Package: BaseSet

Lluís Revilla Sancho

BaseSet: Working with Sets the Tidy Way

Implements a class and methods to work with sets, doing intersection, union, complementary sets, power sets, cartesian product and other set operations in a "tidy" way. These set operations are available for both classical sets and fuzzy sets. Import sets from several formats or from other several data structures.

Authors:Lluís Revilla Sancho [aut, cre, cph], Zebulun Arendsee [rev], Jennifer Chang [rev]

BaseSet.pdf |BaseSet.html
BaseSet/json (API)

# Install 'BaseSet' in R:
install.packages('BaseSet', repos = c('', ''))

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5.22 score 11 stars 5 scripts 322 downloads 86 exports 16 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:4936e88805 (on master). Checks:1 OK, 6 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKDec 27 2024
R-4.5-winERRORDec 27 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORDec 27 2024
R-4.4-winERRORDec 27 2024
R-4.4-macERRORDec 27 2024
R-4.3-winERRORDec 27 2024
R-4.3-macERRORDec 27 2024



Advanced examples

Rendered fromadvanced.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-07-09
Started: 2019-02-11


Rendered fromBaseSet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-07-09
Started: 2023-07-09

Fuzzy sets

Rendered fromfuzzy.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-07-09
Started: 2019-09-06

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Determine the context of subsequent manipulations.activate active deactivate
Add columnadd_column add_column,TidySet,character-method
Add elements to a TidySetadd_elements
Add relationsadd_relation add_relation,TidySet,data.frame-method
Add relations to a TidySetadd_relations
Add sets to a TidySetadd_sets
Adjacencyadjacency adjacency.TidySet adjacency_element adjacency_set
Arrange the order of a TidySetarrange.TidySet arrange_element arrange_relation arrange_set
Transforms a TidySet to a
Convert to listas.list.TidySet
Combine Values into a Vector or Listc,TidySet-method
Cardinality or membership of setscardinality cardinality,TidySet-method
Create the cartesian product of two setscartesian cartesian.TidySet
Complement TidySetcomplement
Complement of elementscomplement_element complement_element,TidySet,characterORfactor-method
Complement of a setcomplement_set complement_set,TidySet,characterORfactor-method
Dimnames of a TidySetdimnames.TidySet
Drop unused elements and setsdroplevels.TidySet
Calculates the size of the elementselement_size element_size,TidySet-method
Elements of the TidySetelements elements,TidySet-method elements<- elements<-,TidySet-method nElements,TidySet,logical-method nElements,TidySet,missing-method replace_elements
Extract$,TidySet-method $<-,TidySet-method extract-TidySet [,TidySet-method [<-,TidySet-method [[,TidySet-method [[<-,TidySet-method
Filter TidySetfilter.TidySet filter_element filter_relation filter_set
Read a GAF filegetGAF
Import GMT (Gene Matrix Transposed) filesgetGMT
Read an OBO filegetOBO
Create a new set from existing elementsgroup group.TidySet
group_by TidySetgroup_by.TidySet
Incidenceincidence incidence,TidySet-method
Independence of the setsindependent
Intersection of two or more setsintersect intersection intersection,TidySet,character-method
Are some sets as elements of other sets?is_nested is_nested.TidySet
Check if a TidySet is is.fuzzy,TidySet-method
Calculates the probabilitylength_set
Length of the TidySetlength.TidySet
Lengths of the TidySetlengths,TidySet-method
Move columns between slotsmove_to move_to,TidySet,characterORfactor,characterORfactor,character-method
Probability of a vector of probabilitiesindependent_probabilities multiply_probabilities
Mutatemutate.TidySet mutate_element mutate_relation mutate_set
Name elementsname_elements name_elements,TidySet,logical-method name_elements,TidySet,missing-method name_elements<-,TidySet,logical,characterORfactor-method name_elements<-,TidySet,missing,characterORfactor-method
Rename elementsname_elements<-
Name setsname_sets name_sets,TidySet,logical-method name_sets,TidySet,missing-method name_sets<-,TidySet,logical,characterORfactor-method name_sets<-,TidySet,missing,characterORfactor-method
Rename setsname_sets<-
Names of a TidySetnames.TidySet
Name an operationnaming
Number of elementsnElements
Number of relationsnRelations
Number of setsnSets
Create the power setpower_set
Pull from a TidySetpull.TidySet pull_element pull_relation pull_set
Relations of the TidySetnRelations,TidySet-method relations relations,TidySet-method relations<- relations<-,TidySet-method replace_relations
Remove columnremove_column remove_column,TidySet,character,character-method
Remove elementsremove_element remove_element,TidySet,characterORfactor-method
Remove a relationremove_relation remove_relation,TidySet,characterORfactor,characterORfactor-method
Remove setsremove_set remove_set,TidySet,characterORfactor-method
Rename elementsrename_elements rename_elements,TidySet-method
Rename setsrename_set rename_set,TidySet-method
select from a TidySetselect.TidySet select_element select_relation select_set
Calculates the size of a setset_size set_size,TidySet-method
A subset of symbols related to setsset_symbols
Sets of the TidySetnSets,TidySet,logical-method nSets,TidySet,missing-method replace_sets sets sets,TidySet-method sets<- sets<-,TidySet-method
Method to show the TidySet objectshow,TidySet-method
Subtractsubtract subtract,TidySet,characterORfactor,characterORfactor-method
Convert GSEABase classes to a TidySettidy tidy.GeneSet tidy.GeneSetCollection
Create a TidySet objecttidySet tidySet.Go3AnnDbBimap tidySet.list tidySet.matrix tidySet.TidySet
A tidy class to represent a setTidySet TidySet-class
Join setsunion union.TidySet
Union closed setsunion_closed union_closed.TidySet
Calculates the probability of a single lengthlength_probability union_probability