--- title: "How many randomizations?" author: "Joel H. Nitta" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette date: "05 April, 2023" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How many randomizations?} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} bibliography: nrand_references.yaml editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- A central part of CANAPE is comparing observed values with randomizations. It is up to the user to set the number of randomizations... but how does one know if the number of randomizations is sufficient? (**This vignette assumes a basic understanding of CANAPE, community data matrices, and randomizations**. If you aren't familiar with any of these, you should probably see the [the CANAPE example vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/canaper/articles/canape.html) first). ## A word about randomization algorithms There is a rich literature on choice of randomization algorithms in ecology (see references below), so I won't go into this too much, but **choice of algorithm can have a large impact on results**, so it's important to understand. As described by @Strona2018, randomization algorithms can vary in their degree of degree of conservation; that is, how closely they resemble the original data. At one extreme, some algorithms require row and column sums (i.e., marginal sums) to be perfectly preserved between the original data and the randomized data (more conservative)^[In the case of a community matrix with species as columns and rows as sites, the row sums are the total richness per site and the column sums are the total abundance per species. So preserving these means that rare species stay rare, sites with few species stay that way, etc. Only the species identity in each site changes.]; at the other, marginal sums may be completely different (less conservative). More conservative algorithms are less prone to type II error but more prone to type I error; the opposite is true for less conservative algorithms. Generally you want the randomization algorithm to only change the one aspect of the data that you are interested in testing. The ultimate choice of algorithm will depend on the data, ecological conditions, and computing restraints. `canaper` uses the [`vegan` package](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vegan) for randomizations. There are a large number of pre-defined randomization algorithms available in `vegan`^[31 as of `vegan` v2.6.4, though not all may be applicable.], as well as the option to provide a user-defined algorithm. For details about each pre-defined algorithm, see `vegan::commsim()`. For this vignette, I will use the `swap` algorithm, a "more conservative" algorithm that preserves marginal sums [@Gotelli2003] and has been widely used in ecological studies^[The [Biodiverse blog has a nice explanation of the `swap` algorithm](http://biodiverse-analysis-software.blogspot.com/2020/12/biodiverse-now-includes-independent.html).]. ## Replicates vs. iterations Before proceeding, we need to clarify some terminology. `cpr_rand_test()` includes two arguments, `n_reps` and `n_iterations`. These sound similar but refer to two very different things. `n_reps` is the number of random communities to simulate. For example, if `n_reps` is 100, will we be comparing each observed value (e.g., phylogenetic diversity, `pd_obs`), with 100 random replicates of `pd_obs`. If `n_reps` is too low, we will lack sufficiently statistical power to detect patterns in the data. `n_iterations` is only used by some randomization algorithms, the "sequential" algorithms. Sequential algorithms randomize a community matrix by exchanging values between existing cells ("swapping"). As you might guess, the `swap` algorithm is a sequential algorithm. One such swap is a single "iteration". If the total number of iterations, `n_iterations`, is too low, the randomized matrix won't be sufficiently randomized, and will still resemble the original matrix^[A third argument, `thin`, only applies to a small number of algorithms; for details, see `vegan::commsim()`]. If either `n_reps` or `n_iterations` are set too high, it will take overly long to finish the calculations. So our goal is to set them sufficiently high to achieve proper randomization, but not so high `cpr_rand_test()` never finishes. ## Effect of `n_iterations` First, let's load the packages used in this vignette. ```r library(canaper) # This package library(tictoc) # For timing # For data-wrangling and plotting library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) ``` Next we will test the effects of `n_iterations`, using the [test dataset that comes with `canaper`](https://docs.ropensci.org/canaper/reference/biod_example.html) (and [Biodiverse](https://github.com/shawnlaffan/biodiverse/tree/master/data)). I will compare the percentage similarity between the original matrix and successive iterations of a randomized matrix. This can be done using the `cpr_iter_sim()` function: ```r # Conduct up to 10,000 iterations (swaps), # recording similarity every 10 iterations iter_sim_res <- cpr_iter_sim( comm = biod_example$comm, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 10000, thin = 10, seed = 123 ) # Check the output iter_sim_res #> # A tibble: 1,000 × 2 #> iteration similarity #> #> 1 10 0.990 #> 2 20 0.981 #> 3 30 0.973 #> 4 40 0.965 #> 5 50 0.957 #> 6 60 0.949 #> 7 70 0.944 #> 8 80 0.938 #> 9 90 0.934 #> 10 100 0.928 #> # … with 990 more rows # Plot the results ggplot(iter_sim_res, aes(x = iteration, y = similarity)) + geom_line() + labs(x = "Num. iterations", y = "% Similarity") ``` ![`iter_sim_res()` results](vigfig-test-n-iter-1.png) From this, we can see that the original community and the randomized community reach a maximum dissimilarity at ca. 500--1,000 iterations. After that, the randomized community doesn't become any more different with additional "mixing". Note that the number of iterations required **will vary based on the dataset**. Large matrices with many zeros will likely take more iterations, and even then still retain relatively high similarity between the original matrix and the randomized matrix. So I recommend exploring the data as above to determine the minimum number of iterations needed. Now that we've settled on the number of iterations per random replicate (1,000), let's look into the number of replicates. ## Effect of `n_reps` With randomizations, there is no "right" answer, so we can't test to see that `cpr_rand_test()` produces the exact answer we're looking for. Rather, we will check that it starts to **converge on approximately the same result** once `n_reps` is high enough. Here, I will compare the percentile of observed phylogenetic diversity relative to random (`pd_obs_p_upper`, [one of the values used for calculating endemism type](https://docs.ropensci.org/canaper/articles/canape.html#classify-endemism)) between pairs of random communities each generated with the same number of replicates^[Other values based on the randomizations could be checked too (e.g., values ending in `_obs_z`, `_rand_mean`, or `_rand_sd`).]. I will also time calculations for one of each pair. ```r # Specify a different random seed for each set of randomizations so they give # different, reproducible results # First set (time these) set.seed(12345) tic() res_10_1 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 10, tbl_out = TRUE ) toc() #> 2.681 sec elapsed tic() res_100_1 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 100, tbl_out = TRUE ) toc() #> 3.672 sec elapsed tic() res_1000_1 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 1000, tbl_out = TRUE ) toc() #> 15.465 sec elapsed # Second set set.seed(67890) res_10_2 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 10, tbl_out = TRUE ) res_100_2 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 100, tbl_out = TRUE ) res_1000_2 <- cpr_rand_test( biod_example$comm, biod_example$phy, null_model = "swap", n_iterations = 1000, n_reps = 1000, tbl_out = TRUE ) ``` Next, plot the results. ```r # We will make the same plot repeatedly, so write # a quick function to avoid lots of copying and pasting plot_comp <- function(res_1, res_2) { left_join( select(res_1, site, pd_obs_p_upper_1 = pd_obs_p_upper), select(res_2, site, pd_obs_p_upper_2 = pd_obs_p_upper), by = "site" ) |> ggplot(aes(x = pd_obs_p_upper_1, y = pd_obs_p_upper_2)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) } ``` ```r plot_comp(res_10_1, res_10_2) + labs(title = "10 replicates") ``` ![Comparison of `pd_obs_p_upper` across runs, 10 reps](vigfig-n-reps-plots-10-1.png) ```r plot_comp(res_100_1, res_100_2) + labs(title = "100 replicates") ``` ![Comparison of `pd_obs_p_upper` across runs, 100 reps](vigfig-n-reps-plots-100-1.png) ```r plot_comp(res_1000_1, res_1000_2) + labs(title = "1000 replicates") ``` ![Comparison of `pd_obs_p_upper` across runs, 1,000 reps](vigfig-n-reps-plots-1000-1.png) This visualization shows how the randomization results converge as `n_reps` increases. The above plots illustrate convergence for one particular aspect of CANAPE, but what about endemism type itself? We can look at that too. ```r # Define a helper function that joins two datasets and calculates % agreement # on endemism type between them calc_agree_endem <- function(df_1, df_2, n_reps) { left_join( df_1 |> cpr_classify_endem() |> select(site, endem_type_1 = endem_type), df_2 |> cpr_classify_endem() |> select(site, endem_type_2 = endem_type), by = "site" ) |> mutate(agree = endem_type_1 == endem_type_2) |> summarize(agree = sum(agree), total = n()) |> mutate( p_agree = agree / total, n_reps = n_reps ) } bind_rows( calc_agree_endem(res_10_1, res_10_2, 10), calc_agree_endem(res_100_1, res_100_2, 100), calc_agree_endem(res_1000_1, res_1000_2, 1000), ) #> # A tibble: 3 × 4 #> agree total p_agree n_reps #> #> 1 100 127 0.787 10 #> 2 118 127 0.929 100 #> 3 125 127 0.984 1000 ``` At 1,000 replicates, we see very high agreement on endemism type between the two randomizations. Of course, another important consideration is **how long** calculations take. You can see that time increases with `n_reps`, but not exactly in a linear fashion. We don't have the space to go into benchmarking here, but this illustrates the time / `n_reps` trade-off^[You may be able to speed things up with parallelization, depending on the dataset. For details, see [the CANAPE example vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/canaper/articles/canape.html#randomization-test).]. ## Conclusion In this case (the [example dataset](https://docs.ropensci.org/canaper/reference/biod_example.html) that comes with `canaper`), we see that a minimum of 1,000 random replicates with 1,000 swapping iterations per replicate is probably needed to attain robust results. I hope this vignette helps you determine the settings to use for your own dataset! ## References