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# CITATION file created with {cffr} R package
# See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/
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cff-version: 1.2.0
message: 'To cite package "phonfieldwork" in publications use:'
type: software
license: GPL-2.0-or-later
title: 'phonfieldwork: Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork Tools'
version: 0.0.17
- type: doi
value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.phonfieldwork
- type: url
value: https://docs.ropensci.org/phonfieldwork/
abstract: 'There are a lot of different typical tasks that have to be solved during
phonetic research and experiments. This includes creating a presentation that will
contain all stimuli, renaming and concatenating multiple sound files recorded during
a session, automatic annotation in ''Praat'' TextGrids (this is one of the sound
annotation standards provided by ''Praat'' software, see Boersma & Weenink 2020
), creating an html table with annotations and
spectrograms, and converting multiple formats (''Praat'' TextGrid, ''ELAN'', ''EXMARaLDA'',
''Audacity'', subtitles ''.srt'', and ''FLEx'' flextext). All of these tasks can
be solved by a mixture of different tools (any programming language has programs
for automatic renaming, and Praat contains scripts for concatenating and renaming
files, etc.). ''phonfieldwork'' provides a functionality that will make it easier
to solve those tasks independently of any additional tools. You can also compare
the functionality with other packages: ''rPraat'' ,
''textgRid'' .'
- family-names: Moroz
given-names: George
email: agricolamz@gmail.com
orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1990-6083
type: generic
title: Phonetic fieldwork research and experiments with the R package phonfieldwork
- family-names: Moroz
given-names: George
email: agricolamz@gmail.com
orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1990-6083
year: '2023'
collection-title: «…Vperyod i vverkh po lestnitse zvuchashey». Sbornik statye k
80-letiyu Olgi Fyodorovny Krivnovoy [Festschrift in memoriam to Olga Fyodorovna
collection-type: collection
- family-names: Kobozeva
given-names: I. M.
- family-names: Semyonova
given-names: K. P.
- family-names: Kostyuk
given-names: A. E.
- family-names: Zakharov
given-names: L. M.
- family-names: Svetozarova
given-names: N. D.
name: Buki Vedi
address: Moscow
repository: https://ropensci.r-universe.dev
repository-code: https://github.com/ropensci/phonfieldwork
commit: 9a5996a9e7112a7df905530b6abb65ac180cc43a
url: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=phonfieldwork
- family-names: Moroz
given-names: George
email: agricolamz@gmail.com
orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1990-6083
- type: manual
title: Phonetic fieldwork and experiments with phonfieldwork package
- family-names: Moroz
given-names: George
year: '2020'
url: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=phonfieldwork