashley\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-04-22","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Biopsies taken from D2 and duodenal bulb\n,She has no hiatus hernia or evidence of reflux oesophagitis\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,due to retching,No macroscopic features of EoE\n,Hypotensive during procedure but BP better after 500ml of saline\n,No active ulcer\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal\n,No polyp with suspicious/different features identified\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R2764793\nPatient Name: al-Assad, Shaheera\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Aguilar, Kristina\nDate of procedure: 2004-07-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached.,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus .,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" R2764793\n","PatientName":" al-Assad, Shaheera\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Aguilar, Kristina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-07-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Difficultto locate the pylorus but D2 reached\n,Friable ulcerated polypoid lesion in the lower third of the oesophagus \n,Narrowband imaging of the oesophagus: No inlet patch\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: F7058648\nPatient Name: Velarde, Sandra\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Taylor, Annie\nDate of procedure: 2012-01-06\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 41cm.,G: No fundal varices seen.,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins.,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" F7058648\n","PatientName":" Velarde, Sandra\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Taylor, Annie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-01-06","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 41cm\n,G: No fundal varices seen\n,6 biopsies were taken from around the margins\n,5cm lesion in D2 with surface characteristics of an adenoma but a more irregular central part\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Z8946728\nPatient Name: Liggins, Ajah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lewis, Chloe\nDate of procedure: 2001-11-14\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG5\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach- Body and Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate.,Duodenum: normal.,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida.,No hiatus hernia identified.,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding.,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" Z8946728\n","PatientName":" Liggins, Ajah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lewis, Chloe\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-11-14","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG5\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach- Body and Stomach- Antrum Gastritis- Mild/Moderate\n,Duodenum: normal\n,Small oesophageal diverticulu at 20cms and florid candida\n,No hiatus hernia identified\n,Faint red signs on one but no signs recent bleeding\n,Previous OGDshowed LA grade C reflux oesophagitis above a hiatus hernia and gastroduodenitis\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: E7331206\nPatient Name: Petroski, Olivia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Malkan, Mahek\nDate of procedure: 2013-07-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No inlet patch was seen.,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm .,Linear erosions in oesophagus.,Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" E7331206\n","PatientName":" Petroski, Olivia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Malkan, Mahek\n","Dateofprocedure":"2013-07-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No inlet patch was seen\n,The hiatus hernia is sliding andapproximately 3cm \n,Linear erosions in oesophagus\n,Top of circumferential Barrett's 38cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: T9453315\nPatient Name: Perez, Ella\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cunningham, Alexandra\nDate of procedure: 2007-04-25\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis.,Inlet patch - No:.,STOMACH: Pan gastritis.,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality.,Stomach- Moderate gastritis.,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" T9453315\n","PatientName":" Perez, Ella\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cunningham, Alexandra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2007-04-25","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Reflux-like Symptoms/Atypical Chest Pain\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" STOMACH: mild antral non-erosive gastritis\n,Inlet patch - No:\n,STOMACH: Pan gastritis\n,Acute angulation into alimaentary limb or roux loop which may be the cause for poor functionality\n,Stomach- Moderate gastritis\n,Two endoclips applied to proximal and distal margins\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: M4134709\nPatient Name: Montoya, Summer\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Ding, Birva\nDate of procedure: 2004-08-27\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Despite this, reasonable views obtained.,Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Nodular with erosions.,No evidence of recent or active bleeding.,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE.,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao.,DUODENUM: Normal.,Duodenitis.,Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites.,Normal otherwise.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" M4134709\n","PatientName":" Montoya, Summer\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Ding, Birva\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-08-27","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Despite this, reasonable views obtained\n,Stomach- Pylorus Gastritis- Nodular with erosions\n,No evidence of recent or active bleeding\n,Stomach - mild gastritis CLO taken - NEGTIVE\n,A single episode of haematemesis 2 days agao\n,DUODENUM: Normal\n,Duodenitis\n,Bleeding from 3 of the biopsy sites\n,Normal otherwise\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: U5156770\nPatient Name: Chang, Leah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Rawlings, Tanay\nDate of procedure: 2009-04-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: O: GOJ at 42cm .,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy.,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis.,Mild PHG, no obvious varices seen in oesophagus or stomach.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" U5156770\n","PatientName":" Chang, Leah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Rawlings, Tanay\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-04-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" O: GOJ at 42cm \n,Z-line at: 39cm - Bravo placed at 33cm- good position at check endoscopy\n,Quadrantic biopsies were taken at 35 cm and 25 cm, plus two more biopsies at 20 cm to rule out eosinophilic oesophagitis\n,Mild PHG, no obvious varices seen in oesophagus or stomach\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: C2789586\nPatient Name: Montoya, Jessica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lansing, Tiana\nDate of procedure: 2012-06-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Tiny erosions at the antrum.,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" C2789586\n","PatientName":" Montoya, Jessica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lansing, Tiana\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-06-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Tiny erosions at the antrum\n,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: X5990901\nPatient Name: Nicol, Talisa\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Pierrie, Monica\nDate of procedure: 2008-09-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: chronic abdo pain and constipaton\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2.\nTTS HALO to area\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" X5990901\n","PatientName":" Nicol, Talisa\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Pierrie, Monica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2008-09-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 150mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" chronic abdo pain and constipaton\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Duodenum: Diffuse significant oedema throughout D1 and D2\n\nTTS HALO to area\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: A3962018\nPatient Name: Thomas-Moore, Deja\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Grano, Kailey\nDate of procedure: 2002-11-05\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kekich, Annabelle\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- RFA\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis.,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated.,Well covered - photographed.,Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied.,Sha has a 2cm .,Hiatus hernia .\nHALO 90 done with good effect\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Gastritis,Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ","HospitalNumber":" A3962018\n","PatientName":" Thomas-Moore, Deja\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Grano, Kailey\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-11-05","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kekich, Annabelle\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- RFA\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesophagus normal with no hiatus hernia or oesophagitis\n,The endoscope passed through the stricture with resistance before dilatation initiated\n,Well covered - photographed\n,Small benign gastric polyp/oedematous mucosa on GOJ side not biopsied\n,Sha has a 2cm \n,Hiatus hernia \n\nHALO 90 done with good effect\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: J8367396\nPatient Name: Ball, Alexandria\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tolliver, Kateri\nDate of procedure: 2009-10-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No haitus hernia.,No oesophagitis was seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" J8367396\n","PatientName":" Ball, Alexandria\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tolliver, Kateri\n","Dateofprocedure":"2009-10-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Avitia-Ramirez, Alondra\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No haitus hernia\n,No oesophagitis was seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Y8211489\nPatient Name: Baldry, Megan\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. el-Sahli, Shaakira\nDate of procedure: 2012-07-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Sullivan, Shelby\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Therapeutic- Dilatation\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia.,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps.,Oesophagus- No varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ","HospitalNumber":" Y8211489\n","PatientName":" Baldry, Megan\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n el-Sahli, Shaakira\n","Dateofprocedure":"2012-07-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Sullivan, Shelby\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Therapeutic- Dilatation\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" She has a Schatzki ring which is the likely cause of her dysphagia\n,The upper GI tract is normal except for several gastric fundic gland polyps\n,Oesophagus- No varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: B9209688\nPatient Name: Mai, Shannon\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sriram, Cindy\nDate of procedure: 2016-08-10\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. al-Basha, Mahfoodha\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG3\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Dysphagia/Odynophagia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ.,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1.,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M.,Otherwise normal to D2.,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding.,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis.,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,Congestion for portal hypertension.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Extensive neoplastic looking esophageal lesion. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" B9209688\n","PatientName":" Mai, Shannon\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Sriram, Cindy\n","Dateofprocedure":"2016-08-10","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n al-Basha, Mahfoodha\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG3\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Dysphagia/Odynophagia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS: Normalto GOJ 40 cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Tortuous oesophagus, minimal resistance at GOJ\n,OESOPHAGUS: the previous subepithelial lesion measuring 1\n,Topf of gastric folds 35cm, 34, 30M\n,Otherwise normal to D2\n,There is a very short 2cm just above the GOJ, with some contact bleeding\n,DUODENUM: Mild duodenitis\n,Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,Congestion for portal hypertension\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: G9989010\nPatient Name: Cole, Ama Soma\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. David, Caerra\nDate of procedure: 2002-07-03\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: LAWS and bleeding under acetic acid,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida.,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile.,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below.,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J.,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,GOJ at 35 cm.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" G9989010\n","PatientName":" Cole, Ama Soma\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n David, Caerra\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-07-03","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Dyspepsia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" LAWS and bleeding under acetic acid,Florid oral and upper oesophageal candida\n,STOMACH: Minimal amount of clear fluid and and bile\n,PHG and single grade 1 varix as noted below\n,Treated with HALO Channel RFA at 12J\n,STOMACH: small, 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,GOJ at 35 cm\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: V1083206\nPatient Name: Medina, Dami\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Jaeger, Jessica\nDate of procedure: 2014-01-01\nEndoscopist: Dr. Anderson, Alana\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Frost, Lolita\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line.,Wide open pylorus.,Small hiatus hernia.,Gastritis.,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin.,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed.,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions.,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Hiatus Hernia. ,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" V1083206\n","PatientName":" Medina, Dami\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Jaeger, Jessica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2014-01-01","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Anderson, Alana\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Frost, Lolita\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" He has a fullly neosquamous oesophagus with an irregular Z-line\n,Wide open pylorus\n,Small hiatus hernia\n,Gastritis\n,STOMACH: 5 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,10mls 1% Lignocaine to skin\n,2% indigo carmine solution were sprayed\n,G: Tiny fundal gastric erosions\n,No other abnormality idenitified, and this would be consistent with CT findings\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: I3619361\nPatient Name: Hanson, Olivia\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Lyle, Janajah\nDate of procedure: 2005-04-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Wood, Alison\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Follow-up ULCER HEALING\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices.,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin.,G: Severe PHG.,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing.,STOMACH: antral erythema with few scattered erosions.,OESOPHAGUS: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC.,Large food residue in stomach.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Barretts oesophagus. ","HospitalNumber":" I3619361\n","PatientName":" Hanson, Olivia\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Lyle, Janajah\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-04-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Wood, Alison\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Follow-up ULCER HEALING\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" OESOPHAGUS:Normal no ulceration/varices\n,High upper third oesophageal benign stricture post chemo-radiotherapy for neck SCC of unknown origin\n,G: Severe PHG\n,5 measured in endoscopy by near patient testing\n,STOMACH: antral erythema with few scattered erosions\n,OESOPHAGUS: Mucosa washed with 1% NAC\n,Large food residue in stomach\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: W7335845\nPatient Name: Nosker, Briana\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Cordova, Kelly\nDate of procedure: 2003-09-09\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: The oesophagus and stomach are normal.,No ulcers, no recent bleeding.,D1 biopsy taken.,NBI used .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Barretts oesophagus. ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" W7335845\n","PatientName":" Nosker, Briana\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Cordova, Kelly\n","Dateofprocedure":"2003-09-09","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" The oesophagus and stomach are normal\n,No ulcers, no recent bleeding\n,D1 biopsy taken\n,NBI used \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: O1085643\nPatient Name: Cobarrubias, Cycrena\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tang, Angelita\nDate of procedure: 2004-05-19\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Stomach body\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: G: no Fundal varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Ulcer- Oesophageal. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" O1085643\n","PatientName":" Cobarrubias, Cycrena\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tang, Angelita\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-05-19","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Stomach body\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" G: no Fundal varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: P6658276\nPatient Name: Birdow, Brittany\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Kang, Amanda\nDate of procedure: 2010-04-26\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Owrey, Reilly\nMedications: Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Surveillance-Barrett's\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J.,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm.\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Oesophagitis. ,Barretts oesophagus. ,Esophageal candidiasis ","HospitalNumber":" P6658276\n","PatientName":" Birdow, Brittany\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Kang, Amanda\n","Dateofprocedure":"2010-04-26","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Owrey, Reilly\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 100mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Surveillance-Barrett's\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Treated with HALO 90 RFA at 12J\n,3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm\n\nTherapeutic- Dilatation was performed\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: L4154167\nPatient Name: Bettray, Hannah\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nay, Erica\nDate of procedure: 2004-11-29\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\nInstrument: FG4\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Patient did not tolerate the procedure and was panicking and pulling the scope out.,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 .,Endoscopic treatment not indicated.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" L4154167\n","PatientName":" Bettray, Hannah\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nay, Erica\n","Dateofprocedure":"2004-11-29","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 5mg\n","Instrument":" FG4\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Patient did not tolerate the procedure and was panicking and pulling the scope out\n,OESOPHAGUS: Barrett's oesophagus C1 M5 \n,Endoscopic treatment not indicated\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: K8099671\nPatient Name: el-Mona, Labeeba\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. al-Akbar, Suhaad\nDate of procedure: 2011-02-07\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A/B .\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Post chemo-radiotherapy stricture ,Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" K8099671\n","PatientName":" el-Mona, Labeeba\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n al-Akbar, Suhaad\n","Dateofprocedure":"2011-02-07","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 7mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Oesopahgus- Distal Oesophagitis- LA A/B \n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: S1985702\nPatient Name: Lin, Thao\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Nolan, Brianna\nDate of procedure: 2002-12-31\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\nInstrument: FG6\nExtent of Exam: Pylorus\nIndications: Other-\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: 3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm.,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm.,The intervening mucosa looks normal.,No specific lesion identified.,Mucosal inflammation with 0: No bleeding.,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow.,DUODENUM: Normal to D3.,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis","HospitalNumber":" S1985702\n","PatientName":" Lin, Thao\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Nolan, Brianna\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-12-31","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Needham, April\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 125mcg\nMidazolam 3mg\n","Instrument":" FG6\n","ExtentofExam":" Pylorus\n","Indications":" Other-\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" 3 columns of barely noticeable oesophagal varices at 11, 2 and 6 o'clock at 32-37cm\n,Top of gastrisc folds:43cm\n,The intervening mucosa looks normal\n,No specific lesion identified\n,Mucosal inflammation with 0: No bleeding\n,OESOPHAGUS: island of Barrett's oesophagus,OESOPHAGUS: angulation of proximal oesophagus as described on barium swallow\n,DUODENUM: Normal to D3\n,D2 biopsies taken n view of diarrhoea\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: D4796018\nPatient Name: Jackson, Porsha\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Tran, Allyson\nDate of procedure: 2015-08-20\nEndoscopist: Dr. Martinez, Maegen\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. el-Ramadan, Khaalida\nMedications: Fentanyl 12.5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG7\nExtent of Exam: GOJ\nIndications: Oesophagus- Dysplasia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: GOJ nodular area from 38cm-44cm-multiple biopsies taken.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" D4796018\n","PatientName":" Jackson, Porsha\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Tran, Allyson\n","Dateofprocedure":"2015-08-20","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Martinez, Maegen\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n el-Ramadan, Khaalida\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 12\n5mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG7\n","ExtentofExam":" GOJ\n","Indications":" Oesophagus- Dysplasia\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" GOJ nodular area from 38cm-44cm-multiple biopsies taken\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: N2905244\nPatient Name: Pinch, Luna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Bryant, Laura\nDate of procedure: 2001-02-15\nEndoscopist: Dr. Moreno, Lauren\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Failed intubation\nIndications: Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: No evidence of oesophageal varices.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Gastritis,Possible achalasia.,Oesophagitis. ","HospitalNumber":" N2905244\n","PatientName":" Pinch, Luna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Bryant, Laura\n","Dateofprocedure":"2001-02-15","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Moreno, Lauren\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 2mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Failed intubation\n","Indications":" Haematemesis or Melaena/Blood PR\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" No evidence of oesophageal varices\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: Q7729897\nPatient Name: English, Brianna\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Akiyama, Maggie\nDate of procedure: 2005-02-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Gardner, Jayda\nMedications: Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\nInstrument: FG1\nExtent of Exam: Oesophagus\nIndications: Weight Loss\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Barrett's Oesophagus.,OESOPHAGUS: candidiasis from 10 to 25 cm .,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm.,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm .,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall .,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight.,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia.,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Esophageal candidiasis ,Hiatus Hernia. ,Possible achalasia.","HospitalNumber":" Q7729897\n","PatientName":" English, Brianna\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Akiyama, Maggie\n","Dateofprocedure":"2005-02-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n al-Arif, Ummu Kulthoom\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Gardner, Jayda\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 50mcg\nMidazolam 6mg\n","Instrument":" FG1\n","ExtentofExam":" Oesophagus\n","Indications":" Weight Loss\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Barrett's Oesophagus\n,OESOPHAGUS: candidiasis from 10 to 25 cm \n,Diaphragmatic pinch: 39cm : 34cm\n,OESOPHAGUS: Normal to GOJ at 40 cm \n,OESOPHAGUS: patchy area of candidiasis on the right wall \n,towards end of procedure, pylorus less tight\n,Oesophagus dilated; Grade 3 oesophagitis from30-38 cm; 2 cm sliding hiatus hernia\n,No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis seen\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H9801234\nPatient Name: Flores, Veronica\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Moore, Soukaina\nDate of procedure: 2002-06-21\nEndoscopist: Dr. Greimann, Phoua\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Rodriguez, Debanhy\nMedications: Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D2\nIndications: Small Bowel Biopsy\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion.,Hiatus Hernia- 3-4cm.,GOJ at 38cm.,Normal D2.\n\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.","HospitalNumber":" H9801234\n","PatientName":" Flores, Veronica\n","GeneralPractitioner":" Dr\n Moore, Soukaina\n","Dateofprocedure":"2002-06-21","Endoscopist":" Dr\n Greimann, Phoua\n","Secondendoscopist":" Dr\n Rodriguez, Debanhy\n","Medications":" Fentanyl 25mcg\nMidazolam 4mg\n","Instrument":" FG2\n","ExtentofExam":" D2\n","Indications":" Small Bowel Biopsy\n","ProcedurePerformed":" Gastroscopy (OGD)\n","Findings":" Stomach: x2 inflammatory polyps at cardia, best seen on inversion\n,Hiatus Hernia- 3-4cm\n,GOJ at 38cm\n,Normal D2\n\n\n"} {"OGDReportWhole":"Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: R3882435\nPatient Name: al-Saleh, Muzaina\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Sun, Lisa\nDate of procedure: 2013-07-16\nEndoscopist: Dr. Kola-Kehinde, Karisma\nSecond endoscopist: Dr. Needham, April\nMedications: Fentanyl 75mcg\nMidazolam 1mg\nInstrument: FG2\nExtent of Exam: D1\nIndications: Dyspepsia\nProcedure Performed: Gastroscopy (OGD)\nFindings: There looked like possible extension into fundus - target biopsied.,Mild erosive gastritis, likely due to Aspirin - CLO test negative.,He has H Pylori eradication following last examination.,Oesophaghus was furrowed and mild trachealisation .,OESOPHAGUS: tight proximal anastomotic stricture - dilated 20mm.,Duodenum: Duodenitis with a small erosion .,DUODENUM: Normal D2 biospies taken.,Four D2 biopsies were takento rule out coeliac disease.\nArea APC'd\nEndoscopic Diagnosis: Food bolus obstructing the oesophagus.,Extensive ne