Package: targets

William Michael Landau

targets: Dynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative Pipelines

Pipeline tools coordinate the pieces of computationally demanding analysis projects. The 'targets' package is a 'Make'-like pipeline tool for statistics and data science in R. The package skips costly runtime for tasks that are already up to date, orchestrates the necessary computation with implicit parallel computing, and abstracts files as R objects. If all the current output matches the current upstream code and data, then the whole pipeline is up to date, and the results are more trustworthy than otherwise. The methodology in this package borrows from GNU 'Make' (2015, ISBN:978-9881443519) and 'drake' (2018, <doi:10.21105/joss.00550>).

Authors:William Michael Landau [aut, cre], Matthew T. Warkentin [ctb], Mark Edmondson [ctb], Samantha Oliver [rev], Tristan Mahr [rev], Eli Lilly and Company [cph, fnd]

targets.pdf |targets.html
targets/json (API)

# Install 'targets' in R:
install.packages('targets', repos = c('', ''))

Reviews:rOpenSci Software Review #401

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15.14 score 961 stars 20 packages 4.4k scripts 13k downloads 230 exports 31 dependencies

Last updated 8 days agofrom:96e048777d (on main). Checks:4 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 12 2025



An overview of targets

Rendered fromoverview.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-06-26
Started: 2021-01-08

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
targets: Dynamic Function-Oriented Make-Like Declarative Pipelines for Rtargets-package
Show if the pipeline is running.tar_active
Assertionstar_assert tar_assert_chr tar_assert_dbl tar_assert_df tar_assert_envir tar_assert_equal_lengths tar_assert_expr tar_assert_file tar_assert_finite tar_assert_flag tar_assert_function tar_assert_function_arguments tar_assert_ge tar_assert_identical tar_assert_in tar_assert_inherits tar_assert_int tar_assert_internet tar_assert_lang tar_assert_le tar_assert_lgl tar_assert_list tar_assert_match tar_assert_name tar_assert_named tar_assert_names tar_assert_nonempty tar_assert_nonmissing tar_assert_not_dir tar_assert_not_dirs tar_assert_not_expr tar_assert_not_in tar_assert_null tar_assert_nzchar tar_assert_package tar_assert_path tar_assert_positive tar_assert_scalar tar_assert_store tar_assert_target tar_assert_target_list tar_assert_true tar_assert_unique tar_assert_unique_targets
Superseded: exponential backofftar_backoff
Integer branch indexestar_branch_index
Branch namestar_branch_names tar_branch_names_raw
Reconstruct the branch names and the names of their dependencies.tar_branches
Identify the called 'targets' function.tar_call
Cancel a target mid-execution under a custom condition.tar_cancel
List canceled targets.tar_canceled
List completed targets.tar_completed
Conditionstar_condition tar_error tar_message tar_message_run tar_message_validate tar_print tar_throw_file tar_throw_run tar_throw_validate tar_warning tar_warn_deprecate tar_warn_run tar_warn_validate
Get configuration settings.tar_config_get
List projects.tar_config_projects
Set configuration settings.tar_config_set
Unset configuration settings.tar_config_unset
Read _targets.yaml.tar_config_yaml
Get crew worker info.tar_crew
Declare the rules that cue a target.tar_cue
For developers only: get the definition of the current target.tar_definition
Delete target output values.tar_delete
Code dependenciestar_deps tar_deps_raw
Select targets using their descriptions.tar_described_as
Destroy the data store.tar_destroy
List dispatched targets.tar_dispatched
Open the target script file for editing.tar_edit
Target Markdown 'knitr' enginetar_engine_knitr
For developers only: get the environment of the current target.tar_envir
Show 'targets' environment variables.tar_envvars
List errored targets.tar_errored
Check if target metadata exists.tar_exist_meta
Check if local output data exists for one or more targets.tar_exist_objects
Check if process metadata exists.tar_exist_process
Check if progress metadata exists.tar_exist_progress
Check if the target script file exists.tar_exist_script
Define a custom target storage format.tar_format
Current storage format.tar_format_get
Set up GitHub Actions to run a targets pipelinetar_github_actions
Visualize an abridged fast dependency graph.tar_glimpse
Group a data frame to iterate over subsets of rows.tar_group
Write a helper R script.tar_helper tar_helper_raw
Run if Target Markdown interactive mode is on.tar_interactive
Delete one or more metadata records (e.g. to rerun a target).tar_invalidate
Languagetar_deparse_language tar_deparse_safe tar_language tar_tidyselect_eval tar_tidy_eval
Load the values of targets.tar_load tar_load_raw
Load the values of all available targets.tar_load_everything
Load globals for debugging, testing, and prototypingtar_load_globals
Run a pipeline of targets.tar_make
Superseded. Run a pipeline with persistent 'clustermq' workers.tar_make_clustermq
Superseded. Run a pipeline of targets in parallel with transient 'future' workers.tar_make_future
Produce a data frame of information about your targets.tar_manifest
'mermaid.js' dependency graph.tar_mermaid
Read a project's metadata.tar_meta
Delete metadata.tar_meta_delete
download local metadata to the cloud.tar_meta_download
Synchronize cloud metadata.tar_meta_sync
Upload local metadata to the cloud.tar_meta_upload
Get the name of the target currently running.tar_name
Return the vertices and edges of a pipeline dependency graph.tar_network
List new targetstar_newer
Run if Target Markdown interactive mode is not on.tar_noninteractive
List saved targetstar_objects
List old targetstar_older
Get a target option.tar_option_get
Reset all target options.tar_option_reset
Set target options.tar_option_set
Check which targets are outdated.tar_outdated
Current target script pathtar_path_script
Directory path to the support scripts of the current target scripttar_path_script_support
Current data store pathtar_path_store
Identify the file path where a target will be stored.tar_path_target
Emulate dynamic branching.cross head map sample tail tar_pattern
Get main process ID.tar_pid
Repeatedly poll progress in the R console.tar_poll
Get main process info.tar_process
Read progress.tar_progress
Tabulate the progress of dynamic branches.tar_progress_branches
Summarize target progress.tar_progress_summary
Remove targets that are no longer part of the pipeline.tar_prune
List targets that 'tar_prune()' will remove.tar_prune_list
Read a target's value from storage.tar_read tar_read_raw
Set up package dependencies for compatibility with 'renv'tar_renv
Define a custom content-addressable storage (CAS) repository (an experimental feature).tar_repository_cas
Local content-addressable storage (CAS) repository (an experimental feature).tar_repository_cas_local
Local CAS garbage collectiontar_repository_cas_local_gc
Reproducible example of 'targets' with 'reprex'tar_reprex
Target resourcestar_resources
Target resources: Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storagetar_resources_aws
Target resources: 'clustermq' high-performance computingtar_resources_clustermq
Target resources: 'crew' high-performance computingtar_resources_crew
Target resources for custom storage formatstar_resources_custom_format
Target resources: feather storage formatstar_resources_feather
Target resources: 'fst' storage formatstar_resources_fst
Target resources: 'future' high-performance computingtar_resources_future
Target resources: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Google Cloud Storage (GCS)tar_resources_gcp
Target resources for network file systems.tar_resources_network
Target resources: parquet storage formatstar_resources_parquet
Target resources: qs storage formatstar_resources_qs
Target resources for custom storage formatstar_resources_repository_cas
Target resources: URL storage formatstar_resources_url
Write a target script file.tar_script
Create a seed for a target.tar_seed_create
Get the random number generator seed of the target currently running.tar_seed_get
Set a seed to run a target.tar_seed_set
Show the cue-by-cue status of each target.tar_sitrep
List skipped targets.tar_skipped
Run R scripts.tar_source
Declare a target.tar_target tar_target_raw
Test code in a temporary directory.tar_test
Get the timestamp(s) of a target.tar_timestamp tar_timestamp_raw
Choose code to run based on Target Markdown mode.tar_toggle
Get a target's tracebacktar_traceback
Unblock the pipeline processtar_unblock_process
Remove target script helper files.tar_unscript
Delete cloud object version IDs from local metadata.tar_unversion
Validate a pipeline of targets.tar_validate
visNetwork dependency graph.tar_visnetwork
Shiny app to watch the dependency graph.tar_watch
Shiny module server for tar_watch()tar_watch_server
Shiny module UI for tar_watch()tar_watch_ui
Load a locally saved workspace and seed for debugging.tar_workspace
Download a workspace from the cloud.tar_workspace_download
List locally saved target workspaces.tar_workspaces
Use targetsuse_targets
Use targets with Target Markdown.use_targets_rmd