Package: MODIStsp 2.1.0

Luigi Ranghetti

MODIStsp: Find, Download and Process MODIS Land Products Data

Allows automating the creation of time series of rasters derived from MODIS satellite land products data. It performs several typical preprocessing steps such as download, mosaicking, reprojecting and resizing data acquired on a specified time period. All processing parameters can be set using a user-friendly GUI. Users can select which layers of the original MODIS HDF files they want to process, which additional quality indicators should be extracted from aggregated MODIS quality assurance layers and, in the case of surface reflectance products, which spectral indexes should be computed from the original reflectance bands. For each output layer, outputs are saved as single-band raster files corresponding to each available acquisition date. Virtual files allowing access to the entire time series as a single file are also created. Command-line execution exploiting a previously saved processing options file is also possible, allowing users to automatically update time series related to a MODIS product whenever a new image is available. For additional documentation refer to the following article: Busetto and Ranghetti (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.08.020>.

Authors:Lorenzo Busetto [aut], Luigi Ranghetti [aut, cre], Leah Wasser [rev], Jeff Hanson [rev], Babak Naimi [ctb]

MODIStsp.pdf |MODIStsp.html
MODIStsp/json (API)

# Install 'MODIStsp' in R:
install.packages('MODIStsp', repos = c('', ''))

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8.04 score 156 stars 1 packages 86 scripts 233 downloads 9 mentions 9 exports 72 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:fdd94a41fb (on master). Checks:5 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 07 2025



MODIStsp: A Tool for Automatic Preprocessing of MODIS Time Series - v2.0.5

Rendered fromMODIStsp.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 07 2025.

Last update: 2023-10-13
Started: 2015-06-30

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
MODIStsp: a package to automatize the creation of time series of raster images derived from MODIS Land ProductsMODIStsp-package
Retrieve bbox from a spatial filebbox_from_file
Check if all files required for a given date already existcheck_files_existence
Check the validity of the input projectioncheck_projection check_projection.character check_projection.default check_projection.numeric
Find MODIS dates included in selected processing periodget_mod_dates
Get list of MODIS data folders from http serverget_mod_dirs
Find the names of MODIS images corresponding to the selected datesget_mod_filenames
Identify the MODIS original bands needed for a given processing runget_reqbands
identify dates to be processed for a yearget_yeardates
Install a launcher for MODIStspinstall_MODIStsp_launcher
Load characteristics of the different MODIS productsload_prodopts
MODIStsp main functionMODIStsp
Add custom spectral indexesMODIStsp_addindex
MODIStsp download functionMODIStsp_download
Extract data from MODIStsp time seriesMODIStsp_extract
Retrieve the names of MODIS layers for a productMODIStsp_get_prodlayers
Retrieve the names of all available productMODIStsp_get_prodnames
Build and manage the MODIStsp GUIMODIStsp_GUI
MODIStsp main processing functionMODIStsp_process
MODIStsp helper for processing original HDF layersMODIStsp_process_bands
MODIStsp helper for computing spectral indexesMODIStsp_process_indexes
MODIStsp helper function to compute Quality Indicators from HDF bit-field layersMODIStsp_process_QA_bits
Read MODIS products characteristics from XMLMODIStsp_read_xml
Remove custom spectral indexesMODIStsp_resetindexes
Create MODIStsp virtual filesMODIStsp_vrt_create
Spawn processing update messagesprocess_message
Reproject a bounding boxreproj_bbox
Helper function to determine the bands needed to compute SIs and QIsset_bandind_matrix
Split NODATA values or create matrix for reclassificationcreate_nodata_rcl split_nodata_values