Tools for Working with R-universe and its APIs.
You can install the development version of universe from r-universe:
Or the development version of universe from GitHub with:
Documentation is available on
Use runiverse::add()
to opt-in to a package repository
(this will modify your options('repos')
For more details see the documentation for runiverse::add().
#> Attaching package: 'universe'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> remove
#> [1] "RAppArmor" "V8" "badgen" "base64" "bcrypt" "brotli"
#> [7] "curl" "gpg" "js" "jsonlite" "maketools" "mongolite"
#> [13] "openssl" "protolite" "rjade" "sys" "unix" "webp"
#> [19] "webutils"
universe_all_packages("jeroen", limit = 1) |>
str(max.level = 2)
#> List of 1
#> $ :List of 76
#> ..$ Package : chr "openssl"
#> ..$ Type : chr "Package"
#> ..$ Title : chr "Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on\nOpenSSL"
#> ..$ Version : chr "2.3.0"
#> ..$ Authors@R : chr "c(person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\",\ncomment = c(ORCID"| __truncated__
#> ..$ Description : chr "Bindings to OpenSSL libssl and libcrypto, plus custom SSH\nkey parsers. Supports RSA, DSA and EC curves P-256, "| __truncated__
#> ..$ License : chr "MIT + file LICENSE"
#> ..$ URL : chr ""
#> ..$ BugReports : chr ""
#> ..$ SystemRequirements: chr "OpenSSL >= 1.0.2"
#> ..$ VignetteBuilder : chr "knitr"
#> ..$ RoxygenNote : chr "7.3.2"
#> ..$ Encoding : chr "UTF-8"
#> ..$ Roxygen : chr "list(markdown = TRUE)"
#> ..$ Config/pak/sysreqs: chr "libssl-dev"
#> ..$ Repository : chr ""
#> ..$ RemoteUrl : chr ""
#> ..$ RemoteRef : chr "HEAD"
#> ..$ RemoteSha : chr "597003e7aa95106cd34ff82c431e551a1e1e2978"
#> ..$ NeedsCompilation : chr "yes"
#> ..$ Packaged :List of 2
#> ..$ Author : chr "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<>),\nOliver Keyes [ctb]"
#> ..$ Maintainer : chr "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>"
#> ..$ MD5sum : chr "9d7591c7946c8940cb349c6be596a01c"
#> ..$ _user : chr "jeroen"
#> ..$ _type : chr "src"
#> ..$ _file : chr "openssl_2.3.0.tar.gz"
#> ..$ _fileid : chr "85871dedbf550e8c2b7b0756c9f90f188dbce5339a51b6d36278ef35e48b79d9"
#> ..$ _filesize : int 502923
#> ..$ _sha256 : chr "85871dedbf550e8c2b7b0756c9f90f188dbce5339a51b6d36278ef35e48b79d9"
#> ..$ _created : chr "2024-12-16T14:24:38.000Z"
#> ..$ _published : chr "2024-12-16T14:30:01.595Z"
#> ..$ _upstream : chr ""
#> ..$ _commit :List of 5
#> ..$ _maintainer :List of 8
#> ..$ _distro : chr "noble"
#> ..$ _host : chr "GitHub-Actions"
#> ..$ _status : chr "success"
#> ..$ _pkgdocs : chr "skipped"
#> ..$ _winbinary : chr "success"
#> ..$ _macbinary : chr "success"
#> ..$ _wasmbinary : chr "success"
#> ..$ _linuxdevel : chr "success"
#> ..$ _windevel : chr "success"
#> ..$ _buildurl : chr ""
#> ..$ _registered : logi TRUE
#> ..$ _dependencies :List of 9
#> ..$ _owner : chr "jeroen"
#> ..$ _selfowned : logi TRUE
#> ..$ _usedby : int 4897
#> ..$ _updates :List of 12
#> ..$ _tags :List of 1
#> ..$ _stars : int 65
#> ..$ _contributions :List of 12
#> ..$ _userbio :List of 4
#> ..$ _downloads :List of 2
#> ..$ _mentions : int 7
#> ..$ _devurl : chr ""
#> ..$ _searchresults : int 612
#> ..$ _topics :List of 1
#> ..$ _assets :List of 11
#> ..$ _homeurl : chr ""
#> ..$ _realowner : chr "jeroen"
#> ..$ _cranurl : logi TRUE
#> ..$ _releases :List of 45
#> ..$ _exports :List of 78
#> ..$ _help :List of 22
#> ..$ _readme : chr ""
#> ..$ _rundeps :List of 2
#> ..$ _sysdeps :List of 2
#> ..$ _vignettes :List of 4
#> ..$ _score : num 18
#> ..$ _indexed : logi TRUE
#> ..$ _nocasepkg : chr "openssl"
#> ..$ _universes :List of 1
#> ..$ _binaries :List of 11
universe_one_package("jeroen", package = "curl") |>
str(max.level = 1)
#> List of 77
#> $ Package : chr "curl"
#> $ Type : chr "Package"
#> $ Title : chr "A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R"
#> $ Version : chr "6.0.2"
#> $ Authors@R : chr "c(\nperson(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\",\ncomment = c(ORC"| __truncated__
#> $ Description : chr "Bindings to 'libcurl' <> for\nperforming fully configurable HTTP/FTP requests where res"| __truncated__
#> $ License : chr "MIT + file LICENSE"
#> $ SystemRequirements: chr "libcurl (>= 7.62): libcurl-devel (rpm) or\nlibcurl4-openssl-dev (deb)"
#> $ URL : chr ""
#> $ BugReports : chr ""
#> $ VignetteBuilder : chr "knitr"
#> $ RoxygenNote : chr ""
#> $ Encoding : chr "UTF-8"
#> $ Language : chr "en-US"
#> $ Roxygen : chr "list(markdown = TRUE)"
#> $ Config/pak/sysreqs: chr "libssl-dev"
#> $ Repository : chr ""
#> $ RemoteUrl : chr ""
#> $ RemoteRef : chr "HEAD"
#> $ RemoteSha : chr "0ae1b4417997ec463b6e94467d5cea7885d89ffa"
#> $ NeedsCompilation : chr "yes"
#> $ Packaged :List of 2
#> $ Author : chr "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<>),\nHadley Wickham [ctb],\nPosit Software, PBC [cph]"
#> $ Maintainer : chr "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>"
#> $ MD5sum : chr "1ac26287b3842f0a3099f7f0d0d81959"
#> $ _user : chr "jeroen"
#> $ _type : chr "src"
#> $ _file : chr "curl_6.0.2.tar.gz"
#> $ _fileid : chr "661a84585f9630524123856115ea4f7ca8988d062fa43d4aab026a1492d7a165"
#> $ _filesize : int 534088
#> $ _sha256 : chr "661a84585f9630524123856115ea4f7ca8988d062fa43d4aab026a1492d7a165"
#> $ _created : chr "2024-12-04T20:29:42.000Z"
#> $ _published : chr "2024-12-09T15:25:58.349Z"
#> $ _upstream : chr ""
#> $ _commit :List of 5
#> $ _maintainer :List of 8
#> $ _distro : chr "noble"
#> $ _host : chr "GitHub-Actions"
#> $ _status : chr "success"
#> $ _pkgdocs : chr "skipped"
#> $ _winbinary : chr "success"
#> $ _macbinary : chr "success"
#> $ _wasmbinary : chr "none"
#> $ _linuxdevel : chr "success"
#> $ _windevel : chr "success"
#> $ _buildurl : chr ""
#> $ _registered : logi TRUE
#> $ _dependencies :List of 9
#> $ _owner : chr "jeroen"
#> $ _selfowned : logi TRUE
#> $ _usedby : int 5681
#> $ _updates :List of 18
#> $ _tags :List of 3
#> $ _stars : int 220
#> $ _contributions :List of 23
#> $ _userbio :List of 4
#> $ _downloads :List of 2
#> $ _mentions : int 21
#> $ _devurl : chr ""
#> $ _searchresults : int 3808
#> $ _topics :List of 1
#> $ _assets :List of 11
#> $ _homeurl : chr ""
#> $ _realowner : chr "jeroen"
#> $ _cranurl : logi TRUE
#> $ _releases :List of 48
#> $ _exports :List of 42
#> $ _help :List of 19
#> $ _readme : chr ""
#> $ _rundeps : list()
#> $ _sysdeps :List of 1
#> $ _vignettes :List of 2
#> $ _score : num 19.8
#> $ _indexed : logi TRUE
#> $ _nocasepkg : chr "curl"
#> $ _universes :List of 1
#> $ _binaries :List of 9